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Podseidon architecture

This is a technical document describing the detailed mechanisms of Podseidon.


The PodProtector CRD that serves the following purposes:

  • Defines the availability requirement for a set of pods.
  • Reflects the current availability level of the selected set.
  • Records the recent deletion events related to the set of pods.

In the following discussion, we refer to the cluster hosting all PodProtector objects as the "core" cluster. The core cluster is required to provide strong consistency for events involving the same PodProtector object, but there is no consistency requirement for different PodProtector objects. This assumption is required to prove the correct ness of webhook.


For the sake of scalability, Podseidon supports multi-cluster architecture. The term "cell" refers to a partition of the global view of pods that can be watched independently with strong consistency guarantee. Depending on the operation details selected by the user, a "cell" can refer to any of the following or equivalent:

  • The entire cluster (for single-cluster setups)
  • A member clusters in a cluster federation
  • A namespace in a cluster
  • A label selector among a set of mutually exclusive selectors that partitions all pods in a cluster

All events occurring on the pods of the same cell must be strongly consistent, even if they are not selected by the same PodProtector object. This assumption is required to prove the correct ness of aggregator.


Generator is a component that interprets different types of workloads into PodProtector objects.

When a workload object updates, generator reconciles all PodProtectors generated from this object (identified by the labels in the PodProtector) and creates or updates required protections and deletes those that are no longer required based on the new requirements as specified by the object. In particular, PodProtector is only deleted when an explicit deletion timestamp is set on the source object. If the source object simply disappeared, generator just emits a warning metric without deleting the PodProtector. This ensures that PodProtector continues to work even when the source object is erased from etcd. PodProtector has a finalizer that only gets deleted when it is no longer required. Other components assume the PodProtector is effective as long as the finalizer exists, even if it is marked for deletion by other components. This prevents cascade deletion by other controllers from affecting the protection.

New resource interpreter plugins can be added to generator, which may generate multiple protector requirements for the same workload object.


Aggregator is a component that writes pod status to PodProtector status. Aggregator runs a reflector on all pods of the cell, as well as all PodProtector objects in the core cluster. Each pod event schedules a reconciliation for all matched PodProtectors, and each PodProtector event schedules a reconciliation for itself, both of which at a latency of aggregationRate.

The mapping from pods to matched PodProtectors happens in the synchronous event handler of the pod informer, which may affect apiserver list-watch SLI if the handler is too slow. The aggregator implementation indexes PodProtectors label selectors with a SetTrie index (Savnik, 2012), which supports querying PodProtectors in microseconds in practical scenarios.

Aggregator counts the number of available pods to the PodProtector status, as well as the time at which this number is known to be correct. Podseidon provides two algorithms to estimate this time, selected with the --aggregator-informer-synctime-algorithm option:

  • clock: the system time of the aggregator controller upon receiving the last informer event
  • status: the max observed conditions[].lastUpdateTime/deletionTimestamp field in pod objects

This timestamp is to be compared with the webhook system time during a successful admission review. Thus, clock would be too late and subject to watch lag, while status would be too early and may have a lower frequency of updates. In both cases, the algorithm is also subject to clock skew from the webhook instance.

Since a reflector stream is strongly consistent, any new pod event may be used to update the lastEventTime of that cell for any PodProtector. Aggregator internally maintains a queue called NextEventPool, which buffers the list of PodProtectors that may benefit from a newer timestamp. In test clusters and other small clusters, NextEventPool may accumulate for long periods due to lack of new pod updates to drive new events in the watch stream. In such cases, it might be useful to manually drive pod events by creating a dummy pod and updating it periodically, which is available through the --update-trigger-enable option in aggregator.


Webhook is a validating admission webhook that rejects pod deletions when the PodProtector cannot provide more unavailability quota. Webhook checks and reserves additional unavailability quota by performing a /status subresource UPDATE request to the core cluster, which provides strong consistency to ensure that only one request can succeed when trying to acquire the same quota.

When an admission review for the deletion of a ready pod is received, the webhook computes the available disruption of each matching PodProtector:

let actual_available = 0;
let estimated_available = 0;

for cell in PodProtector.status.cells {
    actual_available += cell.aggregation.availableReplicas;
    estimated_available += cell.aggregation.availableReplicas;

    for bucket in cell.admissionHistory.buckets {
        let bucket_time = bucket.endTime.unwrap_or(bucket.startTime);
        if bucket_time > cell.aggregation.lastEventTIme {
          estimated_available -= bucket.counter.unwrap_or(1);

if actual_available <= PodProtector.spec.minAvailable {
    Quota {
        disruptable: 0,
        need_retry: 0,
} else if estimated_available <= PodProtector.spec.minAvailable {
    Quota {
        disruptable: 0,
        need_retry: actual_available - PodProtector.spec.minAvailable,
} else {
    Quota {
        disruptable: estimated_available - PodProtector.spec.minAvailable,
        need_retry: actual_available - estimated_available,

If disruptable is positive, a pod may be deleted directly. If disruptable and need_retry are both zero, this means aggregator reports that the service is currently at minimum capacity and further pods must not be created until aggregator has observed more available pods.

If disruptable is zero but need_retry is positive, this indicates the quota has been reserved by another webhook request but has not been confirmed by the aggregator yet. The reservation may or may not eventually be carried out, subject to subsequent rejection from further webhooks or apiserver/etcd itself, and this can only be confirmed by receiving the watch event in the aggregator.

False positives and negatives

Depending on the sync time algorithm used, false positive and negative cases are possible.

Case 1: False negative caused by lastEventTime

participant clock
participant controller as other controllers
participant cell as cell apiserver
participant webhook
participant aggregator
participant core as core apiserver

note over clock: 00:00
controller ->> cell: delete pod X
cell ->> webhook: pod X<br>admission review
webhook ->> core: UpdateStatus<br>buckets += 00:00
core ->> webhook: 200 OK
webhook ->> cell: pod X<br>allowed=true

note over clock: 00:01
controller ->> cell: delete pod Y
cell ->> webhook: pod Y<br>admission review
webhook ->> core: UpdateStatus<br>buckets += 00:01
core ->> webhook: 200 OK
webhook ->> cell: pod Y<br>allowed=true

note over clock: 00:02
cell ->> aggregator: pod X DELETED
aggregator ->> core: UpdateStatus<br>lastEventTime = 00:02

In this case, aggregator uses the clock algorithm, which reports lastEventTime = 00:02, much later than the relevant admission time 00:00 for pod X, thus incorrectly overwriting the admission history of pod Y. It is impossible for aggregator to know whether pod Y should be excluded from the current aggregation despite its current presence in the admission history, because the final state in this flowchart is indistinguishable from the case where another admission webhook rejected the deletion of pod Y.

This case is particularly significant in a thundering herd condition, where a large amount of pods are deleted between 00:00 and 00:02 but their admission history is discarded like pod Y. To mitigate this situation, it is advisable to limit the frequency of aggregator reconciliation through the aggregationRate setting (which can be configured both per object and globally), such that aggregator would not instantly reconcile and discard the immediate subsequent admission history.

Case 2: False positive caused by aggregator latency


In reality, deployment-controller interacts with pods indirectly by scaling ReplicaSets and leaving the pod deletion work to replicaset-controller, but for simplicity we treat deployment-controller and replicaset-controller as the same component in this diagram as it does not affect the analysis result.

participant kubelet
participant cell as cell apiserver
participant dp as deployment-controller
participant webhook
participant aggregator
participant core as core apiserver

kubelet ->> cell: pod X is ready

par Pod watch events are broadcast in parallel
  cell ->> dp: CHANGED(pod X)
  dp ->> cell: delete pod Y
  cell ->> webhook: pod Y<br>admission review
  webhook ->> core: GET PodProtector
  core ->> webhook: status.aggreagtion.totalReplicas = spec.minAvailable
  webhook ->> cell: allowed=false<br>totalReplicas is too low
and False positive occurs if the status update happens later than the GET PodProtector response
  cell ->> aggregator: CHANGED(pod X)
  aggregator ->> core: status.aggregation.totalReplicas++

In this case, false positive occurs because deployment controller deletes the pod too quickly before the newly available pod is reflected in PodProtector. This generally does not lead to notable issues since replicaset-controller would just retry the pod deletion soon.