The main aim of the working group is to generate a lightweight ontology. However, this presents a small, but not insignificant hurdle for the researcher publishing phase field data. A secondary aim of the working group is to facilitate researchers in generating schema files via templates, web forms and command line tools. The main steps in the work plan are:
Develop use cases
Single page document describing a use case and possible scheme field requirements.
Possible uses cases:
- An example using an existing PFHub benchmark result and integrated into the PFHub registry.
- An example using a study of numerical convergence using a series of simulations at varying discretizations.
- An example phase field schema and associated data published in conjunction with a phase field publication.
- An example schema use case from the perspective of archiving and then using data for AI training.
Generate and finalize an initial schema
- Use the existing PFHub LinkML repository as a basis for generating the schema.
- Determine use cases (how would other researcher use phase field data).
- Finalize a schema over first few months of WG
Implement web tool, templates or command line to generate schema files
- Develop a web tool for generating schema files similar to codemeta.json
- Create prefilled examples of the YAML / JSON files.
- Co-opt existing or use new command line tool to query repositories, ask questions, populate templates and push entries to Zenodo or similar service.
- A possible long term goal would be a phase field registry similar to PFHub.
Develop working examples
From the use cases, develop working implementations that use the generated schema.
Approach wider phase field community for feedback:
- Present examples and tools at CHiMaD phase field workshops
- Present same at the MaRDA meeting
- Present at larger conference.
- Publication describing schema and case study examples.