package | recommmended? | reason |
langsci-gb4e | yes | fully compatible and documented |
linguex | no | incompatible with langscibook without the modifcations in langsci-linguex |
expex | yes | compatible with langscibook , but langsci-gb4e has to be deactivated in the complete book |
package | recommmended? | reason |
forest | yes | versatile package with a useful, easy to read syntax |
tikz-qtree | yes | can be used, but is less preferrable compared to forest |
xyling | no | complicated syntax, high computing times leading to significant increase in document compilation |
pst-jtree | no | |
tree-dvips | no | compatibility issues with core langscibook components |
package | recommmended? | reason |
tipa | no | please use Unicode instead. You can take a look at our langsci-textipa sub-package for TeX macro bindings to Unicode chars. Please also load ot-tableau without tipa: \usepackage[notipa]{ot-tableau} . |
package | recommmended? | reason |
ebproof | yes | aligns well with example environments |
bussproofs | no | does not align well in examples, insufficient means for customisation |
package | recommmended? | reason |
mathtools | ~ | watch out for the re-definitions in \overbrace etc. |
soul | no | Uses font ectt1000 , which does not have many non-ASCII characters (IPA, etc) |
tocloft | no | Can clash with the Table of ... settings from scrbook . Use methods shipped with scrbook instead. |
wrapfigure | no | Figures wrapped around the main text are incompatible with our house style and should never be used. |