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206 lines (140 loc) · 9.66 KB

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206 lines (140 loc) · 9.66 KB


Dependencies update

  1. Switch to flutter_web_auth_2 package Replace the legacy flutter_web_auth package with the new flutter_web_auth_2. Since the flutter_web_auth package is no longer maintained, we have to switch to the new package to support the latest Flutter versions.

    flutter_web_auth_2 setup guide:

    • iOS: No additional setup required

    • Android: In order to capture the callback URL. You wil need to add the following activity to your AndroidManifest.xml file. Replace YOUR_CALLBACK_URL_SCHEME_HERE with your actual callback URL scheme (io.logto etc.).

             <intent-filter android:label="flutter_web_auth_2">
             <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
             <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
             <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
             <data android:scheme="YOUR_CALLBACK_URL_SCHEME_HERE" />

      Remove any android:taskAffinity entries and add set android:launchMode="singleTop" to the main activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

    • Web: Create a new endpoint to capture the callback URL and sent it back to the application using postMessage API. The endpoint should be the same as the redirectUri parameter in the signIn method.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Authentication complete</title>
        Authentication is complete. If this does not happen automatically, please
        close the window.
        function postAuthenticationMessage() {
          const message = {
            "flutter-web-auth-2": window.location.href,
          if (window.opener) {
            window.opener.postMessage(message, window.location.origin);
          } else if (window.parent && window.parent !== window) {
            window.parent.postMessage(message, window.location.origin);
          } else {
            localStorage.setItem("flutter-web-auth-2", window.location.href);

      Please check the setup guide in the flutter_web_auth_2 package for more details.

  2. Other patches

    • bump crypto package
    • bump jose package
    • bump json_annotation package

New features

  1. With the latest flutter_web_auth_2 package, this SDK now supports the Web platform. You can use Logto dart SDK in your Flutter web projects as well. Officially supported platforms are iOS, Android, and Web.

Bug fixes

  1. Fix the namespace missing issue when building with the latest Gradle version on Android. (#75)
  2. Fix the issue that the webview is not closing after the user completes the OAuth2 authorization flow on Android. (60)
  3. Fix the issue on Android that the sign-in session is not cleared after the user signs out.

Breaking changes

logtoClient.signOut method now requires a redirectUri parameter. For iOS platform, this parameter is useless, but for Android and Web platforms which require an additional end_session request to clean up the sign-in session, this parameter will be used as the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter in the end_session request.

User experience on iOS will not be affected by this change, but for Android and Web platforms, when users click the sign-out button, an end_session request will be triggered by opening a webview with the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter set to the redirectUri value. This will clear the sign-in session and redirect the user back to the redirectUri page.


New features

Add extra parameters to the signIn method for better sign-in experience customization.

See the Authentication parameters for more details.

  1. directSignIn: This parameter allows you to skip the first screen of the sign-in page and directly go to the social or enterprise sso connectors's sign-in page.

    • social:<idp-name>: Use the specified social connector, e.g. social:google
    • sso:<connector-id>: Use the specified enterprise sso connector, e.g. sso:123456
  2. firstScreen: This parameter allows you to customize the first screen that users see when they start the authentication process. The value for this parameter can be:

    • sign_in: Allow users to directly access the sign-in page.
    • register: Allow users to directly access the registration page.
    • single_sign_on: Allow users to directly access the single sign-on (SSO) page.
    • identifier:sign_in: Allow users to direct access a page that only display specific identifier-based sign-in methods to users.
    • identifier:register: Allow users to direct access a page that only display specific identifier-based registration methods to users.
    • reset_password: Allow users to directly access the password reset page.
  3. identifiers: Additional parameter to specify the identifier type for the first screen. This parameter is only used when the firstScreen parameter is set to identifier:sign_in, identifier:register or reset_password. The value can be a list of the following supported identifier types:

    • email
    • phone
    • username
  4. extraParams: This parameter allow you to pass additional custom parameters to the Logto sign-in page. The value for this parameter should be a Map<String, String> object.

Bug fixes

Fix the logtoClient.getAccessToken method always fetching new access token bug.

Background: On each token exchange request, Logto dart SDK will cache the token response in the local storage. To reduce the number of token exchange requests, the SDK should always return the cached access token if it's not expired. Only when the access token is expired, the SDK should fetch a new access token using the refresh token. However, the current implementation always fetches a new access token even if the cached access token is not expired.

Root cause: Previously, all the access token storage keys are generated using the combination of the token's resource, organization and scopes values. This is to ensure that multiple access tokens can be stored in the storage without conflict. Logto does not support narrowing down the scopes during a token exchange request, so the scopes value is always the same as the initial token request, therefore scopes is not necessary to be included in the logtoClient.getAccessToken method. Without the scopes value specified, the SDK can not locate the correct access token in the storage, which leads to always fetching a new access token.

Fix: Remove the scope parameter from the _tokenStorage.buildAccessTokenKey and _tokenStorage.getAccessToken methods. Always get and set the access token using the resource and organization values as the key.


Bug fixes

Fix the OpenIdClaims class key parsing issue:

  • avatar key is now picture mapped from the picture key in the token claims
  • phone key is now phoneNumber mapped from the phone_number key in the token claims
  • phoneVerified key is now phoneNumberVerified mapped from the phone_number_verified key in the token claims

Previous key mapping values are always empty as they are not available in the IdToken claims. This fix update the key mapping to the correct values.


Bug fixes

Issue: LogtoClient.getUserInfo method throws an not authenticated error when the initial access token is expired. Expected behavior: The method should refresh the access token and return the user info properly. Fix: Always get the access token by calling LogtoClient.getAccessToken, which will refresh the token automatically if it's expired.


Dependencies update

Upgrade to dart 3.0.0

  • Fix the UserInfo abstract class used as mixin incompatibility issue
  • SDK now supports Dart ^3.0.0
  • < 3.0.0 users please use the previous version of the SDK


Dependencies update

  • bump http package dependency to 1.2.0
  • bump flutter_secure_storage package dependency to 9.0.0
  • bump flutter_lints package dependency to 3.0.x

New features

  • Update LogtoConfig to support new organization feature, including new organization scopes and fetching organization token
  • Add LogtoClient.getOrganizationToken method to support organization token retrieval


  • Export all the necessary classes and interfaces from logto_core to logto_client package
  • Update the example app to demonstrate the new organization feature


New features

  • Support RBAC
  • Add LogtoClient.getUserInfo method to get authenticated user info



Name Description
logto_core Core SDK is used for generation dart project with basic API and util method provided.
logto_client Client SDK for flutter native apps. Built based on logto_core with user sign-in interaction flow integrated

Supported Platforms

iOS, Android


  • User sign-in using Logto's webAuth
  • User sign-out
  • Retrieve idToken claims
  • Retrieve access token