A new Blockchain Scalability Solution
Zero Meetings Proof or ZMP is a revolutionary off-chain scaling mechanism that lets core blockchain developers focus on shipping code instead of going into f*cking one-on-one coffee meetings every day. Period.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-5aaa6119b48105d0"></script>ZMP technology is compatible with all existing and non-yet-existing blockchains and can be easily integrated (your mileage may vary). In order to successfully integrate ZMP in your project, you will require
- a project that is gaining enough traction for people to be willing to invite you or your engineers to "grab a coffee and chat"
- a few competent engineers, that are already working on scalability problems
- willpower to say "NO": learn to disagree and say NO to bullshit, you are here to build the future, not make babies. As Pieter levels says, by avoiding meetings you and your engineers will be able to actually get stuff done and scale your system 100x. You will almost always have larger impact gulping beer, listening to EDM and crunching code than speaking at a meetup filled with people asking questions that can easily be googled. NO SHIT
Most of the meetups are dumb. They don't add any real value to your life, rather, they create this fictional bubble in your head that makes you believe you are important and being productive. STOP Right there. It's a trap.
Zero meetups = More time = Balanced work life = More Sleep = Health = Increased productivity. QUICK MATHS 🍺
Save dumb travel expenses. Buy 🍻 instead.
…wip. This is still a draft of Zero Meetings Proof scalability proposal. Your contributions count!
You can contribute to this manifesto via editor on GitHub.