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Abolish Code List limits #80

isangil opened this issue May 22, 2015 · 4 comments

Abolish Code List limits #80

isangil opened this issue May 22, 2015 · 4 comments


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isangil commented May 22, 2015

per Eda's email: Can this be extended to unlimited in the definition of a variable of a codelist type?
"The Codes field supports a maximum of 100 options. Please reduce the number of options.

code - Starting point would be on the variable field, but pretty soon may find a dependency that came up with that performance triggered limit. Will need to hunt it.

100 code lists, we can make a language out of them.

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isangil commented Jun 15, 2015

This is not likely imposed by the field "variable" made by the module deims_variable, but somewhere upstream.

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isangil commented Jun 15, 2015

Problem surfaced again for Konza, with key-value pairs like this:
agwt|green-winged teal
barn|common barn owl
basw|barn swallow
bbcu|black-billed cuckoo
belt|belted kingfisher
bggn|blue-gray gnatcatcher
bgwb|black-throated green warbler
bhcb|brown-headed cowbird
bitt|american bittern
blea|bald eagle
blgr|blue grosbeak
blte|black tern
bluj|blue jay
blvo|bell's vireo
blwb|blackburnian warbler
blwt|blue-winged teal
bnsw|bank swallow
bobw|northern bobwhite quail
bpwb|blackpoll warbler
brbb|brewer's blackbird
brcp|brown creeper
brow|barred owl
brwh|broad-winged hawk
bwrn|bewick's wren
bwwb|black-and-white warbler
caeg|cattle egret
cang|canada goose
carn|northern cardinal
catb|gray catbird
ccos|clay-colored sparrow
cfsw|cliff swallow
chik|black-capped chickadee
chps|chipping sparrow
chuk|chuck-will's widow
cogr|common grackle
coop|cooper's hawk
coot|american coot
corm|double-crested cormorant
crow|american crow
cswb|chestnut-sided warbler
cwax|cedar waxwing
cwrn|carolina wren
deju|dark-eyed junco
down|downy woodpecker
eblu|eastern bluebird
ekng|eastern kingbird
emdl|eastern meadowlark
ewpw|eastern wood-pewee
ferh|ferruginous hawk
fgul|franklin's gull
flds|field sparrow
flik|northern flicker
foxs|fox sparrow
gbhe|great blue heron
gcfc|great crested flycatcher
gchk|greater prairie chicken
gckt|golden-crowned kinglet
geye|common goldeneye
ghow|great horned owl
glea|golden eagle
glfh|american goldfinch
gosh|northern goshawk
gras|grasshopper sparrow
greg|great egret
grhe|green-backed heron
gtgr|great-tailed grackle
gthr|gray-cheeked thrush
hair|hairy woodpecker
hars|harris' sparrow
hens|henslow's sparrow
hfnk|house finch
hood|hooded merganser
hous|house sparrow
hthr|hermit thrush
hwrn|house wren
inbu|indigo bunting
kest|american kestrel
kywb|kentucky warbler
lapl|lapland longspur
lark|horned lark
lbun|lark bunting
lecs|leconte's sparrow
lins|lincoln's sparrow
lrks|lark sparrow
lshr|loggerhead shrike
ltfc|least flycatcher
lwth|louisiana waterthrush
lyel|lesser yellowlegs
macl|mccown's longspur
marh|northern harrier
mawb|magnolia warbler
mdov|mourning dove
mdsp|meadowlark sp
miss|mississippi kite
mock|northern mockingbird
mowb|mourning warbler
mwrn|marsh wren
nawb|nashville warbler
nite|common nighthawk
none|no birds
noor|northern oriole
nwth|northern waterthrush
ocwb|orange-crowned warbler
oror|orchard oriole
osfc|olive-sided flycatcher
paru|northern parula warbler
pbgr|pied-billed grebe
pelc|white pelican
pere|peregrine falcon
phes|ring-necked pheasant
phob|eastern phoebe
phvo|philadelphia vireo
pint|northern pintail
plwb|palm warbler
pmar|purple martin
poor|common poor-will
praf|prairie falcon
purp|purple finch
rbgr|rose-breasted grosbeak
rbwo|red-bellied woodpecker
rckt|ruby-crowned kinglet
rcrb|red crossbill
reds|american redstart
revo|red-eyed vireo
rgul|ring-billed gull
rhwo|red-headed woodpecker
rlgh|rough-legged hawk
rngd|ring-necked duck
rnut|red-breasted nuthatch
robn|american robin
rock|rock dove
rsto|rufous-sided towhee
rthb|ruby-throated hummingbird
rtlh|red-tailed hawk
rubb|rusty blackbird
rudy|ruddy duck
rwbb|red-winged blackbird
rwrn|rock wren
rwsw|northern rough-winged swallow
saps|yellow-bellied sapsucker
saup|lesser scaup
savs|savannah sparrow
scre|eastern screech owl
sctn|scarlet tanager
seow|short-eared owl
shar|sharp-shinned hawk
shov|northern shoveler
sisk|pine siskin
smil|smith's longspur
snbu|snow bunting
snip|common snipe
snog|snow goose
snow|snowy owl
sogs|song sparrow
solt|solitary sandpiper
sora|sora rail
spip|sprague's pipit
spot|spotted sandpiper
spsp|sparrow sp
star|european starling
stfc|scissor-tailed flycatcher
sthr|swainson's thrush
stvo|solitary vireo
sutn|summer tanager
swah|swainson's hawk
swif|chimney swift
swms|swamp sparrow
swrn|sedge wren
thra|brown thrasher
tnwb|tennessee warbler
tres|american tree sparrow
trsw|tree swallow
tsol|townsend's solitaire
tuft|tufted titmouse
turv|turkey vulture
upld|upland sandpiper
varl|virginia rail
vess|vesper sparrow
wavo|warbling vireo
wevo|white-eyed vireo
wfrg|great white-front goose
whcs|white-crowned sparrow
wifc|willow flycatcher
wign|american wigeon
wkng|western kingbird
wlwb|wilson's warbler
wmdl|western meadowlark
wnut|white-breasted nuthatch
wood|wood duck
wpip|water pipit
wthr|wood thrush
wths|white-throated sparrow
wwrn|winter wren
ybch|yellow-breasted chat
ybcu|yellow-billed cuckoo
yhbb|yellow-headed blackbird
ylwb|yellow warbler
yrwb|yellow-rumped warbler
ythr|common yellowthroat
ytvo|yellow-throated vireo

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isangil commented Jun 15, 2015

ok... line 36 of options_element.module

a comment in that line says that default limit for option is set to 100...

and you can change that in line 88 to whichever number.

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isangil commented Jun 15, 2015

Since there is no more elegant solution in sight, we'll leave it opened, until we put this in a FAQ or in the DEIMS book.

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