Natalia Andrade and Ira Cooke 07/08/2017
Gene function analysis is based on the following datasets; - Functional
annotations created in 01_annotate
for all clusters - Differential
expression analysis (from 02_deseq.Rmd
) to select genes DE between
control and treatment - Manual annotations created by curating automatic
annotations along with literature searches for DE genes - K-means
clustering groups which identify genes (Corset clusters) identified in
the heatmap (see 04_polyp_activity.Rmd
Our focus initially is on the genes differentially expressed between control and treatment. Raw (normalised) counts for a handful of the top genes are plotted here as a sanity check to ensure that they look genuinely differentially expressed.
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
## evidence_level count
## <dbl> <int>
## 1 0 47
## 2 1 9
## 3 2 15
## 4 3 5