- [X] audio input
- [X] volume output
- [X] strategy for adding nodes
- [X] strategy removing nodes
- [X] add edges to least connected
- [X] remove edges from most connected
- [X] parameters
- [-] lags on parameters
- [X] filter
- [X] lpf
- [X] sinosc
- [X] sinph
- [ ] wrap
- [X] de/serialization test, with lags, especially filters
- [X] linear congruential
- [X] elm encoder/decoder
- [X] elm decoder
- [X] elm encoder
- [X] adding nodes via elm
- [X] parameters via elm
- [X] setting weight
- [X] graph operations via elm
- [X] log/exp scaling of sliders
- [X] lag on weight changes
- [X] create edges
- [X] poll from api
- [X] check spike pulses
- [X] check spike negative input ?
- [X] stetoscope (fade in between different outputs)
- [X] init from scratch (empty graph and no outputs)
- [X] random ring connections
- [X] saving/loading graph setups
- [X] smarter node adding (check type of process)
- [X] connecting binary processes
- [X] connecting multi input processes
- [X] make flow check deal with noinput and multiinput
- [X] see which output channel something is
- [X] show volume (number) and edge fac
- [X] make recursive edges selectable
- [X] cycle through nodes and edges
- [X] check front end performance
- [X] sr from jack
- [X] fix multiple edges for same nodes
- [X] calculate lag time
- [X] sin osc freq mod (connection to other parameters and mapping) in network
- [X] ring with lpf’ed signals
- [X] compressors
- [X] integrate and fire
- [X] soundin with mul
- [X] ducking
- [X] 2 input env follower applied to another sound
- [X] phase locked loop
- [X] modulatable filter
- [X] keep ugens from output
- [X] manually connect specific output/input (other than first)
- [X] fm with carrier and factor
- [X] van der pol
- [X] separate output amp for each process (for main out)
- [X] midi ctrl via elm
- [X] connection logic for soundin
- [X] make delays variable (as taps)
- [X] linexp with zero
- [X] edges having delays, lp, weight
- [X] duffing
- [X] fold, (shift and gain parameters)
- [X] kaneko
- [X] compenv rest time, sustain portion
- [X] kaneko osc (circle of coupled)
- [X] gate if greater
- [X] send state to midi controller
- [X] kaneko fix
- [-] edges midi control
- [X] single control
- [X] multiple control
- [X] control delays
- [X] control damping/lpf
- [ ] incoming/outgoing control
- [ ] randomize
- [ ] control lag
- [X] leak dc on output
- [X] general sc ugen loading json networks
- [X] basic ugen and json loading
- [X] soundin flexible index in elm
- [X] edge fac general control
- [X] stetoscope? or all outputs
- [X] edge facs specific control
- [X] edge delays specific control
- [X] edge lpf specific control
- [X] runge-kutta integration
- [X] chua
- [X] general input fader
- [X] list/matrix of processes for easier selection
- [X] more chua tests for parameters and centering
- [X] process spec api
- [X] simpler addition of ugens, auto elm decoder/types
- [X] refactor elm parameters for central spec
- [ ] output refactoring
- [ ] multiple outputs
- [ ] types of output and conversion when linking
- [ ] a generalized compressor/gate in every edge
- [ ] slow compression
- [ ] move flow into ugengraph struct
- [ ] trait obj instead of enum?
- [ ] sync
- [ ] hard sync osc (with nth zero crossing)
- [ ] freq follow based on hard sync
- [ ] all ugens separate out
- [ ] in sc
- [ ] more gating experiments
- [ ] prelisten solo mode
- [ ] steto in sc
- [ ] sanitize output
- [ ] output compressor
- [ ] lang for expressing networks
- [ ] delay feedbacks with compression and leakage
- [ ] control
- [ ] insert process in edge (between)
- [ ] replacing process
- [ ] fade in/out when adding/removing process
- [ ] lock parts of patch from rnd
- [ ] variations/evolving graph setups
- [ ] subgraphs
- [ ] reset graph
- [ ] dynamically change clipping function
- [ ] temporary connections
- [ ] accumulation in tapdelay
- [ ] halfwave stuff
- [ ] fdn with matrix
- [ ] (other) mod vcf, cytomic svf
- [ ] spikes
- [ ] spike envs (make sparse)
- [ ] spike durations flexible (derive from input)
- [ ] spike ducking
- [-] systems
- [X] Nosé hoover
- [X] Fitz hugh nagumo
- [X] kuramoto
- [ ] jerk sprott
- [ ] multiscroll
- [ ] lotka volterra
- [ ] hopf (with filters)
- [ ] learning (some persistent trace)
- [ ] pll mod outputting freq and connection logic
- [ ] record process for later looping/addition as separate process
- [ ] other waveshapers (musicdsp)
- [ ] comparison
- [ ] slew env ala serge (lag2)
- [ ] s and hp
- [ ] comb filter
- [ ] clean up warnings
- [ ] visual
- [ ] fix visual scaling of graph in elm
- [ ] fix visualization of strongly connected graphs