This document describes the HTTP API that allows you to access data available in the SETI@IBMCloud project.
This data is licensed by the SETI Institute of Mountain View, CA under the Create Commons BY 4.0 license.
IBM has been granted non-exclusive permission by the SETI Institute to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and distribute copies of data, which have been provided to IBM, or will be provided in the future, by the SETI Institute under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.
- /v1/coordinates/aca
- /v1/aca/meta/{ra}/{dec}
- /v1/aca/meta/spacecraft
- /v1/token/
- /v1/data/url/{container}/{objectname}
The following example, done in Python, shows a typical way to use this API.
The general flow should be something like:
- Find an interesting target in the sky and note the coordinates.
- Determine if data is available for a particular point or region in the sky.
- Get the SignalDB rows and raw data file information for that region.
- Get a temporary URL for the raw data file.
- Download the data and store it.
Though it's not necessary, typically one will start by selecting an interesting target or interesting region in the sky.
In order to access the raw data, however, you will be required to have an IBM Bluemix account. There is a limit of 20k temporary URL requests per month.
Use some kind of source
to find interesting expolanet coordinates. There are other websites that carry this information.
You can also just pick a region in the sky.
This map,
along with the Observing Progress
link found on,
may be helpful.
You'll need to know the right ascension (RA, in hours from 0.0 to 24) and declination (DEC, in degrees from -90.0 to 90.0) of your exoplanet/target of interest. However, the RA/DEC values recorded in the database may not exactly match the known position of the object (at most, these values differ by 0.002 degrees). Or you may choose a wider region of the sky. Either way, we use the API to search for data within an enclosed region of the sky.
Let's look at Kepler 1229b, found here This candidate planet has an Earth similarity index (ESI) of 0.73 (Earth = 1.0, Mars = 0.64, Jupiter = 0.12) and is 770 light-years away. It is the 5th highest-ranked planet by ESI.
You can take a look at this object in the sky:
The celestial coordinates for Kepler 1229b is RA = 19.832 and DEC = 46.997
Here is the example code to query our API for a region about the position of Kepler 1229b. The API
endpoint to use is /v1/coordinates/aca
. In this case,
we define a 0.004 x 0.004 box around the RA/DEC position.
import requests
box = 0.002
# We want this query
params = {
'ramin':RA-box, 'ramax':RA+box, 'decmin':DEC-box, 'decmax':DEC+box
r = requests.get('',
params = params)
import json
print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=1)
We get the following output:
"returned_num_rows": 1,
"skipped_num_rows": 0,
"rows": [
"dec2000deg": 46.997,
"number_of_rows": 392,
"ra2000hr": 19.832
"total_num_rows": 1
This means we found 392 'Candidate' signals recorded while observing this planet in the SignalDB.
If we expand our range of allowed RA/DEC values, we find 'Candidate' events for some nearby positions.
"total_num_rows": 4,
"skipped_num_rows": 0,
"returned_num_rows": 4,
"rows": [
"ra2000hr": 19.832,
"dec2000deg": 46.997,
"number_of_candidates": 392
"ra2000hr": 19.834,
"dec2000deg": 46.961,
"number_of_candidates": 370
"ra2000hr": 19.856,
"dec2000deg": 46.968,
"number_of_candidates": 44
"ra2000hr": 19.861,
"dec2000deg": 46.965,
"number_of_candidates": 32
You may wish to extend your box further so see what you find.
Given a particular celestial coordinate, we can obtain all of the 'Candidate' signal meta data, as found in the SignalDB.
The endpoint to use is
Continuing from the example above
ra = r.json()['rows'][0]['ra2000hr'] #19.832 from above query
dec = r.json()['rows'][0]['dec2000deg'] #46.997
r = requests.get('{}/{}'.format(ra, dec))
print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=1)
Here's what the output will look like:
"returned_num_rows": 392,
"skipped_num_rows": 0,
"rows": [
"inttimes": 94,
"pperiods": 27.36000061,
"pol": "mixed",
"tgtid": 150096,
"sigreason": "PsPwrT",
"freqmhz": 6113.461883333,
"dec2000deg": 46.997,
"container": "setiCompAmp",
"objectname": "2014-05-20/act14944/",
"ra2000hr": 19.832,
"npul": 3,
"acttype": null,
"power": 50.652,
"widhz": 2.778,
"catalog": "keplerHZ",
"snr": 32.397,
"uniqueid": "kepler8ghz_14944_2016_0_2208930",
"beamno": 2,
"sigclass": "Cand",
"sigtyp": "Pul",
"tscpeldeg": 78.558,
"drifthzs": -1.055,
"candreason": "Confrm",
"time": "2014-05-20T12:59:55Z",
"tscpazdeg": 307.339
"total_num_rows": 392
The maximum return limit is 2000 rows per query and the default limit is set at 200. The total_num_rows
tells you there are 392 rows. To get the rest, you'll need to use the ?skip=200
URL parameter. For example
r = requests.get('{}/{}?skip=200'.format(ra, dec)
rows = r.json()['rows']
Searching through the results from this particular example, one thing you'll notice is that while there are 392 'Candidate' signals found in the SignalDB, it doesn't mean there are 392 raw data files. There will be duplicates. So you'll need to sort through them appropriately. If you do not and you use the same raw data multiple times within a machine-learning algorithm (to extract a set of features, for example), you'll likely corrupt your results.
An easy way to reorder your results by the raw data file is with a groupby
. For example
import itertools
rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda row:row['container'] + '-' + row['objectname'])
#grl is a list of (key, [rows])
grl = [(k,list(g)) for k,g in itertools.groupby(rows, lambda row:row['container'] + '-' + row['objectname'])]
# equivalently in Spark. `sc` is a SparkContext object
rdd = sc.parallelize(rows)
rdd = rdd.groupBy(lambda row: row['container'] + '-' + row['objectname'])
You'll also notice there multiple files that have the same SignalDB, but with names that differ only
by a L
or R
. The ATA records signals along the horizontal and veritcal polarizations
(relative to the ATA's orientation to the Earth). The initial intent, however, was to record the
left- and right-circularly polarized signals. This was not feasible for technical reasons, but
the naming convention stuck. The horizontal and vertical components of the signal are stored in the
and R
files, respectively.
The location of the raw data is stored in an IBM Object Store available on Bluemix.
In order to access those data files, one must first request a temporary URL.
NB: We separate the steps between getting the SignalDB row and container/objectname for the raw data file and getting a URL to the raw data file for a reason. Since downloading and analyzing the raw data can be an expensive operation, making these steps separate gives your analysis the opportunity to select only data, based on the values in SignalDB, that may be interesting. For example, you may wish to consider only data that have a particular Signal-To-Noise ratio (SNR is one of the values in SignalDB). Secondly, we issue temporary URLs that expire 24 hours after you've requested the URL, which allows us to control usage.
Since spacecraft do not have a fixed RA/DEC value, we have a special endpoint,
Use this endpoint just as you would the /v1/aca/meta/{ra}/{dec}
. The returned JSON will have
the same schema.
The temporary URLs are obtained with the
endpoint. These temporary URLs, by default, are valid for only 24 hours. This should give you a sufficient amount of time to manage your code and retrieve the data before expiration.
In order to request a temporary URL, however, you must supply an access_token
as a query
parameter to the request. An access_token
only be obtained if you have an account on IBM Bluemix
or IBM Data Science Experience.
You can obtain a token by clicking here and logging into your account.
You are limited to 20,000 temporary URLs per month. However, if you have a compelling reason (a good idea for an analysis), you can contact us and have your limited increased.
param = {'access_token':'1234567890abcdefg'}
def get_temp_url(row):
turl = '{}/{}'.format(row[0], row[1])
r = requests.get(turl, params=params)
return (r.status_code, r.json()['temp_url'], row[0], row[1])
temp_urls = map(get_temp_url, data_paths)
With the temporary URL, we can now download, store and analyze the data file.
Description: Returns a JSON object that lists the exact RA and DEC coordinates for 'Candidate' observations available in the Public SETI database. The structure of the returned JSON object is
"returned_num_rows": 1124,
"skipped_num_rows": 0,
"rows": [
"dec2000deg": 46.997,
"number_of_candidates": 392,
"ra2000hr": 19.832
"total_num_rows": 1124
Each element of rows
contains the exact coordinates and the number of candidate
events found for that position (number_of_candidates
Optional Parameters
ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax: any or all of these parameters may be used. They define allowed ranges to be returned.
skip: number of results to skip
limit: number of results to return (maximum is 2000, default is 200)
Get candidate events found within an area of the sky.
GET /v1/coordinates/aca?ramin=19.0&ramax=20.0&decmin=35.0&decmax=55.0
Paginate through candidate coordinates
GET /v1/coordinates/aca?skip=200 GET /v1/coordinates/aca?skip=400 ... until `returned_num_rows` == 0
Description: Given the RA and DEC celestial coordinates for a position in the sky, returns a JSON object containing the meta-data and file location of each candidate event for that RA/DEC coordinate. The meta-data are the data found in the SignalDB. There may be tens to thousands of candidate events for a particular position. The structure of the JSON document is
"returned_num_rows": 392,
"skipped_num_rows": 0,
"rows": [
"inttimes": 94,
"pperiods": 27.36000061,
"pol": "mixed",
"tgtid": 150096,
"sigreason": "PsPwrT",
"freqmhz": 6113.461883333,
"dec2000deg": 46.997,
"container": "setiCompAmp",
"objectname": "2014-05-20/act14944/",
"ra2000hr": 19.832,
"npul": 3,
"acttype": null,
"power": 50.652,
"widhz": 2.778,
"catalog": "keplerHZ",
"snr": 32.397,
"uniqueid": "kepler8ghz_14944_2016_0_2208930",
"beamno": 2,
"sigclass": "Cand",
"sigtyp": "Pul",
"tscpeldeg": 78.558,
"drifthzs": -1.055,
"candreason": "Confrm",
"time": "2014-05-20T12:59:55Z",
"tscpazdeg": 307.339
"total_num_rows": 392
Only 2000 rows may be returned in a single query. Use the skip
and limit
options to paginate through
the results.
Optional Parameters
skip: number of results to skip
limit: number of results to return (maximum is 2000, default is 200)
Get candidate events found within an area of the sky.
GET /v1/aca/meta/19.832/46.997
Paginate through candidate coordinates
GET /v1/aca/meta/19.832/46.997?skip=200 GET /v1/aca/meta/19.832/46.997?skip=400 ... until `returned_num_rows` == 0
Description: This method returns results exactly like /v1/aca/meta/{ra}/{dec}
except that it returns all data for observed spacecraft (mainly satellites).
This returns a JSON object containing the meta-data and file location of
each candidate event. The meta-data are the data found
in the SignalDB.
There may be tens to thousands of candidate events for a particular position.
The structure of the JSON document is
"returned_num_rows": 10,
"skipped_num_rows": 100,
"rows": [
"uniqueid": "exoplanets8ghz_10640_2009_0_559913",
"time": "2014-03-14T04:02:04-07:00",
"acttype": "target",
"tgtid": 175,
"catalog": "spacecraft",
"ra2000hr": -99,
"dec2000deg": -99,
"power": 1354.566,
"snr": -1.881,
"freqmhz": 2217.520738889,
"drifthzs": -0.09,
"widhz": 5.556,
"pol": "both",
"sigtyp": "CwC",
"pperiods": null,
"npul": null,
"inttimes": 94,
"tscpazdeg": 0,
"tscpeldeg": 0,
"beamno": 2,
"sigclass": "Cand",
"sigreason": "Confrm",
"candreason": "Confrm",
"container": "setiCompAmp",
"objectname": "2014-03-14/act10640/"
"total_num_rows": 17394
Only 2000 rows may be returned in a single query. Use the skip
and limit
options to paginate through
the results.
Optional Parameters
skip: number of results to skip
limit: number of results to return (maximum is 2000, default is 200)
Paginate through candidate coordinates
GET /v1/aca/meta/spacecraft?skip=200 GET /v1/aca/meta/spacecraft?skip=400 ... until `returned_num_rows` == 0
Description: This returns an access_token
, which is required to access temporary URLs to the raw data.
This endpoint performs an OAuth2 with IBM Bluemix as the provider. It returns a simple JSON object
Description: Given a container and object name, returns a JSON object
containing a temporary URL to the data file.
The temporary URL will be valid for 60 minutes from the time it was issued.
The container and object name are obtained from the results of
Required Parameters
: supplied as a query parameter. -
import requests params = {'access_token':'1234567890abcdefg'} cont = 'setiCompAmp' objname = '2014-05-20/act14944/' data_url = '{}/{}'.format(cont, objname) r_data_url = requests.get(data_url, params=params) print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=1)
{ "temp_url": "" }
Use URL to get data.
r_data = requests.get(r_data_url.json()['temp_url']) rawdata = r_data.content print 'file size: ', len(rawdata)
file size: 1061928