Expose lambda, HTTP and AWS services as API
- API versioning,
- authorization,
- traffic management (API keys, throttles)
- request/response transformations
- OpenAPI spec
- CORS (Cross-origin resource )
- 29 seconds timeout.
- 10MBytes payload size
Deploymemt in stages
- HTTP: useful for rate llimitng, caching, user authentication and API keys
- Lambda Function: useful to expose REST API backend by AWS Lambda
- AWS Service:
- Expose any AWS API through the API GW. Example: start an AWS Step function workflow, post message to SQS
- Usefull for adding authentication, deploy publicly and rate control.
Caching API responses
- default TTL is 300 seconds (min 0s, max: 3600s)
- caches are defined per stage
- clients can invalidate the cache
- cache capacity between 0.5GB to 237GB
The three ways to deploy an API Gateway is:
- Edge-optimized (default)
- Global clients
- Requests routed through cloud front edget locations
- API gateway still lives in only one region
- Regional
- For clients within the same region
- can manually combine with cloud front (more control over the caching strategies and distribution )
- Private
- acessed from your VPC using interface VPN endpoint
- use a resource policy to define access
- 4xx - client error
- 400: bad request
- 403: access denided, WAF filtered
- 429: quota exceeded, throttle: across all APIs in a region.
- 5xx server error
- 502: bad gateway
- 503: service unavailable exception
- 504: integration failure - e.g. edpoint request time-ou exception. API GW request timeout after 29 seconds maximum.
IAM based access
- used for providing access within your own infrastructure
- pass IAM credentials in headers through SigV4
Lambd Authorizer (formaly custom authorizer)
- Use lambda to verify a custome OAuth/SAML/3rd party authentication
Cognito User Pools
client authenticates with Cognito
client passes the token to API Gateway
WebSocket is a two-way interactive communication bcteeen user browser and server. The server can push information to the client, enabling a stateful application use case.
Unlike REST API, which receives and responds to requests, a WebSocket API supports two-ways communication between client apps and your backend.
WebSocket APIs are often used in real-time applications such as chat application, collaboration platforms, games and finance trading platforms.
It works with AWS services (lambda, dynamoDB) or HTTP endpoints.
Figure: Serverless chat app with a WebSocket API, lambda and dynamoDB from Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.
Figure below shows an example where CORS need to be implemented at API GW.
Picture by Udemy.