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Alternate Pagination class
Category:Core | Category:Core::Community | Category:Core::Pagination
[h3]An Alternate CI Pagination Library[/h3] This alternate pagination lib (Requires PHP5) uses page numbers in the URI as opposed to the offsets used by the stock class. Where the default CI class returns a html string, this class returns an array to be formatted by your own templates or views.
[h3]The library init code[/h3] This is the library init code
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('Direct access not permitted!');
if (! class_exists('Altpage')){
$obj =& get_instance();
$obj->altpage = new Altpage();
$obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'altpage';
[h3]The Library[/h3] This is the lib itself.
/* CI License & stuff */
class Altpage {
public $page = 0;
public $per_page = 20;
public $total = 0;
public $uri_segment;
private $_link_uri = '';
public function __construct($p=array()){
if (count($p) > 0) $this->init($p);
log_message('debug', 'Altpage Class Initialized');
public function init($p){
foreach($p as $k => $v){ $this->$k = $v; }
private function _setLinkURI(){
$obj =& get_instance();
$segs = $obj->uri->segment_array();
if ($this->page < 1){
if (isset($segs[$this->uri_segment])){
$this->page = (int) $segs[$this->uri_segment];
} else {
$this->page = 1;
$segs[$this->uri_segment] = '%d';
$this->_link_uri = $obj->config->item('base_url').implode('/', $segs);
private function _getLink($page){
return (string) sprintf($this->_link_uri, $page);
public function create_links(){
$num_pages = (int) ceil($this->total / $this->per_page);
if ($this->total == 0 OR $this->per_page == 0 OR $num_pages < 2) return '';
/* Upto 2 pages either side + current page */
$t=(bool)($this->page < 2);
$pg['first'] =($t)? '': $this->_getLink(1);
$pg['prev'] = ($t)? '': $this->_getLink($this->page - 1);
if ($t===false){
while ($i>0){
if (($this->page - $i) > 0){
$pg['pages'][$this->page - $i] = $this->_getLink($this->page - $i);
/* Current page should not be a clickable link! */
$t=(bool)($this->page < $num_pages);
if ($t===true){
while ($i<=2){
if (($this->page + $i) <= $num_pages){
$pg['pages'][$this->page + $i] = $this->_getLink($this->page + $i);
$pg['next'] = ($t)? $this->_getLink($this->page + 1): '';
$pg['last'] = ($t)? $this->_getLink($num_pages): '';
return $pg;
[h3]Example Controller[/h3] Here's the simple controller
class Testpagination extends Controller {
function index(){
$_p['total'] = 200; /* Total results */
$_p['per_page'] = 20; /* Results Per Page */
$_p['uri_segment']=2; /* Used to read and set pages */
/* Pass pagination as array to the view */
[h3]Example View[/h3]
Here's the example view in [url=http://course-works.com/customized-paper]customized paper[/url], [http://customresearchpapers.co.uk/| academic writing] and [url=http://www.rushessay.com]custom essays[/url] complete with example CSS, note how the current page is handled in the loop because you'll need to deal with this in your template or view.
[url=http://www.unitransservice.org]English Translations[/url]
<title>Alternate Pagination Class For CI</title>
body { background-color: #000; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana; }
#pagination { background-color: #eee; text-align: center;
margin: 2em; padding: 0.75em; border: 4px solid #bad; }
#pagination a:link,
#pagination a:visited { color: #000; text-decoration: none;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #000; }
#pagination a:hover { color: #fff; background-color: #bad; }
#pagination a:focus,
.currentpage { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #bad;
font-weight: bold; }
if (isset($pagination)):
<div id="pagination">
if ($pagination['first']!=''){
echo ' <a href="'.$pagination['first'].'">« First</a> ';
if ($pagination['prev']!=''){
echo ' <a href="'.$pagination['prev'].'"><</a> ';
foreach ($pagination['pages'] as $page=>$link){
/* NOTE: Current page should NOT be a clickable link */
if ($page==$link){
echo ' <span class="currentpage">'.$page.'</span> ';
} else {
echo ' <a href="'.$link.'">'.$page.'</a> ';
if ($pagination['next']!=''){
echo ' <a href="'.$pagination['next'].'">></a> ';
if ($pagination['last']!=''){
echo ' <a href="'.$pagination['last'].'">Last »</a>';