- Update the android compile/min SDK
- Update the iOS latest support
- Remove the deprecated code
- Update the android compile/min SDK
- Fixed some iOS issues with the help
- Supporting the new Android plugins APIs. Ref: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/plugin-api-migration
- Add Attendee field support on the Event both iOS and Android
- Add Attendee field [Read-only] support in iOS and Android
- Add URL field on the Event (specially for iOS)
- Implemented a way to filter the events by Week, Month and given dates
- Fixed the Android release mode issue
- Added isAllDay flag in event as suggested by @sageata
- Added Null Safety support
- Added the required values to avoid unnecessary errors
- Added support for latest Android and iOS SDK
- Fixed a minor issue for iOS
- Added dartdoc comment for APIs
- Initial release
- Provides the add, update and delete event support