Grafana Cloud is a composable observability platform, integrating metrics, traces and logs with Grafana. Customers can leverage the best open source observability software without the overhead of installing, maintaining, and scaling your observability stack.
This document walks through how to integrate the Grafana Cloud Prometheus metrics service with Kubecost.
- You have access to a running Kubernetes cluster
- You have created a Grafana Cloud account
- You have permissions to create Grafana Cloud API keys
Install the Grafana Agent for Kubernetes on your cluster. Follow the instructions provided in the Grafana Agent for Kubernetes section of the Grafana Cloud documentation.
Once you’ve set up the Grafana Agent, we’ll need to add some extra configuration to the way Grafana Cloud Prometheus service scrapes metrics, so that Kubecost can offer more accurate cost estimates.
Create a file called extra_scrape_configs.yaml
with the following contents, replacing the grafana_prometheus_remoteWrite_url
, username
and password
placeholders to match your Grafana Cloud details, which you’ll find by visiting your organization’s Grafana Cloud Portal -> Prometheus -> Password/API key:
kind: ConfigMap
name: grafana-agent
apiVersion: v1
agent.yaml: |
http_listen_port: 12345
wal_directory: /tmp/grafana-agent-wal
scrape_interval: 60s
cluster: cloud
- name: integrations
- url: <grafana_prometheus_remoteWrite_url>
username: # API key name
password: # API key password
- bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
job_name: integrations/kubernetes/cadvisor
- role: node
- source_labels: [__name__]
Next, apply the changes in the same namespace as your Grafana Agent deployment:
$ kubectl apply extra_scrape_configs.yaml -n <namespace>
Re-start the Grafana Agent:
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/grafana-agent -n <namespace>
To set up recording rules in Grafana Cloud, download the cortextool CLI utility. While they are optional, they offer improved performance.
After installing the tool, go ahead and create a file called kubecost_rules.yaml
# kubecost_rules.yaml
namespace: "kubecost"
- name: CPU
- expr: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!=""}[5m]))
record: cluster:cpu_usage:rate5m
- expr: rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!=""}[5m])
record: cluster:cpu_usage_nosum:rate5m
- expr: avg(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD", container_name!=""}[5m])) by (container_name,pod_name,namespace)
record: kubecost_container_cpu_usage_irate
- expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD",container_name!=""}) by (container_name,pod_name,namespace)
record: kubecost_container_memory_working_set_bytes
- expr: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD",container_name!=""})
record: kubecost_cluster_memory_working_set_bytes
- name: Savings
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind!="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_cpu_allocation) by (pod))
record: kubecost_savings_cpu_allocation
daemonset: "false"
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_cpu_allocation) by (pod)) / sum(kube_node_info)
record: kubecost_savings_cpu_allocation
daemonset: "true"
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind!="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_memory_allocation_bytes) by (pod))
record: kubecost_savings_memory_allocation_bytes
daemonset: "false"
- expr: sum(avg(kube_pod_owner{owner_kind="DaemonSet"}) by (pod) * sum(container_memory_allocation_bytes) by (pod)) / sum(kube_node_info)
record: kubecost_savings_memory_allocation_bytes
daemonset: "true"
Then, making sure you are in the same directory as your kubecost_rules.yaml
, load the rules using cortextool
. Replace address with your Grafana Cloud’s Prometheus query URL.
cortextool rules load \
--address=<prometheus_url> \
--user=<grafana_cloud_userId> \
--id=<grafana_cloud_org> \
Print out the rules to verify that they’ve been loaded correctly:
cortextool rules print \
--address=<prometheus_url> \
--user=<grafana_cloud_userId> \
--id=<grafana_cloud_org> \
Re-start the Grafana Agent:
$ kubectl rollout restart deployment/grafana-agent -namespace <namespace>
If you haven’t yet installed Kubecost, install Kubecost using Helm 3, grabbing your Kubecost Token from our installation guide:
$ helm repo add kubecost
$ helm install kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer --namespace kubecost --set kubecostToken=<token>
Grab your Grafana Cloud username and API key from Step 1, and create two files in your working directory, called USERNAME
Then, generate a Kubernetes secret called dbsecret
in the same namespace as Kubecost is installed. The namespace is typically kubecost
$ kubectl create secret generic dbsecret -namespace kubecost --from-file=USERNAME --from-file=PASSWORD
Reload Kubecost, using the secret you’ve just created, and the Prometheus query URL that you can get from your organization’s Grafana Cloud Console -> Prometheus -> Query Endpoint:
$ helm upgrade kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer --namespace kubecost --set global.prometheus.fqdn=<grafana_prometheus_query_url> --set global.prometheus.enabled=false --set global.prometheus.queryServiceBasicAuthSecretName=dbsecret
That’s it! By now, you should have successfully completed the Kubecost integration with Grafana Cloud.
Optionally, you can also add our Kubecost Community Dashboard to your Grafana Cloud organization to visualize your cloud costs in Grafana.
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