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Lightwindow with CI

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 4 revisions

[code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');?> <? //This CLASS is enable you to call lightwindow (Lightbox alike) by CI. //Please visit to download and try Lightwindow

//Created by Gin2 //============= //USAGE EXAMPLE //=============


in your controller. e.g: 'my_lightwindow.php'

function index(){ $this->load->library('Lightwindow'); $this->load->view('my_lightwindow'); }

in your view ('my_lightwindow.php')

<link href="base_url().'javascript/ajax_lightwindow/css/lightwindow.css'" type="text/css" rel=stylesheet />

<a href="#" onClick="FuncName(); return false;">Open Lighwindow <?=$this->lightwindow->ajax('FuncName', 'index.php/file_to_open', 'My LightWindow', 'Good Work', 'My Name');?> ==============================================================================// */

class Lightwindow{ var $funcName = ''; var $url = ''; var $title = ''; var $w = 300; var $h = 300;

function ext($funcName='', $url='', $title='', $caption, $author = '',  $w=0, $h=0){
    $block = $this->jsBlock();
    $output = "function ".$funcName."(){
        href: '".$url."',      
        title: '".$title."',      
        author: '".$author."',      
        caption: '".$caption."',          
        type: 'external', 
        width:$w, height:$h })
        return $block['open'].$output.$block['close'];
function ajax($funcName='', $url='', $title='', $caption='', $author=''){
    $block = $this->jsBlock();
    $output = "function ".$funcName."(){
        href: '".$url."',      
        title: '".$title."',      
        author: '".$author."',      
        caption: '".$caption."',          
        type: 'page' 
        return $block['open'].$output.$block['close'];

function full($funcName='', $url='', $title='', $caption='', $author=''){
    $block = $this->jsBlock();
    $output = "function ".$funcName."(){
        href: '".$url."',      
        title: '".$title."',      
        author: '".$author."',      
        caption: '".$caption."',          
        type: 'external'})
        return $block['open'].$output.$block['close'];

function alert&#40;$url='', $title='', $caption='', $author=''&#41;{
    $block = $this->jsBlock();
    $output = "myLightWindow.activateWindow({     
        href: '".$url."',      
        title: '".$title."',      
        author: 'QuickCMS',      
        caption: '".$caption."',          
        type: 'page',
        height: 60
        return $block['open'].$output.$block['close'];
function jsBlock(){
    $blocks = array(
    return $blocks;

} ?> [/code]

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