All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Better .prettierrc config file edits
- NPM dependency upgrades
- gatsby ^2.18.2 → ^2.24.47
- gatsby-image ^2.2.33 → ^2.4.16
- gatsby-plugin-feed ^2.3.21 → ^2.5.11
- gatsby-plugin-google-analytics ^2.1.28 → ^2.3.13
- gatsby-plugin-manifest ^2.0.24 → ^2.4.23
- gatsby-plugin-offline ^3.0.22 → ^3.2.23
- gatsby-plugin-react-helmet ^3.1.15 → ^3.3.10
- gatsby-plugin-sharp ^2.0.28 → ^2.6.27
- gatsby-plugin-sitemap ^2.2.21 → ^2.4.11
- gatsby-plugin-typography ^2.3.17 → ^2.5.10
- gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files ^2.1.30 → ^2.3.12
- gatsby-remark-images ^3.1.33 → ^3.3.25
- gatsby-remark-prismjs ^3.3.24 → ^3.5.10
- gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe ^2.2.27 → ^2.4.12
- gatsby-remark-smartypants ^2.1.16 → ^2.3.10
- gatsby-source-filesystem ^2.1.38 → ^2.3.24
- gatsby-transformer-remark ^2.6.37 → ^2.8.28
- gatsby-transformer-sharp ^2.1.17 → ^2.5.13
- prismjs ^1.17.1 → ^1.21.0
- react ^16.12.0 → ^16.13.1
- react-dom ^16.12.0 → ^16.13.1
- react-helmet ^5.2.1 → ^6.1.0
- gh-pages ^2.1.1 → ^3.1.0
- npm-check ^5.9.0 → ^5.9.2
- prettier ^1.19.1 → ^2.0.5