Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.10
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.9
- Removed all shell scripts including PS1 prompts
- Removed terraform-docs as it doesnt support 0.12
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.6
- Upgraded awscli to 1.16.214
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.3
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.2
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.1
- Upgraded terraform to 0.12.0
- Removed terraform as the entrypoint.
- Added PS1 prompt that shows AWS and Terraform Workspace details
- Added reauth helper script
- terraform to 0.11.13
- awscli to 1.16.144
- g++ as it shouldnt be required now we arent building terraform
- terraform-docs
- git-chglog
- Upgraded Python2 to Python3
- Now using the precompiled release of terraform rather than compiling from source