NodeLocal DNS Cache helm chart
This chart deploys NodeLocal DNSCache Daemon set according to
It is designed to work both with iptables and IPVS setup.
Latest available node-local-dns
image can be found at node-local-dns google container repository
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} |
config.localDnsIp | string | "" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.cache.denial | object | {} |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.cache.parameters | int | 30 |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.cache.prefetch | object | {} |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.cache.serve_stale | bool | false |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.cache.success | object | {} |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.debug | bool | false |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.errors | bool | true |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.except | string | "" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.expire | string | "" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.force_tcp | bool | false |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.health_check | string | "" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.max_fails | string | "" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.parameters | string | "__PILLAR__UPSTREAM__SERVERS__" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.policy | string | "" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.forward.prefer_udp | bool | false |
config.zones.".:53" | int | 8080 |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.log.classes | string | "all" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.log.format | string | "combined" |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.prometheus | bool | true |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.reload | bool | true |
config.zones.".:53".plugins.template | object | {} |
config.zones."".plugins.cache.parameters | int | 30 |
config.zones."".plugins.debug | bool | false |
config.zones."".plugins.errors | bool | true |
config.zones."".plugins.forward.force_tcp | bool | false |
config.zones."".plugins.forward.parameters | string | "__PILLAR__UPSTREAM__SERVERS__" |
config.zones."" | int | 8080 |
config.zones."".plugins.log.classes | string | "all" |
config.zones."".plugins.log.format | string | "combined" |
config.zones."".plugins.prometheus | bool | true |
config.zones."".plugins.reload | bool | true |
config.zones."".plugins.cache.parameters | int | 30 |
config.zones."".plugins.debug | bool | false |
config.zones."".plugins.errors | bool | true |
config.zones."".plugins.forward.force_tcp | bool | false |
config.zones."".plugins.forward.parameters | string | "__PILLAR__UPSTREAM__SERVERS__" |
config.zones."" | int | 8080 |
config.zones."".plugins.log.classes | string | "all" |
config.zones."".plugins.log.format | string | "combined" |
config.zones."".plugins.prometheus | bool | true |
config.zones."".plugins.reload | bool | true |
image.args.healthPort | int | 8080 |
image.args.interfaceName | string | "nodelocaldns" |
image.args.quiet | bool | false |
image.args.setupInterface | bool | true |
image.args.setupIptables | bool | false |
image.args.skipTeardown | bool | true |
image.args.syncInterval | string | "1ns" |
image.args.upstreamSvc | string | "kube-dns" |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.repository | string | "" |
image.tag | string | "1.23.0" |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
metrics.port | int | 9253 |
metrics.prometheusScrape | string | "true" |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
podmonitor.enabled | bool | false |
podmonitor.metricRelabelings | list | [] |
priorityClassName | string | "system-node-critical" |
readinessProbe | string | nil |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "30m" |
resources.requests.memory | string | "50Mi" |
securityContext.privileged | bool | true |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
tolerations[0].key | string | "CriticalAddonsOnly" |
tolerations[0].operator | string | "Exists" |
tolerations[1].effect | string | "NoExecute" |
tolerations[1].operator | string | "Exists" |
tolerations[2].effect | string | "NoSchedule" |
tolerations[2].operator | string | "Exists" |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | string | "10%" |
useHostNetwork | bool | true |
For clusters running cilium, there is a CRD,
which needs be extra enabled via --set localRedirectPolicy=true
It enables pod traffic destined to an IP address and port/protocol tuple or Kubernetes service to be redirected
locally to backend pod(s) within a node, using eBPF.
The namespace of backend pod(s) need to match with that of the policy.
For using this feature, values should provides the following extra configuration,
For getting the CLUSTER_DNS_IP
kubectl get svc kube-dns -n kube-system -o jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP}
clusterDNSService: kube-dns
clusterDNSNamespace: kube-system
enabled: true
portName: dns
enabled: true
portName: dns-tcp
As this feature heavily depends on the Cluster DNS implementation, for a Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2 cluster,
should be rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns
, and port names,
and tcp-53
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2