Releases: lightninglabs/loop
v0.28.0-beta release
This release adds automatic sweeping of incorrectly deposited amounts to external loop in addresses. Previously, a mismatch in the contract amount and the actually deposited amount required external tools to recover the client funds. With this release the client automatically sweeps the funds back to the wallet upon contract expiry.
New Features
- Sweep Batcher: A new sub-system was added that handles all the loopout
sweeps. Successful loopout HTLCs will no longer be swept back to the wallet via
individual transactions but will instead form a single transaction that holds
multiple inputs and pays to a single output. This will significantly reduce
chain fee costs as it's using less block space by directly consolidating all the
htlcs to a single address. Loopouts that pay to non-wallet addresses will still
use individual transactions as their output cannot be mutated.
v0.26.6-beta release
v0.26.5-beta release
v0.26.4-beta release
v0.26.3-beta release
New Features
This new feature enables loop out and autoloop out operations to sweep htlcs to addresses generated from an extened public key.
A precondition for using the loop client in this fashion is onboarding a xpub account in the backing lnd instance, e.g.
lncli wallet accounts import xpub... my_loop_account --address_type p2tr --master_key_fingerprint 0df50
Loop outs can then be instructed to sweep to a new derived address from the specified account, e.g:
loop out --amt 10000000 --account my_loop_account --address_type p2tr
To use this functionality with autoloop out one has to set the backing lnd account and address type via liquidity parameters for autoloop, e.g.
loop --network regtest setparams --autoloop=true --account=my_loop_account --account_addr_type=p2tr ...
v0.25.2-beta release