As a service provider, either an Account Information Service Provider (AISP) or Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP), you have obtained or are planning to obtain a licence from your local supervisor. You will need your unique eIDAS certificate number to start using the PSD2-compliant bunq API on production.
{% hint style="info" %} You can test how it works in our sandbox. It is currently not available on production. {% endhint %}
We currently accept pseudo certificates so you could test the flow. You are free to create the certificate yourself but make sure to follow these criteria:
- Up to 64 characters
- PISP and/or AISP used in the end
Before you can read information on bunq users or initiate payments, you need to register a PSD2 account and receive credentials that will enable you to access the bunq user accounts.
- Execute
POST v1/installation
and get your installation Token with a unique random key pair. - Use the installation Token and your unique PSD2 certificate to call
POST v1/payment-service-provider-credential
. This will register your software. - Receive your API key in return. It will identify you as a PSD2 bunq API user. You will use it to start an OAuth flow. The session will last 90 days. After it closes, start a new session using the same API key.
- Register a device by using
POST v1/device-server
using the API key for the secret and passing the installation Token in theX-Bunq-Client-Authentication
header. - Create your first session by executing
POST v1/session-server
. Provide the installation Token in theX-Bunq-Client-Authentication
header. You will receive a session Token. Use it in any following request in theX-Bunq-Client-Authentication
{% hint style="info" %} The first session will last 1 hour. Start a new session within 60 minutes. {% endhint %}
Before you can start authenticating on behalf of a bunq user, you need to get Client ID and Client Secret, which will identify you in requests to the user accounts.
- Call
POST /v1/user/{userID}/oauth-client
- Call
GET /v1/user/{userID}/oauth-client/{oauth-clientID}
. We will return your Client ID and Client Secret. - Call
POST /v1/user/{userID}/oauth-client/{oauth-clientID}/callback-url
. Include the OAuth callback URL of your application. - You are ready to initiate authorization requests.