diff --git a/public/table-sort.mjs b/public/table-sort.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bfb922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/table-sort.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+Author: Lee Wannacott
+Licence: MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Lee Wannacott
+GitHub Repository: https://github.com/LeeWannacott/table-sort-js
+npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/table-sort-js
+Demo: https://leewannacott.github.io/Portfolio/#/GitHub
+Frontend: or
+Download this file and add to your HTML
+Backend: npm install table-sort-js and use require("../node_modules/table-sort-js/table-sort.js")
+ Add class="table-sort" to tables you'd like to make sortable
+ Click on the table headers to sort them.
+export function tableSortJs(testingTableSortJS = false, domDocumentWindow = document) {
+ function getHTMLTables() {
+ const getTagTable = !testingTableSortJS
+ ? document.getElementsByTagName("table")
+ : domDocumentWindow.getElementsByTagName("table");
+ return [getTagTable];
+ }
+ const [getTagTable] = getHTMLTables();
+ const columnIndexAndTableRow = {};
+ for (let table of getTagTable) {
+ if (
+ table.classList.contains("table-sort") &&
+ !table.classList.contains("table-processed")
+ ) {
+ makeTableSortable(table);
+ }
+ }
+ function createMissingTableHead(sortableTable) {
+ let createTableHead = !testingTableSortJS
+ ? document.createElement("thead")
+ : domDocumentWindow.createElement("thead");
+ createTableHead.appendChild(sortableTable.rows[0]);
+ sortableTable.insertBefore(createTableHead, sortableTable.firstChild);
+ }
+ function getTableBodies(sortableTable) {
+ if (sortableTable.getElementsByTagName("thead").length === 0) {
+ createMissingTableHead(sortableTable);
+ if (sortableTable.querySelectorAll("tbody").length > 1) {
+ // don't select empty tbody that the browser creates
+ return sortableTable.querySelectorAll("tbody:not(:nth-child(2))");
+ } else {
+ return sortableTable.querySelectorAll("tbody");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if
or exists below the browser will make |
+ return sortableTable.querySelectorAll("tbody");
+ }
+ }
+ function inferSortClasses(tableRows, columnIndex, column, th) {
+ try {
+ const runtimeRegex = /^(\d+h)?\s?(\d+m)?\s?(\d+s)?$/i;
+ const fileSizeRegex = /^([.0-9]+)\s?(B|KB|KiB|MB|MiB|GB|GiB|TB|TiB)/i;
+ // Don't infer dates with delimiter "."; as could capture semantic version numbers.
+ const dmyRegex = /^(\d\d?)[/-](\d\d?)[/-]((\d\d)?\d\d)/;
+ const ymdRegex = /^(\d\d\d\d)[/-](\d\d?)[/-](\d\d?)/;
+ const numericRegex =
+ /^-?(?:[$£€¥₩₽₺₣฿₿Ξξ¤¿\u20A1\uFFE0]\d{1,3}(?:[',]\d{3})*(?:\.\d+)?|\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[',]\d{3})*?)(?:%?)$/;
+ const inferableClasses = {
+ runtime: { regexp: runtimeRegex, class: "runtime-sort", count: 0 },
+ filesize: { regexp: fileSizeRegex, class: "file-size-sort", count: 0 },
+ dmyDates: { regexp: dmyRegex, class: "dates-dmy-sort", count: 0 },
+ ymdDates: { regexp: ymdRegex, class: "dates-ymd-sort", count: 0 },
+ numericRegex: { regexp: numericRegex, class: "numeric-sort", count: 0 },
+ };
+ let classNameAdded = false;
+ let regexNotFoundCount = 0;
+ const threshold = Math.ceil(tableRows.length / 2);
+ for (let tr of tableRows) {
+ if (regexNotFoundCount >= threshold) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const tableColumn = tr
+ .querySelectorAll("* > th , * > td")
+ .item(
+ column.span[columnIndex] === 1
+ ? column.spanSum[columnIndex] - 1
+ : column.spanSum[columnIndex] - column.span[columnIndex]
+ );
+ let foundMatch = false;
+ for (let key of Object.keys(inferableClasses)) {
+ let classRegexp = inferableClasses[key].regexp;
+ let columnOfTd = testingTableSortJS
+ ? tableColumn.textContent
+ : tableColumn.innerText;
+ if (columnOfTd !== undefined && columnOfTd.match(classRegexp)) {
+ foundMatch = true;
+ inferableClasses[key].count++;
+ }
+ if (inferableClasses[key].count >= threshold) {
+ th.classList.add(inferableClasses[key].class);
+ classNameAdded = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (classNameAdded) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!foundMatch) {
+ regexNotFoundCount++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ function makeTableSortable(sortableTable) {
+ sortableTable.classList.add("table-processed");
+ const table = {
+ bodies: getTableBodies(sortableTable),
+ theads: sortableTable.querySelectorAll("thead"),
+ rows: [],
+ headers: [],
+ };
+ for (let index of table.theads.keys()) {
+ table.headers.push(
+ table.theads.item(index).querySelectorAll("* > th , * > td")
+ );
+ }
+ for (let index of table.bodies.keys()) {
+ if (table.bodies.item(index) == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ table.rows.push(table.bodies.item(index).querySelectorAll("tr"));
+ }
+ table.hasClass = {
+ noClassInfer: sortableTable.classList.contains("no-class-infer"),
+ cellsSort: sortableTable.classList.contains("cells-sort"),
+ tableArrows: sortableTable.classList.contains("table-arrows"),
+ rememberSort: sortableTable.classList.contains("remember-sort"),
+ };
+ for (
+ let headerIndex = 0;
+ headerIndex < table.theads.length;
+ headerIndex++
+ ) {
+ let columnIndexesClicked = [];
+ const column = { span: {}, spanSum: {} };
+ getColSpanData(table.headers[headerIndex], column);
+ for (let [columnIndex, th] of table.headers[headerIndex].entries()) {
+ if (!th.classList.contains("disable-sort")) {
+ th.style.cursor = "pointer";
+ if (!table.hasClass.noClassInfer) {
+ inferSortClasses(table.rows[headerIndex], columnIndex, column, th);
+ }
+ makeEachColumnSortable(
+ th,
+ headerIndex,
+ columnIndex,
+ table,
+ columnIndexesClicked
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function cellsOrRows(table, tr) {
+ if (table.hasClass.cellsSort) {
+ return tr.innerHTML;
+ } else {
+ return tr.outerHTML;
+ }
+ }
+ function sortDataAttributes(table, column) {
+ for (let [i, tr] of table.visibleRows.entries()) {
+ let dataAttributeTd = column.getColumn(tr, column.spanSum, column.span)
+ .dataset.sort;
+ column.toBeSorted.push(`${dataAttributeTd}#${i}`);
+ columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]] = cellsOrRows(table, tr);
+ }
+ }
+ function sortFileSize(table, column, columnIndex) {
+ let unitToMultiplier = {
+ b: 1,
+ kb: 1000,
+ kib: 2 ** 10,
+ mb: 1e6,
+ mib: 2 ** 20,
+ gb: 1e9,
+ gib: 2 ** 30,
+ tb: 1e12,
+ tib: 2 ** 40,
+ };
+ const numberWithUnitType = /([.0-9]+)\s?(B|KB|KiB|MB|MiB|GB|GiB|TB|TiB)/i;
+ for (let [i, tr] of table.visibleRows.entries()) {
+ let fileSizeTd = tr
+ .querySelectorAll("* > th , * > td")
+ .item(columnIndex).textContent;
+ let match = fileSizeTd.match(numberWithUnitType);
+ if (match) {
+ let number = parseFloat(match[1]);
+ let unit = match[2].toLowerCase();
+ let multiplier = unitToMultiplier[unit];
+ column.toBeSorted.push(`${number * multiplier}#${i}`);
+ columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]] = cellsOrRows(table, tr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function sortDates(datesFormat, table, column) {
+ try {
+ for (let [i, tr] of table.visibleRows.entries()) {
+ let columnOfTd, datesRegex;
+ if (datesFormat === "mdy" || datesFormat === "dmy") {
+ datesRegex = /^(\d\d?)[./-](\d\d?)[./-]((\d\d)?\d\d)/;
+ } else if (datesFormat === "ymd") {
+ datesRegex = /^(\d\d\d\d)[./-](\d\d?)[./-](\d\d?)/;
+ }
+ columnOfTd = column.getColumn(
+ tr,
+ column.spanSum,
+ column.span
+ ).textContent;
+ let match = columnOfTd.match(datesRegex);
+ let [years, days, months] = [0, 0, 0];
+ let numberToSort = columnOfTd;
+ if (match) {
+ const [regPos1, regPos2, regPos3] = [match[1], match[2], match[3]];
+ if (regPos1 && regPos2 && regPos3) {
+ if (datesFormat === "mdy") {
+ [months, days, years] = [regPos1, regPos2, regPos3];
+ } else if (datesFormat === "ymd") {
+ [years, months, days] = [regPos1, regPos2, regPos3];
+ } else {
+ [days, months, years] = [regPos1, regPos2, regPos3];
+ }
+ }
+ numberToSort = Number(
+ years +
+ String(months).padStart(2, "0") +
+ String(days).padStart(2, "0")
+ );
+ }
+ column.toBeSorted.push(`${numberToSort}#${i}`);
+ columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]] = cellsOrRows(table, tr);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ function sortByRuntime(table, column) {
+ try {
+ for (let [i, tr] of table.visibleRows.entries()) {
+ const regexMinutesAndSeconds = /^(\d+h)?\s?(\d+m)?\s?(\d+s)?$/i;
+ let columnOfTd = "";
+ // TODO: github actions runtime didn't like textContent, tests didn't like innerText?
+ columnOfTd = column.getColumn(tr, column.spanSum, column.span);
+ columnOfTd = testingTableSortJS
+ ? columnOfTd.textContent
+ : columnOfTd.innerText;
+ let match = columnOfTd.match(regexMinutesAndSeconds);
+ let [minutesInSeconds, hours, seconds] = [0, 0, 0];
+ let timeinSeconds = columnOfTd;
+ if (match) {
+ const regexHours = match[1];
+ if (regexHours) {
+ hours = Number(regexHours.replace("h", "")) * 60 * 60;
+ }
+ const regexMinutes = match[2];
+ if (regexMinutes) {
+ minutesInSeconds = Number(regexMinutes.replace("m", "")) * 60;
+ }
+ const regexSeconds = match[3];
+ if (regexSeconds) {
+ seconds = Number(regexSeconds.replace("s", ""));
+ }
+ timeinSeconds = hours + minutesInSeconds + seconds;
+ }
+ column.toBeSorted.push(`${timeinSeconds}#${i}`);
+ columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]] = cellsOrRows(table, tr);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ }
+ function getTableData(tableProperties, timesClickedColumn) {
+ const {
+ table,
+ tableRows,
+ fillValue,
+ column,
+ th,
+ hasThClass,
+ isSortDates,
+ desc,
+ arrow,
+ } = tableProperties;
+ for (let [i, tr] of tableRows.entries()) {
+ let tdTextContent = column.getColumn(
+ tr,
+ column.spanSum,
+ column.span
+ ).textContent;
+ if (tdTextContent.length === 0) {
+ tdTextContent = "";
+ }
+ if (tdTextContent.trim() !== "") {
+ if (
+ !hasThClass.fileSize &&
+ !hasThClass.dataSort &&
+ !hasThClass.runtime &&
+ !hasThClass.filesize &&
+ !isSortDates.dayMonthYear &&
+ !isSortDates.yearMonthDay &&
+ !isSortDates.monthDayYear
+ ) {
+ column.toBeSorted.push(`${tdTextContent}#${i}`);
+ columnIndexAndTableRow[`${tdTextContent}#${i}`] = cellsOrRows(
+ table,
+ tr
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Fill in blank table cells dict key with filler value.
+ column.toBeSorted.push(`${fillValue}#${i}`);
+ columnIndexAndTableRow[`${fillValue}#${i}`] = cellsOrRows(table, tr);
+ }
+ }
+ const isPunctSort = th.classList.contains("punct-sort");
+ const isAlphaSort = th.classList.contains("alpha-sort");
+ const isNumericSort = th.classList.contains("numeric-sort");
+ function parseNumberFromString(str) {
+ let num;
+ str = str.slice(0, str.indexOf("#"));
+ if (str.match(/^\(-?(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\)$/)) {
+ num = -1 * Number(str.slice(1, -1));
+ } else {
+ num = Number(str);
+ }
+ return num;
+ }
+ function strLocaleCompare(str1, str2) {
+ return str1.localeCompare(
+ str2,
+ navigator.languages[0] || navigator.language,
+ { numeric: !isAlphaSort, ignorePunctuation: !isPunctSort }
+ );
+ }
+ function handleNumbers(str1, str2) {
+ const matchCurrencyCommaAndPercent = /[$£€¥₩₽₺₣฿₿Ξξ¤¿\u20A1\uFFE0,% ]/g;
+ str1 = str1.replace(matchCurrencyCommaAndPercent, "");
+ str2 = str2.replace(matchCurrencyCommaAndPercent, "");
+ const [num1, num2] = [
+ parseNumberFromString(str1),
+ parseNumberFromString(str2),
+ ];
+ if (!isNaN(num1) && !isNaN(num2)) {
+ return num1 - num2;
+ } else {
+ return strLocaleCompare(str1, str2);
+ }
+ }
+ function sortAscending(a, b) {
+ if (a.includes(`${fillValue}#`)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (b.includes(`${fillValue}#`)) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (isNumericSort) {
+ return handleNumbers(a, b);
+ } else {
+ return strLocaleCompare(a, b);
+ }
+ }
+ function sortDescending(a, b) {
+ return sortAscending(b, a);
+ }
+ function clearArrows(arrowUp, arrowDown, initialArrow = "↕") {
+ th.innerHTML = th.innerHTML.replace(initialArrow, "");
+ th.innerHTML = th.innerHTML.replace(arrowUp, "");
+ th.innerHTML = th.innerHTML.replace(arrowDown, "");
+ }
+ if (column.toBeSorted[0] === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ function changeTableArrow(arrowDirection) {
+ if (table.hasClass.tableArrows) {
+ clearArrows(arrow.up, arrow.down);
+ th.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", arrowDirection);
+ }
+ }
+ function sortColumn(sortDirection) {
+ column.toBeSorted.sort(sortDirection, {
+ numeric: !isAlphaSort,
+ ignorePunctuation: !isPunctSort,
+ });
+ }
+ if (timesClickedColumn === 1) {
+ if (desc) {
+ changeTableArrow(arrow.down);
+ sortColumn(sortDescending);
+ } else {
+ changeTableArrow(arrow.up);
+ sortColumn(sortAscending);
+ }
+ } else if (timesClickedColumn === 2) {
+ timesClickedColumn = 0;
+ if (desc) {
+ changeTableArrow(arrow.up);
+ sortColumn(sortAscending);
+ } else {
+ changeTableArrow(arrow.down);
+ sortColumn(sortDescending);
+ }
+ }
+ return timesClickedColumn;
+ }
+ function updateFilesize(i, table, tr, column, columnIndex) {
+ if (table.hasClass.cellsSort) {
+ tr.innerHTML = columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]];
+ } else {
+ // We do this to sort rows rather than cells:
+ const template = document.createElement("template");
+ template.innerHTML = columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]];
+ tr = template.content.firstChild;
+ }
+ let getColumnTd = column.getColumn(tr, column.spanSum, column.span);
+ let fileSizeInBytesHTML = getColumnTd.outerHTML;
+ const fileSizeInBytesText = getColumnTd.textContent;
+ const fileSize = column.toBeSorted[i].replace(/#[0-9]*/, "");
+ let prefixes = ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi"];
+ let replaced = false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) {
+ let nextPrefixMultiplier = 2 ** (10 * (i + 1));
+ if (fileSize < nextPrefixMultiplier) {
+ let prefixMultiplier = 2 ** (10 * i);
+ fileSizeInBytesHTML = fileSizeInBytesHTML.replace(
+ fileSizeInBytesText,
+ `${(fileSize / prefixMultiplier).toFixed(2)} ${prefixes[i]}B`
+ );
+ replaced = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!replaced) {
+ fileSizeInBytesHTML = fileSizeInBytesHTML.replace(
+ fileSizeInBytesText,
+ "NaN"
+ );
+ }
+ tr.querySelectorAll("* > th , * > td").item(columnIndex).innerHTML =
+ fileSizeInBytesHTML;
+ return table.hasClass.cellsSort ? tr.innerHTML : tr.outerHTML;
+ }
+ function updateTable(tableProperties) {
+ const { column, table, columnIndex, hasThClass } = tableProperties;
+ for (let [i, tr] of table.visibleRows.entries()) {
+ if (hasThClass.fileSize) {
+ if (table.hasClass.cellsSort) {
+ tr.innerHTML = updateFilesize(i, table, tr, column, columnIndex);
+ } else {
+ tr.outerHTML = updateFilesize(i, table, tr, column, columnIndex);
+ }
+ } else if (!hasThClass.fileSize) {
+ if (table.hasClass.cellsSort) {
+ tr.innerHTML = columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]];
+ } else {
+ tr.outerHTML = columnIndexAndTableRow[column.toBeSorted[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getColSpanData(headers, column) {
+ headers.forEach((th, index) => {
+ column.span[index] = th.colSpan;
+ if (index === 0) column.spanSum[index] = th.colSpan;
+ else column.spanSum[index] = column.spanSum[index - 1] + th.colSpan;
+ });
+ }
+ function rememberSort(columnIndexesClicked, timesClickedColumn, columnIndex) {
+ // if user clicked different column from first column reset times clicked.
+ columnIndexesClicked.push(columnIndex);
+ if (timesClickedColumn === 1 && columnIndexesClicked.length > 1) {
+ const lastColumnClicked =
+ columnIndexesClicked[columnIndexesClicked.length - 1];
+ const secondLastColumnClicked =
+ columnIndexesClicked[columnIndexesClicked.length - 2];
+ if (lastColumnClicked !== secondLastColumnClicked) {
+ columnIndexesClicked.shift();
+ timesClickedColumn = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return timesClickedColumn;
+ }
+ function makeEachColumnSortable(
+ th,
+ headerIndex,
+ columnIndex,
+ table,
+ columnIndexesClicked
+ ) {
+ const desc = th.classList.contains("order-by-desc");
+ const initialArrow = " ↕";
+ const arrow = { up: " ↑", down: " ↓" };
+ const fillValue = "!X!Y!Z!";
+ if (table.hasClass.tableArrows) {
+ th.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", initialArrow);
+ }
+ let timesClickedColumn = 0;
+ const column = {
+ getColumn: function getColumn(tr, colSpanSum, colSpanData) {
+ return tr
+ .querySelectorAll("* > th , * > td")
+ .item(
+ colSpanData[columnIndex] === 1
+ ? colSpanSum[columnIndex] - 1
+ : colSpanSum[columnIndex] - colSpanData[columnIndex]
+ );
+ },
+ };
+ th.addEventListener("click", function () {
+ column.toBeSorted = [];
+ column.span = {};
+ column.spanSum = {};
+ getColSpanData(table.headers[headerIndex], column);
+ table.visibleRows = Array.prototype.filter.call(
+ table.bodies.item(headerIndex).querySelectorAll("tr"),
+ (tr) => {
+ return tr.style.display !== "none";
+ }
+ );
+ if (!table.hasClass.rememberSort) {
+ timesClickedColumn = rememberSort(
+ columnIndexesClicked,
+ timesClickedColumn,
+ columnIndex
+ );
+ }
+ timesClickedColumn += 1;
+ const hasThClass = {
+ dataSort: th.classList.contains("data-sort"),
+ fileSize: th.classList.contains("file-size-sort"),
+ runtime: th.classList.contains("runtime-sort"),
+ };
+ if (hasThClass.dataSort) {
+ sortDataAttributes(table, column);
+ }
+ if (hasThClass.fileSize) {
+ sortFileSize(table, column, columnIndex, fillValue);
+ }
+ if (hasThClass.runtime) {
+ sortByRuntime(table, column);
+ }
+ const isSortDates = {
+ dayMonthYear: th.classList.contains("dates-dmy-sort"),
+ monthDayYear: th.classList.contains("dates-mdy-sort"),
+ yearMonthDay: th.classList.contains("dates-ymd-sort"),
+ };
+ // pick mdy first to override the inferred default class which is dmy.
+ if (isSortDates.monthDayYear) {
+ sortDates("mdy", table, column);
+ } else if (isSortDates.yearMonthDay) {
+ sortDates("ymd", table, column);
+ } else if (isSortDates.dayMonthYear) {
+ sortDates("dmy", table, column);
+ }
+ const tableProperties = {
+ table,
+ tableRows: table.visibleRows,
+ fillValue,
+ column,
+ columnIndex,
+ th,
+ hasThClass,
+ isSortDates,
+ desc,
+ timesClickedColumn,
+ arrow,
+ };
+ timesClickedColumn = getTableData(tableProperties, timesClickedColumn);
+ updateTable(tableProperties);
+ });
+ if (th.classList.contains("onload-sort")) {
+ th.click();
+ }
+ }