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Minimum example DistrNNEnergy.jl

This markdown provides a readable but minimum example using the approach from the paper Barunik, Jozef and Hanus, Luboš, Learning Probability Distributions of Intraday Electricity Prices. Available at SSRN: link.

The same instructions can be found in the script scripts/simple_run.jl. And full replication of the learning of DistrNN reported in the paper is in the file scripts/run_complete_par.jl. Please bear in mind that the full run takes more than 24 hours when using 60 cpu cores.

Learning Probability Distributions of Electricity Prices

using DrWatson
@quickactivate "DistrNNEnergy"

Load all files with code

# __ Include functions

Load prepared data

The two .csv files are prepared before the estimation. It uses the code provided data_prepapre.jl in /scripts.

# __ Data load
x_orig ="exp_raw", "x-de-15-20.csv"), DataFrame);
y_orig ="exp_raw", "y-de-15-20.csv"), DataFrame);
x_orig[1:2, 1:10]
2×10 DataFrame
# __ Take only data without datetime column
xm = x_orig[!,2:end] |> Matrix .|> Float32
ym = y_orig[!,2:end] |> Matrix .|> Float32
# __ Data time column
dy = y_orig[!,1];
# __ Define days to work on
T = size(ym,1)
Tt = T - 554 - 182
oos_days = collect(Tt+1:T);
println("First OOS obs: ", oos_days[1], ", Last OOS obs: ", oos_days[end], "  days")
First OOS obs: 1450, Last OOS obs: 2185  days
# __ One day one hour of OOS
day_t = oos_days[183] # first day in the evaluation part
h_hour = 8;

Hyperoptimization run

# __ Fixed parameters shared through estimation
# _ original
# shared_pars = (epochs=1000, hidden_layers=2, kfolds=7, λm=1.5f0, progbar=false, hpo_size=60, ensembles=8, shuffle_train=true, early_stopping=15, net_output=Flux.identity, js=31, alphas=Float32.(LinRange(0.01,0.99,31)), num_tr_batches=12*30*4)

# _ faster (not precise, just to see if the code is working)
shared_pars = (
    epochs=250, hidden_layers=2, kfolds=7, λm=1.5f0, progbar=false, hpo_size=5, ensembles=4, 
    shuffle_train=true, early_stopping=15, js=31, alphas=Float32.(LinRange(0.01,0.99,31)),
    num_tr_batches=12*30*2, # one year, originally it is 4 = 12*30*4

Run hyperoptimization:

# __ If hyperoptimization, true
# _ For two hidden layers we do not need \phi_2 to be optimised because it is not employed. If number of layers is bigger, it will be optimized.
@time out_hpo = day_i_run(day_t, h_hour, xm, ym, true; shared_pars...);
  ▓  HPO Starts   now 2023-10-04T20:43:55.728
1 	(η = 0.003f0, λ = 0.0001f0, ϕ = 0.25f0, ϕ2 = 0.0f0, nodes = 208, nodes2 = 32, batch_size = 64, act_fun = NNlib.relu, act_fun2 = NNlib.relu)
2 	(η = 0.00023403f0, λ = 0.01f0, ϕ = 0.75f0, ϕ2 = 0.25f0, nodes = 32, nodes2 = 296, batch_size = 64, act_fun = tanh, act_fun2 = NNlib.softplus)
3 	(η = 0.0001f0, λ = 1.0f-5, ϕ = 0.0f0, ϕ2 = 0.75f0, nodes = 120, nodes2 = 208, batch_size = 64, act_fun = NNlib.σ, act_fun2 = NNlib.σ)
4 	(η = 0.0012819f0, λ = 1.0f-6, ϕ = 1.0f0, ϕ2 = 0.5f0, nodes = 296, nodes2 = 384, batch_size = 64, act_fun = NNlib.relu, act_fun2 = NNlib.relu)
5 	(η = 0.00054772f0, λ = 0.001f0, ϕ = 0.5f0, ϕ2 = 1.0f0, nodes = 384, nodes2 = 120, batch_size = 64, act_fun = NNlib.softplus, act_fun2 = tanh)
  ▓  HPO Finished now 2023-10-04T20:50:41.085
413.928092 seconds (266.53 M allocations: 145.287 GiB, 4.80% gc time, 15.19% compilation time)

Note: To save time, one can run it in parallel, the hyperoptimisation function is ready for multiple core, one just need to load all data and variables on number of workers that those can work with it. See scripts/run_complete_par.jl.

Select best parameters set

println("Minimum: ", minimum(out_hpo), "   Best pars: ", out_hpo.minimizer)
Minimum: 0.6110164   Best pars: (64, tanh, NNlib.softplus, 32, 296, 0.75f0, 0.25f0, 0.00023403f0, 0.01f0)
# _ Best parameters from the hyperoptimization
best_pars = (out_hpo.params .=> out_hpo.minimizer)
(:batch_size => 64, :act_fun => tanh, :act_fun2 => NNlib.softplus, :nodes => 32, :nodes2 => 296, :ϕ => 0.75f0, :ϕ2 => 0.25f0, :η => 0.00023403f0, :λ => 0.01f0)

Other best parameters, arbitrarily chosen

# _ Other parameters, arbitrarily chosen
best_pars = (epochs = 350, batch_size = 32, act_fun = NNlib.softplus, act_fun2 = NNlib.softplus, nodes = 128, nodes2 = 64, ϕ = 0.4f0, ϕ2 = 0.0f0, η = 0.001f0, λ = 0.0001f0)
(epochs = 350, batch_size = 32, act_fun = NNlib.softplus, act_fun2 = NNlib.softplus, nodes = 128, nodes2 = 64, ϕ = 0.4f0, ϕ2 = 0.0f0, η = 0.001f0, λ = 0.0001f0)

OOS for one day and one hour, simple run

This and above function is run in parallel loop in the script over hours=1:24 and days of OOS oos_days.

# __ Doing OOS day estimation of ensembles, hyperopt=false
@time out_d_h = day_i_run(day_t, h_hour, xm, ym, false; shared_pars..., best_pars..., verbose=true);
Doing Ensembles
 60.125776 seconds (44.97 M allocations: 18.701 GiB, 5.79% gc time, 7.35% compilation time)


# predicted quantiles ensemble
1×99 Matrix{Float32}:
 1.97431  20.7362  26.9752  29.7669  …  58.2373  60.5224  66.1799  80.5069
# predicted probabilities of top N/2 ensembles
2-element Vector{Any}:
 Float32[0.0023296834; 0.010087167; … ; 0.98686105; 0.99092126;;]
 Float32[0.009212163; 0.016356347; … ; 0.98795366; 0.995564;;]
# validation losses of all ensembles
4×2 DataFrame

True values:


Evaluation using CRPS, pinball loss:

pq_mat, crps_vec = one_forecast_pinballs(out_d_h[1], ym[day_t,h_hour], collect(1:99) ./ 100)
([0.41315689086914065 0.4510763931274414 … 0.4577986145019535 0.37216941833496126], [0.9034816807448263;;])
1×99 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.413157  0.451076  0.489443  0.540924  …  0.516971  0.457799  0.372169
pq_mat |> mean
1×1 Matrix{Float64}:

Plots of results

# __ Plot results
# _ probabilities
plt_prbs = plot(1:shared_pars.js, out_d_h[2], title="CDFs vs Probability levels", l=1, m=2, msw=0, xlabel="j=1:p", ylabel="Probability predictions", label="")


# _ quantile function
plt_qts = plot(out_d_h[1]', title="Quantile forecasts", l=1, m=2, msw=0, xlabel="Probabilities (α)", ylabel="Price", label="")
plt_qts = hline!([ym[day_t,h_hour]], label="True price")


Plot pinball loss for day_t,h_hour

plt_pq = plot(collect(1:99) ./ 100, pq_mat', ylabel="Pinball loss", xlabel="Probability (α)")
