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Use URL helper from Smarty

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 6 revisions

Category:Help::TipsAndTricks Some time ago I wrote some very small plugins for Smarty, which allow me to use CI’s URL helper functions (base_url() and site_url()) directly from my Smarty templates.

So I decided to share them: [code] function.site_url.php <?php function smarty_function_site_url($params,&$smarty) { //check if the needed function exists //otherwise try to load it if (!function_exists('site_url')) { //return error message in case we can't get CI instance if (!function_exists('get_instance')) return "Can't get CI instance"; $CI= &get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('url'); } if (!isset($params['url'])) return base_url(); else return site_url($params['url']); } ?> [/code] function.base_url.php [code] <?php function smarty_function_base_url($params,&$smarty) { if (!function_exists('base_url')) { //return error message in case we can't get CI instance if (!function_exists('get_instance')) return "Can't get CI instance"; $CI= &get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('url'); }

return base_url();

} ?> [/code]

Installation: just drop these two files in smarty’s plugin folder.

Usage: In your template file use {base_url} to output the root url of your site (e.g. {site_url url="controller/function"} produces something like this

Not the most advanced plugins ever, but some might find them useful.

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