###0.10.0 2011-12-04
- Added wizard to create a product
- css / prettier buttons in admin
- add brand to product(not just variant)
- create fake seed data for testing
- remove need for prototypes
- remove yard docs from checked in code
- easier creation of variants
- default meta data
###0.9.2 2011-11-24
- Add VAT support
###0.9.1 2011-11-23
- Updated Products workflow to be multistep
- only show active products
###0.9.0 2011-11-21
- Readme improvements
- removed Solr as a requirement
- remove memcached as a requirement
- ability to add memcached and Solr easily
- UI improvements in the Admin area
- various bugs
- quick setup for evaluation
###0.9.0rc1 2011-11-12
- CHANGED admin cart to look like the regular cart
- bugs in checkout process
- starting to remove formtastic
###0.8.0 2011-11-02
- Better shipments and fulfillment UI
- remove unused code/views
- upgrade to rails 3.1
- upgrade most gems to the current versions
###0.7.0 2011-07-30
- Inventory is now its own model... TODO move inventory methods to the correct model(from variants)
###0.6.1 2011-05-10
- description_markup is required for tests to pass (validates presence)
###0.6.0 2011-05-09
- Description of products use bluecloth so you can easily create HTML.
- bug fix in shipping zones
- upgrade jQuery and rails
- change users to active
- password field showed password fixed bug
###0.5.0 2011-04-04
- Smarter error messages
- switch to dalli for memcached
- more validations(length of strings) and indexing
- Product types are a nested_set
- Add footer
- Clean up Gemfile
- Coupons have an admin UI and a front end option to connect to the checkout.
- Date parsing works like ruby 1.8.7
- code clean up
###0.4.0 2011-01-22
- Store Credits can be use to purchase items
- UI improvements
- Much better Cart
- View products by product_type
###0.3.0 2010-12-30
- YARD docs complete
- admin grid pagination fix
###0.2.0 2010-12-26
- more YARD docs
- completed admin_grid tests
- better looking home page
- no_image has many sizes now
###00.01.04 2010-12-19
- added YARD docs
- bug fixed for selecting countries that are available
- Add spain as a country
- Add contributors page
- birthdate needs to parse US-date
- use only taxrates for available countries
- better look an feel on the header
###00.01.03 2010-12-01
- able to print a basic invoice for an order
- installed prawnto
###00.01.02 2010-11-21
- able to add countries specific states
- tax rates can be configured per the country of choice
- custom version of nifty generators
- bug fixes for bad pages to add admin forms
- bug fix - welcome page blows up if there aren't any products
###00.01.01 2010-11-12
- connected Purchase Order to double entry accounting system
- fixed bugs with editing purchase order screen was a blank screen
###0.1.0 2010-11-12
- Initial version. This public repo had not been tag with a version yet. Required for logistics.