Metering supports configuration options which may be set in the spec
section of the MeteringConfig
Note: Metering does not support any default storage at this moment. If a storage configuration is not specified or improperly set, then it will fail the MeteringConfig
schema validation.
For details on different types of configuration read the relevant document:
- common configuration options
- configuring reporting-operator
- configuring storage
- configuring the Hive metastore
- configuring aws billing correlation for cost correlation
This document and other documents in the metering-operator project follow the convention of describing nested fields in configuration settings using dots as separators. For example:
Refers to the following YAML structure and value:
awsAccessKeyID: "REPLACEME"
Note: Ensure the environment variable $METERING_NAMESPACE
is properly set to the correct namespace.
To install the custom configuration file, run the following command:
kubectl -n $METERING_NAMESPACE apply -f manifests/metering-config/default.yaml