- "usageType": "Generic",
- "type": "text/plain",
- },
-#### Test SendGrid Email connector
-You can type in an email address and click on "Send" to see whether the settings can work before "Save and Done".
-That's it. Don't forget to enable connector in sign-in experience.
-#### Config types
-| Name | Type |
-| --------- | ----------------- |
-| apiKey | string |
-| fromEmail | string |
-| fromName | string (OPTIONAL) |
-| templates | Template[] |
-| Template Properties | Type | Enum values |
-| ------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| subject | string | N/A |
-| content | string | N/A |
-| usageType | enum string | 'Register' \| 'SignIn' \| 'ForgotPassword' \| 'Generic' |
-| type | enum string | 'text/plain' \| 'text/html' |
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_connector-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_connector-twilio.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c78966819..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_connector-twilio.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-### Register Twilio account
-Create a new account on [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com). (Jump to the next step if you already have one.)
-### Set up senders' phone numbers
-Go to the [Twilio console page](https://console.twilio.com/) and sign in with your Twilio account.
-Purchase a phone number under "Phone Numbers" -> "Manage" -> "Buy a number".
-> ℹ️ **Tip**
-> Sometimes you may encounter the situation that SMS service is not supported in specific countries or areas. Pick a number from other regions to bypass.
-Once we have a valid number claimed, navigate to the "Messaging" -> "Services". Create a new Message Service by clicking on the button.
-Give a friendly service name and choose _Notify my users_ as our service purpose.
-Following the next step, choose `Phone Number` as _Sender Type_, and add the phone number we just claimed to this service as a sender.
-> ℹ️ **Note**
-> Each phone number can only be linked with one messaging service.
-### Get account credentials
-We will need the API credentials to make the connector work. Let's begin with the [Twilio console page](https://console.twilio.com/).
-Click on the "Account" menu in the top-right corner, then go to the "API keys & tokens" page to get your `Account SID` and `Auth token`.
-Back to "Messaging" -> "Services" settings page starting from the sidebar, and find the `Sid` of your service.
-### Compose the connector JSON
-Fill out the _accountSID_, _authToken_ and _fromMessagingServiceSID_ fields with `Account SID`, `Auth token` and `Sid` of the corresponding messaging service.
-You can add multiple SMS connector templates for different cases. Here is an example of adding a single template:
-- Fill out the `content` field with arbitrary string-typed contents. Do not forget to leave `{{code}}` placeholder for random verification code.
-- Fill out the `usageType` field with either `Register`, `SignIn`, `ForgotPassword`, `Generic` for different use cases. In order to enable full user flows, templates with usageType `Register`, `SignIn`, `ForgotPassword` and `Generic` are required.
-#### Test Twilio SMS connector
-You can enter a phone number and click on "Send" to see whether the settings can work before "Save and Done".
-That's it. Don't forget to enable connector in sign-in experience.
-#### Config types
-| Name | Type |
-| ----------------------- | ----------- |
-| accountSID | string |
-| authToken | string |
-| fromMessagingServiceSID | string |
-| templates | Templates[] |
-| Template Properties | Type | Enum values |
-| ------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| content | string | N/A |
-| usageType | enum string | 'Register' \| 'SignIn' \| 'ForgotPassword' \| 'Generic' |
-#### Reference
-- [Twilio - Error and Warning Dictionary](https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/errors)
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-android.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-android.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index bf63cf2ca63..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-android.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import AndroidGuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_guide-tip.md';
-import HandleAuthenticationStatus from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_handle-authentication-status.md';
-import ImplementSignIn from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_implement-sign-in.mdx';
-import ImplementSignOut from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_implement-sign-out.md';
-import InitLogtoClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_init-logto-client.md';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_installation.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Init LogtoClient
-### Implement sign-in
-### Implement sign-out
-### Handle authentication status
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index cd2767e6cc3..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import AddRoutes from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_add-routes.md';
-import AuthorizeViewComponent from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_authorize-view-component.md';
-import ImplementButtons from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_implement-buttons.md';
-import AddAuthentication from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_add-authentication.md';
-import ConfigureRedirectUris from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_configure-redirect-uris.mdx';
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_guide-tip.md';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_installation.md';
-import SignInAndSignOutFlows from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_sign-in-and-sign-out-flows.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Add Logto authentication
-### Sign-in and sign-out flows
-### Configure redirect URIs
-### Add routes
-### Implement sign-in/sign-out buttons
-### The `` component
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8177d508500..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_guide-tip.md';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_installation.md';
-import Integration from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_integration.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c8a526a92..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import AddAuthentication from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_add-authentication.md';
-import ConfigureRedirectUris from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_configure-redirect-uris.mdx';
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_guide-tip.md';
-import ImplementButtons from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_implement-buttons.md';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_installation.md';
-import SignInAndSignOutFlows from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_sign-in-and-sign-out-flows.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Add Logto authentication
-### Sign-in and sign-out flows
-### Configure redirect URIs
-### Implement sign-in/sign-out buttons
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d36cab2ad..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import AddAuthentication from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_add-authentication.md';
-import ConfigureRedirectUris from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_configure-redirect-uris.mdx';
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_guide-tip.md';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_installation.md';
-import SignInAndSignOutFlows from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_sign-in-and-sign-out-flows.mdx';
-import ImplementButtons from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_implement-buttons.md';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Add Logto authentication
-### Sign-in and sign-out flows
-### Configure redirect URIs
-### Implement sign-in/sign-out buttons
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a34f120b46..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_guide-tip.md';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_installation.mdx';
-import Integration from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_integration.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-express.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-express.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index fa530659355..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-express.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_guide-tip.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_installation.mdx';
-import Integration from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Integration
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index dd46d23b720..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import Dependency from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_dependency.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_installation.mdx';
-import Integration from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_integration.mdx';
-import FlutterIntegrationTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_tip.md';
-## Installation
-## Dependency and configurations
-## Integration
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-go.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-go.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ebaefac03..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-go.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import CreateSessionStorage from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_create-session-storage.md';
-import GoGuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_guide-tip.md';
-import ImplementCallbackRoute from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_implement-callback-route.md';
-import ImplementSignInRoute from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_implement-sign-in-route.mdx';
-import ImplementSignOutRoute from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_implement-sign-out-route.mdx';
-import InitLogtoClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_init-logto-client.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_installation.md';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Create a session storage
-### Init LogtoClient
-### Implement sign-in route
-### Implement the callback route
-### Implement sign-out route
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index b6d4dbfa0a5..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import AddSdk from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_add-sdk.mdx';
-import ImplementSignInAndSignOut from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_implement-sign-in-and-sign-out.mdx';
-import InitClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_init-client.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Add Logto SDK as a dependency
-### Init LogtoClient
-### Sign in
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-next.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-next.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index f54835f5833..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-next.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_guide-tip.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_installation.mdx';
-import Integration from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_integration.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Integration
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-php.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-php.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index ba61fd4a6db..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-php.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import AssumingUrl from '../../docs/quick-starts/fragments/_web-assuming-url.mdx';
-import WebConfigureRedirectUris from '../../docs/quick-starts/fragments/_web-configure-redirect-uris.mdx';
-import SignInFlowSummary from '../../docs/quick-starts/fragments/_web-sign-in-flow-summary.mdx';
-import PhpGuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_guide-tip.md';
-import HandleAuthenticationStatus from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_handle-authentication-status.md';
-import ImplementCallbackRoute from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_implement-callback-route.md';
-import ImplementSignInRoute from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_implement-sign-in-route.mdx';
-import ImplementSignOutRoute from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_implement-sign-out-route.mdx';
-import InitLogtoClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_init-logto-client.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_installation.md';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Init LogtoClient
-### Configure redirect URIs
-### Handle callback
-### Implement sign-in route
-### Implement sign-out route
-### Handle authentication status
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-python.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-python.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 17763cff3e0..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-python.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import PythonGuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_guide-tip.md';
-import HandleAuthenticationStatus from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_handle-authentication-status.md';
-import ImplementSignInAndSignOutRoutes from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_implement-sign-in-and-sign-out.mdx';
-import InitLogtoClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_init-logto-client.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_installation.md';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Init LogtoClient
-### Implement sign-in and sign-out
-### Handle authentication status
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-react.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-react.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c24dd8133e..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-react.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_guide-tip.mdx';
-import ImplementSignInAndSignOut from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_implement-sign-in-and-sign-out.mdx';
-import InitClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_init-client.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_installation.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Init LogtoClient
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2371b3b6dae..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import AddSdk from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_add-sdk.mdx';
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_guide-tip.mdx';
-import HandleAuthenticationStatus from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_handle-authentication-status.mdx';
-import ImplementSignInAndSignOut from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_implement-sign-in-and-sign-out.mdx';
-import InitClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_init-client.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Init LogtoClient
-### Implement a sign-in and sign-out
-### Handle authentication status
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 78d9a3c3ee4..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import GuideTip from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_guide-tip.mdx';
-import ImplementSignInAndSignOut from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_implement-sign-in-and-sign-out.mdx';
-import InitClient from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_init-client.mdx';
-import Installation from '../../docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_installation.mdx';
-import TestYourIntegration from './fragments/_test-your-integration.mdx';
-### Installation
-### Init LogtoClient
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-passwordless.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-passwordless.mdx
index f4c802851fa..6f10397d120 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-passwordless.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-passwordless.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-${connectorPath}-sign-in-with-${sdkPath}-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, ${connectorPath}, ${sdkPath}, ${language}, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build ${connector} ${connectorType} passwordless sign-in with ${sdk} and Logto
+title: How to build ${connector} ${connectorType} passwordless sign-in with ${sdk}
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-${sdkPath}.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-${connectorPath}.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/${sdkDocDir}/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/${connectorDocDir}/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = '${connector}';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = '${connector}';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add ${connector} connector
+## Add ${connector} connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up ${connectorConfigName}
+## Set up ${connectorConfigName} \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable ${connector} connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable ${connector} connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-social.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-social.mdx
index a07138987e2..12ce5d6222b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-social.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/_template-social.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-${connectorPath}-sign-in-with-${sdkPath}-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, ${connectorPath}, ${sdkPath}, ${language}, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build ${connector} sign-in with ${sdk} and Logto
+title: How to build ${connector} sign-in with ${sdk}
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-${sdkPath}.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-${connectorPath}.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/${sdkDocDir}/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/${connectorDocDir}/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = '${connector}';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = '${connector}';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate ${framework} SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add ${connector} connector
+## Add ${connector} connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up ${connectorConfigName}
+## Set up ${connectorConfigName} \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable ${connector} connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable ${connector} connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
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index f7ff0de510b..9ce7b43407e 100644
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index fa279261842..e9af3e35a6b 100644
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index 0cf9611c39a..00000000000
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index bb5bd54b6f9..00000000000
Binary files a/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/domain-and-url.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f2c505447d4..00000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 067e367170e..00000000000
Binary files a/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/enable-sign-in-with-apple.png and /dev/null differ
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index fd9d66c07d1..37bf4017b65 100644
Binary files a/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/framework-list.png and b/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/framework-list.png differ
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index 82aa0405930..1387e2d2873 100644
Binary files a/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/get-started.png and b/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/get-started.png differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 41fd98c17c3..00000000000
Binary files a/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/save-changes.png and /dev/null differ
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index 111fc9f1b8b..92099171444 100644
Binary files a/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/sie-tab.png and b/tutorial/build-with-logto/assets/sie-tab.png differ
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.mdx
index 0c200512a81..d49fadb28bf 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.mdx
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
- To add or change {props.connectorType} connector, go to the "Connector" tab in the Admin Console,
- then click on "Email and SMS connectors". From there, click "Set up" or go to detail page and
- click "Change {props.connectorType} connector".
+{props.connectorType} connector is a method used to send one-time passwords (OTPs) for authentication. It enables {props.passwordlessSignUpIdentifier} verification to support passwordless authentication, including {props.connectorType}-based registration, sign-in, two-factor authentication (2FA), and account recovery.
+You can easily connect {props.connector} as your {props.connectorType} provider. With the Logto {props.connectorType} connector, you can set this up in just a few minutes.
-![Connector tab](../assets/connector-tab-passwordless.png)
+To add a {props.connectorType} connector, simply follow these steps:
-In the openning modal, select "{props.connector}" and click "Next".
+1. Navigate to [Console > Connector > Email and SMS connectors](https://cloud.logto.io/to/connectors/passwordless).
+2. To add a new {props.connectorType} connector, click the "Set up" button and select "{props.connector}".
+3. Review the README documentation for your selected provider.
+4. Complete the configuration fields in the "Parameter Configuration" section.
+5. Customize the {props.connectorType} template using the JSON editor.
+6. Test your configuration by sending a verification code to your {props.passwordlessSignUpIdentifier}.
-On the next page, you will see a two-column layout with the README content on the left and configuration on the right.
+![Connector tab](../assets/connector-tab-passwordless.png)
-Feel free to follow the README file in place or read the following section to complete the configuration process. If you follow the in-place guide, you can skip the next section.
+If you are following the in-place Connector guide, you can skip the next section.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx
index d0ba19e9eba..2892238dd5f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-To add a social connector, go to the "Connector" tab in the Admin Console, then click on "Social connectors". From there, click "Add social connector".
+To enable quick sign-in and improve user conversion, connect with {props.framework} as an identity provider.
+The Logto social connector helps you establish this connection in minutes by allowing several parameter inputs.
-![Connector tab](../assets/connector-tab-social.png)
+To add a social connector, simply follow these steps:
-In the openning modal, select "{props.connector}" and click "Next".
+1. Navigate to [Console > Connectors > Social Connectors](https://cloud.logto.io/to/connectors/social).
+2. Click "Add social connector" and select "{props.connector}".
+3. Follow the README guide and complete required fields and customize settings.
-On the next page, you will see a two-column layout with the README content on the left and configuration on the right.
+![Connector tab](../assets/connector-tab-social.png)
-Feel free to follow the README file in place or read the following section to complete the configuration process. If you follow the in-place guide, you can skip the next section.
+If you are following the in-place Connector guide, you can skip the next section.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_create-application.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_create-application.mdx
index 13659711278..6a90a30725a 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_create-application.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_create-application.mdx
@@ -1,35 +1,11 @@
-import createApp from '../assets/create-application-modal.png';
+Logto is based on OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication and OAuth 2.0 authorization. It supports federated identity management across multiple applications, commonly called Single Sign-On (SSO).
-In you browser, open a new tab and enter the link of Logto Admin Console.
+To create your {props.type} application, simply follow these steps:
-![Get Started](../assets/get-started.png)
-Once the page is loaded, in the "Get Started" section click the `View all` link to open the application framework list page.
-### Choose your application type
-![Framework List](../assets/framework-list.png)
- In the opening modal, scroll to the "{props.type}" section or filter all the available "
- {props.type}" frameworks using the quick filter checkboxes on the left.
- Click the{' '}
- {props.framework
- .split('/')
- .map((text) => `"${text.trim()}"`)
- .join(' / ')}{' '}
- framework card to start creating your application.
-### Enter application name
-Enter the application name, e.g., "Bookstore," and click "Create application."
+1. Open the [Logto Console](https://cloud.logto.io). In the "Get started" section, click the "View all" link to open the application frameworks list. Alternatively, you can navigate to [Logto Console > Applications](https://cloud.logto.io/to/applications), and click the "Create application" button.
+ ![Get started](../assets/get-started.png)
+2. In the opening modal, click the "{props.type}" section or filter all the available "{props.type}" frameworks using the quick filter checkboxes on the left. Click the {props.framework.split('/').map((text) => `"${text.trim()}"`).join(' / ')} framework card to start creating your application.
+ ![Frameworks](../assets/framework-list.png)
+3. Enter the application name, e.g., "Bookstore," and click "Create application".
🎉 Ta-da! You just created your first application in Logto. You'll see a congrats page which includes a detailed integration guide. Follow the guide to see what the experience will be in your application.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx
index 5f553002de5..0e3ab8f5871 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
-Switch to the "Sign-in experience" tab, then click the "Sign-up and sign-in" tab.
+Once you create a {props.connector} connector successfully, you can enable phone number-based passwordless login and registration.
-If it's the first time you enter the tab, you will see a quick introduction about Sign-in Experience and its basic configuration.
+1. Navigate to [Console > Sign-in experience > Sign-up and sign-in](https://cloud.logto.io/to/sign-in-experience/sign-up-and-sign-in).
+2. Set up sign-up methods (Optional):
+ 1. Select "{props.passwordlessSignUpIdentifier}" or "Email or phone number" as the sign-up identifier.
+ 2. "Verify at sign-up" is forced to be enabled. You can also enable "Create a password" on registration.
+3. Set up sign-in methods:
+ 1. Select {props.passwordlessSignUpIdentifier} as one of sign-in identifiers. You can provide multiple available identifiers (email, phone number, and username).
+ 2. Select "Verification code" and / or "Password" as the authentication factor.
+4. Click "Save changes" and test it in "Live preview".
![Sign-in Experience tab](../assets/sie-tab.png)
- Select "{props.passwordlessSignUpIdentifier}" or "Email address or phone number" for the "Sign-up
- identifier" to provide sign-up for {props.connectorType} passwordless sign-in, which may increase
- your conversion rate.
-![Save changes](../assets/save-changes.png)
-Finally, click "Save changes" on the bottom right corner.
+In addition to registration and login via {props.connector} OTPs, you can also have password recovery and {props.connector}-based security verification enabled, as well as linking {props.passwordlessSignUpIdentifier} to profile. See [End-user flows](https://docs.logto.io/end-user-flows) for more details.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx
index bcb665270ec..b67ed837f40 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
-Switch to the "Sign-in experience" tab, then click the "Sign-up and sign-in" tab.
+Once you create a social connector successfully, you can enable it as a "Continue with {props.connector}" button in Sign-in Experience.
-If it's the first time you enter the tab, you will see a quick introduction about Sign-in Experience and its basic configuration.
+1. Navigate to [Console > Sign-in experience > Sign-up and sign-in](https://cloud.logto.io/to/sign-in-experience/sign-up-and-sign-in).
+2. (Optional) Choose "Not applicable" for sign-up identifier if you need social login only.
+3. Add configured {props.connector} connector to the "Social sign-in" section.
![Sign-in Experience tab](../assets/sie-tab.png)
- Select "None" for the "Sign-up identifier" to provide minimum sign-up effort for {props.connector}{' '}
- sign-in, which may increase your conversion rate.
- In the "Social sign-in" section, add "Add Social Connector" and choose "{props.connector}". Then
- you should be able to see a button with text "Continue with {props.connector}" in the preview
- section.
-![Save changes](../assets/save-changes.png)
-Finally, click "Save changes" on the bottom right corner.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_further-readings.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_further-readings.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3f69949dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_further-readings.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[End-user flows](https://docs.logto.io/end-user-flows): Logto provides a out-of-the-box authentication flows including MFA and enterprise SSO, along with powerful APIs for flexible implementation of account settings, security verification, and multi-tenant experience.
+[Authorization](https://docs.logto.io/authorization): Authorization defines the actions a user can do or resources they can access after being authenticated. Explore how to protect your API for native and single-page applications and implement Role-based Access Control (RBAC).
+[Organizations](https://docs.logto.io/organizations): Particularly effective in multi-tenant SaaS and B2B apps, the organization feature enable tenant creation, member management, organization-level RBAC, and just-in-time-provisioning.
+[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_intro.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_intro.mdx
index f4369c929ca..62ac2cc9e26 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_intro.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_intro.mdx
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
{/* `prettier` formats the react components and breaks lines into pieces which makes the content ugly and hard to read. */}
{/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */}
:::info For our new friends
-Every app needs authentication and authorization. [Logto](https://logto.io) is an Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products.
+[Logto](https://logto.io/) is an Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products. It
+offers both [Cloud](https://cloud.logto.io/) and [Open-source](https://github.com/logto-io/logto)
+services to help you quickly launch your identity and management (IAM) system. Enjoy authentication,
+authorization, and multi-tenant management [all in one](https://docs.logto.io/introduction).{' '}
+We recommend starting with a free development tenant on [Logto Cloud](https://cloud.logto.io/). This allows you to explore all the features easily.
- In this article, we will go through the steps to quickly build the {props.connector} sign-in
- experience (user authentication) with {props.sdk} and
- Logto.
+In this article, we will go through the steps to quickly build the {props.connector} sign-in
+experience (user authentication) with {props.sdk} and [Logto](https://logto.io/).
- A running Logto instance. Check out the [introduction page](/introduction) to get started.
-- Basic knowledge of {props.sdk}.
-- A usable {props.connector} account.
+- Basic knowledge of {props.sdk}.
+- A usable {props.connector} account.
{/* eslint-enable prettier/prettier */}
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx
index 60db5efd93b..5ea26d0fbc6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
- Double check you have filled out necessary values in the Logto connector configuration area. Click
- "Save and Done" (or "Save changes") and the {props.connector} connector should be available now.
+Double check you have filled out necessary values in the Logto connector configuration area. Click
+"Save and Done" (or "Save changes") and the {props.connector} connector should be available now.
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx
index ada18c90348..3650462d683 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
- Return to your {props.sdk} app. You should now be able to sign in with {props.connector}. Enjoy!
+Return to your {props.sdk} app. You should now be able to sign in with {props.connector}. Enjoy!
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generate.mjs b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generate.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index ff803eead16..00000000000
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generate.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-This script generates blog posts with the cartesian product of the const `sdks` and `connectors`.
-For example:
-const sdks = [{ name: 'React', ... }, { name: 'Vue', ... }];
-const connectors = [{ name: 'GitHub', ... }, { name: 'Google', ... }];
-will generate four blog posts:
-- `react-github.mdx`
-- `react-google.mdx`
-- `vue-github.mdx`
-- `vue-google.mdx`
-import fs from 'node:fs/promises';
- * SDKs to read. You should keep the name in original cases such as "React" to provide a better reading experience.
- *
- * @type Array<{ name: string; language: string; officialLink: string; appType: string; }>
- */
-const sdks = [
- {
- name: 'React',
- language: 'js',
- officialLink: 'https://reactjs.org/',
- appType: 'Single page app',
- framework: 'React',
- },
- {
- name: 'Expo (React Native)',
- language: 'js',
- officialLink: 'https://expo.dev/',
- appType: 'Native app',
- framework: 'Expo',
- },
- {
- name: 'Vue',
- language: 'js',
- officialLink: 'https://vuejs.org/',
- appType: 'Single page app',
- framework: 'Vue',
- },
- {
- name: 'Vanilla JS',
- language: 'js',
- officialLink: 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript',
- appType: 'Single page app',
- framework: 'Vanilla JS',
- },
- {
- name: 'iOS Swift',
- language: 'swift',
- officialLink: 'https://developer.apple.com/ios/ ',
- appType: 'Native app',
- framework: 'iOS(Swift)',
- },
- { name: 'Go', language: 'go', officialLink: 'https://go.dev/', appType: 'Traditional web' },
- {
- name: 'Android',
- language: 'kotlin/java',
- officialLink: 'https://developer.android.com/',
- appType: 'Native app',
- framework: 'Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java)',
- },
- {
- name: 'Flutter',
- language: 'dart',
- officialLink: 'https://flutter.dev/',
- appType: 'Native app',
- framework: 'Flutter',
- },
- {
- name: 'Next',
- language: 'js',
- officialLink: 'https://nextjs.org/',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: 'Next.js',
- },
- {
- name: 'Express',
- language: 'js',
- officialLink: 'https://expressjs.com/',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: 'Express',
- },
- {
- name: 'Python',
- language: 'python',
- officialLink: 'https://www.python.org/',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: 'Flask',
- },
- {
- name: 'PHP',
- language: 'php',
- officialLink: 'https://www.php.net/',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: 'Laravel',
- },
- {
- name: '.NET Core (MVC)',
- language: 'c#',
- officialLink: 'https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/mvc',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: '.NET Core (MVC)',
- },
- {
- name: '.NET Core (Razor Pages)',
- language: 'c#',
- officialLink: 'https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/razor-pages/',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: '.NET Core (Razor Pages)',
- },
- {
- name: '.NET Core (Blazor Server)',
- language: 'c#',
- officialLink:
- 'https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/hosting-models#blazor-server',
- appType: 'Traditional web',
- framework: '.NET Core (Blazor Server)',
- },
- {
- name: '.NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)',
- language: 'c#',
- officialLink:
- 'https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/hosting-models#blazor-webassembly',
- appType: 'Single page app',
- framework: '.NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)',
- },
- * Connector names to read. You should keep the name in original cases such as "GitHub" to provide a better reading experience.
- *
- * * @type Array<{ name: string; configName: string; }>
- */
-const socialConnectors = [
- { name: 'GitHub', configName: 'GitHub OAuth app' },
- { name: 'Google', configName: 'Google OAuth app' },
- { name: 'Apple', configName: 'Apple Sign-in' },
- { name: 'Azure AD', configName: 'Azure AD' },
- { name: 'Discord', configName: 'Discord OAuth app' },
- { name: 'Kakao', configName: 'Kakao login' },
- { name: 'Naver', configName: 'Naver login' },
- { name: 'Facebook', configName: 'Facebook login' },
- { name: 'OIDC', configName: 'Standard OIDC app' },
- { name: 'SAML', configName: 'Standard SAML app' },
- { name: 'OAuth2', configName: 'Standard OAuth 2.0 app' },
- { name: 'Hugging Face', configName: 'Hugging Face OAuth app' },
-const emailConnectors = [
- { name: 'AWS SES', configName: 'AWS SES email connector' },
- { name: 'SendGrid', configName: 'SendGrid email connector' },
-const smsConnectors = [{ name: 'Twilio', configName: 'Twilio SMS connector' }];
-const generator = async (sdks, connectors, template, type) => {
- await Promise.all(
- sdks.flatMap((sdk) =>
- connectors.map(async (connector) => {
- const connectorPath = connector.name.replaceAll(' ', '-').toLowerCase();
- const sdkPath = sdk.name
- .replaceAll(' ', '-')
- .replaceAll(/[()]/g, '')
- .replaceAll('.', 'dot')
- .toLowerCase();
- const post = template
- .replaceAll('${connector}', connector.name)
- .replaceAll('${connectorPath}', connectorPath)
- .replaceAll('${connectorConfigName}', connector.configName)
- .replaceAll('${connectorType}', type)
- .replaceAll(
- '${passwordlessSignUpIdentifier}',
- type === 'Email' ? 'Email address' : 'Phone number'
- )
- .replaceAll('${sdk}', sdk.name)
- .replaceAll('${sdkPath}', sdkPath)
- .replaceAll('${sdkOfficialLink}', sdk.officialLink)
- .replaceAll('${language}', sdk.language)
- .replaceAll('${appType}', sdk.appType)
- .replaceAll('${framework}', sdk.framework);
- const filename = `generated-${sdkPath}-${connectorPath}.mdx`;
- await fs.writeFile(filename, post, 'utf8');
- console.log('Generated', filename);
- })
- )
- );
-const run = async () => {
- const socialTemplate = await fs.readFile('./_template-social.mdx', 'utf8');
- await generator(sdks, socialConnectors, socialTemplate);
- const passwordlessTemplate = await fs.readFile('./_template-passwordless.mdx', 'utf8');
- await generator(sdks, emailConnectors, passwordlessTemplate, 'Email');
- await generator(sdks, smsConnectors, passwordlessTemplate, 'SMS');
-await run();
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-apple.mdx
index 726b9842f0c..374a298bc27 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-aws-ses.mdx
index 9e1b4533cad..3e92dad04bc 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, android, kotlin/java, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-azure-ad.mdx
index 9b4bd84d273..b5f54e2eadc 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-discord.mdx
index 0779f153d2b..6a46b8fb7a9 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-facebook.mdx
index f785b378da6..f19e3f63582 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-github.mdx
index 685557a3436..3a6aa8865d9 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-google.mdx
index 880d669dd2b..18f7e3681cd 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-hugging-face.mdx
index 94ad8d86edc..1f1b1acf4f3 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-kakao.mdx
index ae5724fab3f..d089e15b142 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-naver.mdx
index 9bbbf2c7629..1d731d11d99 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oauth2.mdx
index 78343461fe6..5b72087c97c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oidc.mdx
index 02d66235014..e5b2b4b099f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-saml.mdx
index 4dfc4d52050..098db23588d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, android, kotlin/java, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Android (Kotlin) / Android (Java) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-sendgrid.mdx
index b0551c3ffd1..bbde5458f4e 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, android, kotlin/java, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-twilio.mdx
index d17e33196d3..8689ce2b92d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-android-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-android-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, android, kotlin/java, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Android and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Android (Kotlin / Java)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-android.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/android/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-apple.mdx
index 61783cbe6f5..4eec2ce79e6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-aws-ses.mdx
index 09c39e58c81..69327282b2c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-azure-ad.mdx
index 720aeae342b..c08078c6c99 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-discord.mdx
index 941e48d50c1..01992d20780 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-facebook.mdx
index 6dce9d7f7cb..56c7d3b1e4d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-github.mdx
index 6aedfc0c5e9..cc592a78beb 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-google.mdx
index 63598475697..1a28a0d837b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-hugging-face.mdx
index 6f9749677e1..e1d7d7f5ca7 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-kakao.mdx
index cddad170fb6..086de3a5f95 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-naver.mdx
index bbb0d34fab5..06cafb6b712 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oauth2.mdx
index 21c6ccf7632..5e56d275286 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oidc.mdx
index 831382f886d..c11f593c848 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-saml.mdx
index cacf11b6e1a..b384eb644e3 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .Net Core (Blazor Server) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-sendgrid.mdx
index b46590de3fa..d140b18bf95 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-twilio.mdx
index 0e62099a2e8..a43fff94e7c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-server-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-server-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, dotnet-core-blazor-server, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server) and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor Server)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-server.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-server/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-apple.mdx
index 76261401c87..1db962826bd 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Apple';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-aws-ses.mdx
index b3f7da34524..e645087ef54 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'AWS SES';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-azure-ad.mdx
index 3c0debfa59f..fb73b592792 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Azure AD';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-discord.mdx
index 78bd6712ca6..2b9ade27c00 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Discord';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-facebook.mdx
index 57a369fdbc2..822b06f85ed 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Facebook';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-github.mdx
index 6d3c8321cbe..65ca17d0bf6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'GitHub';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-google.mdx
index 48b4394bdbf..7eaa29eb1dc 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Google';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-hugging-face.mdx
index c5a6a22aa38..b06efda85a9 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-kakao.mdx
index a1e670e5647..dd7b8a4f9b1 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Kakao';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-naver.mdx
index 9fdbe683ff0..d4defb9a13a 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Naver';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oauth2.mdx
index 30a96548ce2..8d1ddc775ee 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'OAuth2';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oidc.mdx
index 146c54d090a..1f8f3af83c0 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'OIDC';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-saml.mdx
index 649d2cc11f7..70aff8f062c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'SAML';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-sendgrid.mdx
index 2596912107e..c555b603dac 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'SendGrid';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-twilio.mdx
index 33f97d2e466..6ff004b90be 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly) and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Blazor WebAssembly)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-blazor-webassembly.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-blazor-wasm/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'Twilio';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-apple.mdx
index 57ce05c3b11..1d34e2ec1a6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Apple';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-aws-ses.mdx
index 61b7036f414..6678f85d0d4 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'AWS SES';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-azure-ad.mdx
index 632d675c0a4..addf794836f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Azure AD';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-discord.mdx
index 5f84c12aead..c76ae3671e8 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Discord';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-facebook.mdx
index ec69ad1b869..fdbb16104f0 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Facebook';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-github.mdx
index f0b1801b9c9..8f5287e3985 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'GitHub';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-google.mdx
index 936d24944d0..5929a87b5ca 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Google';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-hugging-face.mdx
index bfa23ec00e1..868b9fa65ed 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-kakao.mdx
index e69f9109a6b..c158e743b46 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Kakao';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-naver.mdx
index 32e34c81b4d..249e0daa3e4 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Naver';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oauth2.mdx
index 14fc4003231..ff2eb756249 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'OAuth2';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oidc.mdx
index 5050a79910b..52c5057e1b0 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'OIDC';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-saml.mdx
index 925971e1a01..65efd228193 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'SAML';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (MVC) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-sendgrid.mdx
index 6be154a7b66..4e0a8a75e78 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'SendGrid';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-twilio.mdx
index 8c8aaf58ca6..cde940c75d6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-mvc-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-mvc-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, dotnet-core-mvc, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (MVC) and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (MVC)
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-mvc.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-mvc/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'Twilio';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-apple.mdx
index 0e671b53d63..401bc1e689f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-aws-ses.mdx
index 8aacb170332..2fb1efa11d6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-azure-ad.mdx
index f8be7d97975..d75a38967d3 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-discord.mdx
index d94b8e7b47f..f6932d0c6e6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-facebook.mdx
index 0c12db509c9..b5bddec7e1c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-github.mdx
index cf95db64fa4..165ac6664cc 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-google.mdx
index e84f7650543..42de3ec1072 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-hugging-face.mdx
index 48cf86414a7..6707a282ecf 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-kakao.mdx
index 12508b3d257..c95831a7242 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-naver.mdx
index bcb218cd82f..d24c543edd6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oauth2.mdx
index 27b06f792a0..60ce2340839 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oidc.mdx
index a60c9bd0e07..bc8b6a85a76 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-saml.mdx
index 588bf37566c..49ea94f4404 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate .NET Core (Razor Pages) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-sendgrid.mdx
index c438de6e46d..d8786ea3709 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-twilio.mdx
index 46266d39c37..7c13c3f6d72 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-dotnet-core-razor-pages-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-dotnet-core-razor-pages-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, dotnet-core-razor-pages, c#, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages) and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with .NET Core (Razor Pages)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-dotnet-core-razor-pages.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/dotnet-razor/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-apple.mdx
index 554464a22b5..191d4f0b587 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-aws-ses.mdx
index 928497d5aba..fd5574c20b5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, expo-react-native, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-azure-ad.mdx
index e3eec62854a..a5ebc989eec 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-discord.mdx
index e39807a856e..5febeff0ad8 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-facebook.mdx
index 792cb61b36b..575aeb57d58 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-github.mdx
index e99764842b0..f7a73674b97 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-google.mdx
index a308eea5e31..c0cc9ae8a38 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-hugging-face.mdx
index 6995d14c96e..314bed6b5a2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-kakao.mdx
index 5d8e31b8b38..e55696a63d5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-naver.mdx
index 2aa21e8f864..40a1a899b4c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oauth2.mdx
index 250d3897e07..517cbad151b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oidc.mdx
index 1cbf7dc1759..eaae75d2d3f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-saml.mdx
index c42766a08e7..c4fb5d6667c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, expo-react-native, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Expo SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-sendgrid.mdx
index 3c516b0d7c0..fb8d5d85e43 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, expo-react-native, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-twilio.mdx
index 39b0894e1c9..9d66360f785 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-expo-react-native-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-expo-react-native-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, expo-react-native, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Expo (React Native) and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Expo (React Native)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-expo-react-native.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/expo/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-apple.mdx
index e77a4ca090f..bb0ae51ef20 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-aws-ses.mdx
index 4586c389946..45fa9f42531 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, express, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Express
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-azure-ad.mdx
index 9a5eee1154f..a256a1f4431 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-discord.mdx
index 5c916280442..4146ec02de2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-facebook.mdx
index 576b736fab7..629fc61246d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-github.mdx
index 7b8e9d13058..00434344f68 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-google.mdx
index 81a8362d199..d2c17a846f5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-hugging-face.mdx
index 6dd362c502f..76e6a2abad9 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-kakao.mdx
index 3f629f3b7d7..d8d13990073 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-naver.mdx
index 75d36ea100e..ff5a28976b7 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oauth2.mdx
index c78172cb3a8..06456263531 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oidc.mdx
index 81dddfb6692..61f386f6538 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-saml.mdx
index e9b81b6d062..1d23b405a2a 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, express, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Express
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Express SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-sendgrid.mdx
index c1f494cc65c..755041037f5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, express, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Express
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-twilio.mdx
index f4352d6e8fd..1ac4e0c2378 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-express-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-express-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, express, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Express and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Express
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-express.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/express/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-apple.mdx
index aa37445ad44..068ed4706d5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-aws-ses.mdx
index a91bbfe2405..5892ef93620 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, flutter, dart, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-azure-ad.mdx
index 84d74b8ac36..0979d2cc57c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-discord.mdx
index 772503eb7d8..34fc8502139 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-facebook.mdx
index 1bc022409de..d3a1e86e6be 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-github.mdx
index 9f48ed93b98..b19b4c112e6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-google.mdx
index 49ebddb1548..c1aec3c9aa2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-hugging-face.mdx
index 196395cfd14..8dc7eefe9d3 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-kakao.mdx
index d5867a6c8ed..b958d77b2a8 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-naver.mdx
index cc899f2442c..302d94cf5aa 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oauth2.mdx
index 5c5cef0171f..965a8769624 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oidc.mdx
index bbef416698b..3233fa3576b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-saml.mdx
index 82130ceac8a..2bf5d1b4047 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, flutter, dart, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flutter SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-sendgrid.mdx
index 64186613d7e..8162715032b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, flutter, dart, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-twilio.mdx
index 7ec230f56e1..c0c9f0f54c9 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-flutter-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-flutter-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, flutter, dart, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Flutter and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Flutter
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-flutter.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/flutter/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-apple.mdx
index 409a48d59bd..b290033040e 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-aws-ses.mdx
index a6906e5b385..8a7efd2caf7 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, go, go, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Go
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-azure-ad.mdx
index a5f636a3a04..b97d455a818 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-discord.mdx
index 24140dcde89..4595c6440a6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-facebook.mdx
index 2bf0163ca5d..4c6305f8a4b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-github.mdx
index ee9faad901f..dc3e398ac57 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-google.mdx
index bd01bee6a5b..ee5ee58012f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-hugging-face.mdx
index efa4d14236a..8b58b9b7b96 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-kakao.mdx
index 965d6b1ee36..d4ae035fda1 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-naver.mdx
index fa7657ccde4..b02bea248d6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oauth2.mdx
index 7b3e57c0f44..1c9eb86fda5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oidc.mdx
index b3f76a0df32..47c66570b8c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-saml.mdx
index 35452e612b9..b7b4f34ddc6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, go, go, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Go
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate undefined SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-sendgrid.mdx
index 66804967215..0118e15c885 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, go, go, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Go
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-twilio.mdx
index b6d19b6cbbc..d6ee4d83e85 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-go-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-go-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, go, go, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Go and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Go
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-go.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/go/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-apple.mdx
index 89acf989c77..bc4c99340de 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-aws-ses.mdx
index d1d926d29cb..e970c72fb7b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, ios-swift, swift, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-azure-ad.mdx
index 14842aee8fb..ee73544f37d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-discord.mdx
index 0e6fa12fcae..28277eb7ef8 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-facebook.mdx
index fa8cda202f3..d19c4f27c9d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-github.mdx
index c40fac4f070..52c04f0e767 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-google.mdx
index 3ffd9119c03..e846e6e7733 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-hugging-face.mdx
index 3d1e2862966..28e21b93181 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-kakao.mdx
index 0c7a5062886..f21bf1650d2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-naver.mdx
index d9d38a00716..4aa69251307 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oauth2.mdx
index 345d0d7aba4..dc652c0a112 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oidc.mdx
index 834ca9f0bef..63b919d9568 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-saml.mdx
index 8ce9f84733f..8ca44928106 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, ios-swift, swift, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate iOS (Swift) SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-sendgrid.mdx
index d2ea6b903aa..d6b37682d3a 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, ios-swift, swift, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-twilio.mdx
index 3a089950fd2..2aea6d6bc39 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-ios-swift-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-ios-swift-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, ios-swift, swift, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with iOS Swift and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with iOS (Swift)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-ios-swift.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/swift/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-apple.mdx
index bee473cd2ef..35979b787b6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-aws-ses.mdx
index 39d60556b1b..458a18bcb6d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, next, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-azure-ad.mdx
index bffeca81ebc..ce481c939a3 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-discord.mdx
index a04c80abcc5..fba8c53e784 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-facebook.mdx
index a4bbd46c402..568c5596a1c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-github.mdx
index 2af01ff6114..14a4050a996 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-google.mdx
index 23e1ba470fd..7f177faa67f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-hugging-face.mdx
index 38740da19a1..e83910ec5cf 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-kakao.mdx
index 9977081f6d2..e8eef810981 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-naver.mdx
index 0f26f052711..87057433eeb 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oauth2.mdx
index bccb8b72851..27a5c6d4ca9 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oidc.mdx
index 6790e2ebcc2..0f6402b51fb 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-saml.mdx
index ef0e5f43bd4..44dee633630 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, next, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Next.js SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-sendgrid.mdx
index 37d359e1e46..429475aa75f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, next, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-twilio.mdx
index 57345b6599e..b25daa78401 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-next-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-next-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, next, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Next and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Next.js (Pages Router)
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-next.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/next/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-apple.mdx
index 137b7c78554..a34d4cc903c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-aws-ses.mdx
index fd2f06cdc84..cb543de932d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, php, php, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-azure-ad.mdx
index 6b02ac4f12c..7d30c45797c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-discord.mdx
index c9328e34f9a..7e6fff0d826 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-facebook.mdx
index 74d512bff02..d0513a2d982 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-github.mdx
index f52afd90a3b..3a5ee704f4c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-google.mdx
index 75fcccbb4ac..292a09a2a13 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-hugging-face.mdx
index 94d24a41244..0eb0816cc68 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-kakao.mdx
index f298a86daac..bd5817fee06 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-naver.mdx
index 33f984485f3..0535c15f1b0 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oauth2.mdx
index 934716b636e..9bb2aac8110 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oidc.mdx
index d16992920c7..73d5bc712b5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-saml.mdx
index 9d0fb5a1e32..b7ef69bb957 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, php, php, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Laravel SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-sendgrid.mdx
index d8efec66249..7b554d58fc5 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, php, php, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-twilio.mdx
index 47606b63d53..80e6b42f66e 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-php-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-php-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, php, php, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with PHP and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with PHP
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-php.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/php/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-apple.mdx
index b799808b2e4..4cd773e9422 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-aws-ses.mdx
index e72b36e4ff3..e06ced4e057 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, python, python, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Python
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-azure-ad.mdx
index 4889b48fd63..da97274e2c2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-discord.mdx
index 17c4d5e15f0..d62f36de5e6 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-facebook.mdx
index 76600dbf546..25bb2d66a6c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-github.mdx
index 8dee2dda543..1e4692d0403 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-google.mdx
index d97c294621a..c16ababed56 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-hugging-face.mdx
index 42599c15cc5..bb2905bd92d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-kakao.mdx
index 1853a08d546..1e780c53adf 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-naver.mdx
index fc8375c3356..dd04bfd4408 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oauth2.mdx
index 6c379897190..8d3913c5946 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oidc.mdx
index 32bdbc58f54..7f88f25999d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-saml.mdx
index ad28e24a639..72ef0bba27e 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, python, python, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Python
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Flask SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-sendgrid.mdx
index e5d05664791..a3f31537fcc 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, python, python, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Python
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-twilio.mdx
index 64be68a0b59..7ceda04d910 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-python-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-python-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, python, python, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Python and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Python
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-python.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/python/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-apple.mdx
index f9917897df1..2f7301f3333 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-aws-ses.mdx
index 98a636a22cd..7cc3c7576b2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, react, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with React
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-azure-ad.mdx
index dc16863aab5..4b505688e33 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-discord.mdx
index 1cf64c35c09..c602f3741db 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-facebook.mdx
index 57393d86223..0ab37d44093 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-github.mdx
index 07dd1049654..3e63647774c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-google.mdx
index 7f528aa1068..d56fac6b60f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-hugging-face.mdx
index 00c9c86dbe7..432cfba9c24 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-kakao.mdx
index f7f9135b46a..5140dbbdf59 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-naver.mdx
index 88039c8aec6..3b12efdc20f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oauth2.mdx
index 6fbac670bed..926553b2a5f 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oidc.mdx
index fdb52407706..2c2fd788ee8 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-saml.mdx
index 8fe15d59979..1fa60b0ff31 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, react, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with React
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate React SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-sendgrid.mdx
index 2e560b92005..2e297c2327e 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, react, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with React
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-twilio.mdx
index eb0bbf0ebeb..1eaee3ae7bb 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-react-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-react-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, react, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with React and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with React
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-react.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/react/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-apple.mdx
index f3ae6ceaa72..b0762a5a080 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Apple';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-aws-ses.mdx
index fc614a0d0fa..cd951addf85 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, vanilla-js, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'AWS SES';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-azure-ad.mdx
index c6a76ad558d..16b17e2e087 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Azure AD';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-discord.mdx
index 2c3afd200b2..a374806c682 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Discord';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-facebook.mdx
index 8b5fd1ae818..76b052900a2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Facebook';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-github.mdx
index 9d8dccabff2..95fa36b1dd8 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'GitHub';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-google.mdx
index 0c53d2cff35..297050ad843 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Google';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-hugging-face.mdx
index bc49ef8d014..464d1b797aa 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-kakao.mdx
index 56c0a460839..3f8be7d9204 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Kakao';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-naver.mdx
index f77005af081..454a7df4765 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'Naver';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oauth2.mdx
index 7b22eb6dd26..be2bdcb9871 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'OAuth2';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oidc.mdx
index f4dd236fbbc..a49f2f27c7a 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'OIDC';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-saml.mdx
index be40817c988..f357af6a217 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, vanilla-js, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
@@ -27,43 +29,34 @@ export const connector = 'SAML';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vanilla JS SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-sendgrid.mdx
index b788e507471..df0a376f2a2 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, vanilla-js, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'SendGrid';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-twilio.mdx
index 3fa00837072..c4ecb1847ca 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vanilla-js-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-vanilla-js-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, vanilla-js, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Vanilla JS and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Vanilla JS
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vanilla-js.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vanilla-js/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
@@ -27,46 +28,41 @@ export const connector = 'Twilio';
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-apple.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-apple.mdx
index c8894f5c4ec..4761aee0448 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-apple.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-apple.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-apple-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, apple, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Apple sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Apple sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-apple.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/apple/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Apple';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Apple connector
+## Add Apple connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Apple Sign-in
+## Set up Apple Sign-in \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Apple connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-aws-ses.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-aws-ses.mdx
index 8ca4f3b7a7b..c4617d52d0b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-aws-ses.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-aws-ses.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-aws-ses-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, aws-ses, vue, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build AWS SES Email passwordless sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-aws-ses.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/aws-ses/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'AWS SES';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add AWS SES connector
+## Add AWS SES connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up AWS SES email connector
+## Set up AWS SES email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable AWS SES connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-azure-ad.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-azure-ad.mdx
index 0e67bdf5f45..97d4adc908b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-azure-ad.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-azure-ad.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-azure-ad-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, azure-ad, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Azure AD sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-azure-ad.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/azure-ad/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Azure AD';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Azure AD connector
+## Add Azure AD connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Azure AD
+## Set up Azure AD \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Azure AD connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-discord.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-discord.mdx
index 66496143069..80c6c594482 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-discord.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-discord.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-discord-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, discord, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Discord sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Discord sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-discord.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/discord/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Discord';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Discord connector
+## Add Discord connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Discord OAuth app
+## Set up Discord OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Discord connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-facebook.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-facebook.mdx
index 2cf0bded274..9aa0096dbd4 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-facebook.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-facebook.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-facebook-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, facebook, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Facebook sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-facebook.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/facebook/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Facebook';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Facebook connector
+## Add Facebook connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Facebook login
+## Set up Facebook login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Facebook connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-github.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-github.mdx
index 83b08d59414..a39d693f81c 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-github.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-github.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-github-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, github, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build GitHub sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-github.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/github/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'GitHub';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add GitHub connector
+## Add GitHub connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up GitHub OAuth app
+## Set up GitHub OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable GitHub connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-google.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-google.mdx
index 75cfb641c1f..5686f85b93a 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-google.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-google.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-google-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, google, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Google sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Google sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-google.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/google/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Google';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Google connector
+## Add Google connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Google OAuth app
+## Set up Google OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Google connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-hugging-face.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-hugging-face.mdx
index aae249b07c6..a467d4c41fe 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-hugging-face.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-hugging-face.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-hugging-face-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, hugging-face, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Hugging Face sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-hugging-face.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/hugging-face/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Hugging Face';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Hugging Face connector
+## Add Hugging Face connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app
+## Set up Hugging Face OAuth app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Hugging Face connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-kakao.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-kakao.mdx
index 0d547ff60e4..095d76da5ac 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-kakao.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-kakao.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-kakao-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, kakao, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Kakao sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-kakao.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/kakao/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Kakao';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Kakao connector
+## Add Kakao connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Kakao login
+## Set up Kakao login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Kakao connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-naver.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-naver.mdx
index c610fa36ea3..09a47cf491b 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-naver.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-naver.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-naver-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, naver, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Naver sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Naver sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-naver.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/naver/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Naver';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add Naver connector
+## Add Naver connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Naver login
+## Set up Naver login \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Naver connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oauth2.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oauth2.mdx
index dbc0bfdb210..289cad99481 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oauth2.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oauth2.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oauth2-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oauth2, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build OAuth2 sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oauth2.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oauth2/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OAuth2';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OAuth2 connector
+## Add OAuth2 connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app
+## Set up Standard OAuth 2.0 app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OAuth2 connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oidc.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oidc.mdx
index 2757e2efac1..e1b133fbde7 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oidc.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-oidc.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-oidc-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, oidc, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build OIDC sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-oidc.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/oidc/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'OIDC';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add OIDC connector
+## Add OIDC connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard OIDC app
+## Set up Standard OIDC app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable OIDC connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-saml.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-saml.mdx
index 1d2b575780a..0872c3e3d3d 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-saml.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-saml.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-saml-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, saml, vue, js, social-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SAML sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build SAML sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,52 +18,45 @@ import AddSocialConnector from './fragments/_add-social-connector.mdx';
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnableSocialConnector from './fragments/_enable-social-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-saml.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/social/saml/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SAML';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Vue SDK \{#integrate-framework-sdk}
-## Add SAML connector
+## Add SAML connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Standard SAML app
+## Set up Standard SAML app \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SAML connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-sendgrid.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-sendgrid.mdx
index c68136bc240..3ec3fa826e0 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-sendgrid.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-sendgrid.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-sendgrid-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, sendgrid, vue, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build SendGrid Email passwordless sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-sendgrid.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/email/sendgrid/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'SendGrid';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add SendGrid connector
+## Add SendGrid connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up SendGrid email connector
+## Set up SendGrid email connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable SendGrid connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-twilio.mdx b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-twilio.mdx
index 061845ab5e0..461c711e657 100644
--- a/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-twilio.mdx
+++ b/tutorial/build-with-logto/generated-vue-twilio.mdx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
slug: how-to-build-twilio-sign-in-with-vue-and-logto
authors: logto
tags: [authentication, twilio, vue, js, passwordless-sign-in, sign-in, login]
-title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Vue and Logto
+title: How to build Twilio SMS passwordless sign-in with Vue
@@ -18,55 +18,51 @@ import AddPasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_add-passwordless-connector.md
import SaveYourConfiguration from './fragments/_save-your-configuration.mdx';
import EnablePasswordlessConnector from './fragments/_enable-passwordless-connector.mdx';
import TestingAndValidation from './fragments/_testing-and-validation.mdx';
-import IntegrateSdk from './_integrate-sdk-vue.mdx';
-import ConnectorGuide from './_connector-twilio.mdx';
+import IntegrateSdk from '@site/docs/quick-starts/framework/vue/_for-tutorial.mdx';
+import ConnectorGuide from '@site/docs/integrations/sms/twilio/_integration.mdx';
+import FurtherReadings from './fragments/_further-readings.mdx';
export const connector = 'Twilio';
{/* truncate */}
-## Create an application in Logto
+## Create an application in Logto \{#create-an-application-in-logto}
-## Integrate Logto SDK
+## Integrate Logto SDK \{#integrate-logto-sdk}
-## Add Twilio connector
+## Add Twilio connector \{#add-connector-connector}
-## Set up Twilio SMS connector
+## Set up Twilio SMS connector \{#set-up-connectorconfigname}
-## Save your configuration
+### Save your configuration \{#save-your-configuration}
-## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience
+## Enable Twilio connector in Sign-in Experience \{#enable-connector-connector-in-sign-in-experience}
-## Testing and Validation
+## Testing and Validation \{#testing-and-validation}
-## Further readings
-[Protect your API](/authorization/api-resources/protect-your-api) For native and single page apps, you'll need to call one or more API endpoints to retrieve and update data.
-Learn more about identifying who's who and keeping your API secure.
-[User management](/user-management) We know you care about user management and activities, as we also do.
-Learn more about how to know your users and see the figures like DAU and MAU graphically.
-[Localization](/customization/localized-languages) From one regional business to a global corporate, the willingness to offer the best user experience won't change.
-You can change current language phrases or add a new language without friction.
+## Further readings \{#further-readings}
-[Customer IAM series](https://blog.logto.io/ciam-101-intro-authn-sso) Our serial blog posts about Customer (or Consumer) Identity and Access Management, from 101 to advanced topics and beyond.
\ No newline at end of file