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Getting Started with tf.Transform

This guide introduces the basic concepts of tf.Transform and how to use them with some examples. We first describe how to define a "preprocessing function" which is a logical description of the pipeline that transforms the raw data into the data that will be used to train an ML model. We then describe how the Beam implementation is used to actually transform data, by converting the user's preprocessing function into a Beam pipeline. The subsequent sections cover other aspects of the usage of tf.Transform.

Defining a Preprocessing Function

The most important concept of tf.Transform is the "preprocessing function". This is a logical description of a transformation of a dataset. The preprocessing function accepts and returns a dictionary of tensors (in this guide, "tensors" generally means Tensors or SparseTensors). There are two kinds of functions that can be used to define the preprocessing function:

  1. Any function that accepts and returns tensors. These will add TensorFlow operations to the graph that transforms raw data into transformed data.

  2. Any of the tf.Transform provided "analyzers". Analyzers also accept and return tensors, but unlike typical TensorFlow functions they don't add TF Operations to the graph. Instead, they cause tf.Transform to compute a full pass operation outside of TensorFlow, using the input tensor values over the full dataset to generate a constant tensor that gets returned as the output. For example tft.min computes the minimum of a tensor over the whole dataset. Currently tf.Transform provides a fixed set of analyzers, but this will be extensible in future versions.

By combining analyzers and regular TensorFlow functions, users can flexibly create pipelines for transforming their data. The following preprocessing function transforms each of three features in different ways, and combines two of the features.

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_transform as tft

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
  x = inputs['x']
  y = inputs['y']
  s = inputs['s']
  x_centered = x - tft.mean(x)
  y_normalized = tft.scale_to_0_1(y)
  s_integerized = tft.string_to_int(s)
  x_centered_times_y_normalized = x_centered * y_normalized
  return {
      'x_centered': x_centered,
      'y_normalized': y_normalized,
      'x_centered_times_y_normalized': x_centered_times_y_normalized,
      's_integerized': s_integerized

x, y and s are Tensors that represent input features. The first new tensor to be constructed, x_centered, is constructed by applying tft.mean to x and subtracting this from x. tft.mean(x) returns a tensor representing the mean of the tensor x. Thus x_centered is the tensor x with the mean subtracted.

The second new tensor is y_normalized, created in a similar manner but using the convenience method tft.scale_to_0_1. This method does something similar under the hood to what is done to compute x_centered, namely computing a max and min and using these to scale y.

The tensor s_integerized shows an example of string manipulation. In this simple case we take a string and map it to an integer. This too uses a convenience function, tft.string_to_int. This function uses an analyzer to compute the unique values taken by the input strings, and then uses TensorFlow ops to convert the input strings to indices in the table of unique values.

The final column shows that it is possible to use tensorflow operations to create new features by combining tensors.

The preprocessing function defines a pipeline of operations on a dataset. In order to apply such a pipeline, we rely on a concrete implementation of the tf.Transform API. The Apache Beam implementation provides PTransforms that apply a user's preprocessing function to data. The typical workflow of a tf.Transform user will be to construct a preprocessing function, and then incorporate this into a larger Beam pipeline, ultimately materializing the data for training.

A Note on Batching

Batching is an important part of TensorFlow. Since one of the goals of tf.Transform is to provide the TensorFlow graph for preprocessing that can be incorporated into the serving graph (and optionally the training graph), batching is also an important concept in tf.Transform.

While it is not obvious from the example above, the user defined preprocessing function will be passed tensors representing batches, not individual instances, just as will happen during training and serving with TensorFlow. On the other hand, analyzers perform a computation over the whole dataset and return a single value, not a batch of values. Thus x is a Tensor of shape (batch_size,) while tft.mean(x) is a Tensor of shape (). The subtraction x - tft.mean(x) involves broadcasting where the value of tft.mean(x) is subtracted from every element of the batch represented by x.

The Canonical Beam Implementation

While the preprocessing function is intended as a logical description of a preprocessing pipeline that can be implemented on a variety of data processing frameworks, tf.Transform provides a canonical implementation that runs the preprocessing function on Apache Beam. This implementation also demonstrates the kind of functionality that is required from an implementation. There is no formal API for this functionality, so that each implementation can use an API that is idiomatic for its particular data processing framework.

The Beam implementation provides two PTransforms that are used to process data given a preprocessing function. We begin with the composite PTransform AnalyzeAndTransformDataset. Sample usage is shown below.

raw_data = [
    {'x': 1, 'y': 1, 's': 'hello'},
    {'x': 2, 'y': 2, 's': 'world'},
    {'x': 3, 'y': 3, 's': 'hello'}

raw_data_metadata = ...
transformed_dataset, transform_fn = (
    (raw_data, raw_data_metadata) | beam_impl.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset(
        preprocessing_fn, tempfile.mkdtemp()))

The content of transformed_data is shown below, and can be seen to contain the transformed columns in the same format as the raw data. In particular, the values of s_integerized are [0, 1, 0] (these values depend on how the words hello and world were mapped to integers, which is deterministic). For the column x_centered we subtracted the mean, so the values of the column x, which were [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] became [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]. Similarly the rest of the columns match their expected values.

[{u's_integerized': 0,
  u'x_centered': -1.0,
  u'x_centered_times_y_normalized': -0.0,
  u'y_normalized': 0.0},
 {u's_integerized': 1,
  u'x_centered': 0.0,
  u'x_centered_times_y_normalized': 0.0,
  u'y_normalized': 0.5},
 {u's_integerized': 0,
  u'x_centered': 1.0,
  u'x_centered_times_y_normalized': 1.0,
  u'y_normalized': 1.0}]

Both raw_data and transformed_data are datasets. See the next two sections for how the Beam implementation represents datasets, and how to read/write data from disk. The other return value, transform_fn, is a representation of the transformation that was done to the data, which we discuss in more detail below.

In fact, AnalyzeAndTransformDataset is the composition of the two fundamental transforms provided by the implementation, AnalyzeDataset and TransformDataset. That is, the two code snippets below are equivalent.

transformed_data, transform_fn = (
    my_data | AnalyzeAndTransformDataset(preprocessing_fn))
transform_fn = my_data | AnalyzeDataset(preprocessing_fn)
transformed_data = (my_data, transform_fn) | TransformDataset()

The transform_fn is a pure function that represents an operation that is applied to each row of the dataset. In particular, all the analyzer values are already computed and treated as constants. In our example, the transform_fn would contain as constants the mean of column x, min and max of column y and the vocabulary used to map the strings to integers.

A key feature of tf.Transform is that transform_fn represents a map over rows, that is it is a pure function that is applied to each row separately. All of the computation involving aggregating over rows is done in AnalyzeDataset. Furthermore, the transform_fn is representable as a TensorFlow Graph which means that it can be embedded into the serving graph.

We provide AnalyzeAndTransformDataset in order to allow for optimizations that are possible in this special case. This is exactly the same pattern as is used in scikit-learn, which provides the fit, transform and fit_transform methods for preprocessors.

Data Formats and Schema

In the code samples in the previous section we omitted the code that defined raw_data_metadata. The metadata contains the schema that defines the layout of the data so that it can be read from and written to various formats, as discussed below. Even the in-memory format shown in the last section is not self-describing and requires the schema in order to be interpreted as tensors.

Below we show the definition of the schema for the example data.

from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_metadata
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_schema

raw_data_metadata = dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata(dataset_schema.Schema({
    's': dataset_schema.ColumnSchema(tf.string, [],
    'y': dataset_schema.ColumnSchema(tf.float32, [],
    'x': dataset_schema.ColumnSchema(tf.float32, [],

The dataset_schema.Schema class is a wrapper around a dict of dataset_schema.ColumnSchema. Each key in the dict describes the logical name of a tensor, and the ColumnSchema describes both the kind of tensor and how it is represented in-memory or on-disk.

The first argument to ColumnSchema specifies the Domain which includes the data type and richer infomation such as ranges. In our case we only specify the data type and use a helper function to create the Domain. The second argument provides a list of Axis objects describing the shape of the tensor. In our example the shape has no axes because the values are scalars (rank 0 tensors).

The third argument to ColumnSchema is the representation of the data. There are three kinds of representation. A FixedColumnRepresentation is a representation of a column with fixed, known size. This allows each instance to be represented as a list that can be packed into a tensor of that size. See tf_metadata/ for a description of the other kinds of representation.

Note that while the shape of the tensor is determined by its axes, whether it is represented by a Tensor or SparseTensor in the graph is determined by the representation. This makes sense since data stored in a sparse format naturally is mapped to a sparse tensor, and users are free to convert between Tensors and SparseTensors in their custom code.

IO with the Beam Implementation

So far we have worked with lists of dictionaries as the data format. This is a simplification that relies on Beam's ability to work with lists as well as its main representation of data, PCollections. A PCollection is a representation of data that forms a part of a Beam pipeline. A Beam pipeline can be formed by applying various PTransforms, including AnalyzeDataset and TransformDataset, and then running the pipeline. PCollections are not materialized in the memory of the main binary, but instead are distributed among the workers (although in this section we use the in-memory execution mode).

In this section, we start a new example that involves both reading and writing data on disk, and representing data as a PCollection (not a list). We will follow the code sample See the end of this section on how to run an download the data and run this example. The "Census Income" dataset is provided by the UCI Machine Learning Repository. This dataset contains both categorical and numeric data.

The raw data is in CSV format. Below, the first two lines from the data are shown.

39, State-gov, 77516, Bachelors, 13, Never-married, Adm-clerical, Not-in-family, White, Male, 2174, 0, 40, United-States, <=50K
50, Self-emp-not-inc, 83311, Bachelors, 13, Married-civ-spouse, Exec-managerial, Husband, White, Male, 0, 0, 13, United-States, <=50K

The columns of the dataset (see source for more information), are either categorical or numeric. Since there are a large number of columns, we generate a Schema similar to the last example, but do so by looping through all columns of each type. See the sample code for more details. Note that this dataset describes a classification problem, predicting the last column which is whether the individual earns more or less than 50K per year. However, from the point of view of tf.Transform, the label is just another categorical column.

Having constructed the schema, we can use this schema to read the data from the CSV file. ordered_columns is a constant that contains the list of all columns in the order they appear in the CSV file and is needed since the schema does not contain this information. We have excluded some extra beam transforms that we do between reading the lines of the CSV file, and applying the converter that converts each CSV row to an instance in the in-memory format.

converter = csv_coder.CsvCoder(ordered_columns, raw_data_schema)

raw_data = (
    | 'ReadTrainData' >> textio.ReadFromText(train_data_file)
    | ...
    | 'DecodeTrainData' >> beam.Map(converter.decode))

Preprocessing then proceeds similarly to the previous example, except that we programmatically generate the preprocessing function instead of manually specifying each column. The preprocessing function is shown below. NUMERICAL_COLUMNS and CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS are lists that contain the names of the numeric and categorical columns respectively.

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
  """Preprocess input columns into transformed columns."""
  outputs = {}

  # Scale numeric columns to have range [0, 1].
  for key in NUMERIC_COLUMNS:
    outputs[key] = tft.scale_to_0_1(inputs[key])

  # For all categorical columns except the label column, we use
  # tft.string_to_int which computes the set of unique values and uses this
  # to convert the strings to indices.
    outputs[key] = tft.string_to_int(inputs[key])

  # For the label column we provide the mapping from string to index.
  def convert_label(label):
    table = lookup.string_to_index_table_from_tensor(['>50K', '<=50K'])
    return table.lookup(label)
  outputs[LABEL_COLUMN] = tft.apply_function(
      convert_label, inputs[LABEL_COLUMN])

  return outputs

One difference from the previous example is that for the label column, we manually specify the mapping from string to index so that ">50K" gets mapped to 0 and "<=50K" gets mapped to 1. This is useful so that we know which index in the trained model corresponds to which label. We cannot apply the function convert_label directly to its arguments because tf.Transform needs to know about the Table defined in convert_label. That is, convert_label is not a pure function but involves table initialization. For such functions, we use tft.apply_function to wrap the function application.

The raw_data variable represents a PCollection containing data in the same format as the list raw_data from the previous example, and the use of the AnalyzeAndTransformDataset transform is the same. Note that the schema is used in two places: reading the data from the CSV file, and as an input to AnalyzeAndTransformDataset. This is because both the CSV format and the in-memory format need to be paired with a schema in order to interpret them as tensors.

The code to write the transform function to disk is shown below. The WriteTransformFn writes the transform function under folders named transform_fn and transformed_metadata of the specified input folder.

_ = (transform_fn
           | 'WriteTransformFn' >> tft_beam_io.WriteTransformFn(transform_graph_dir))

The final stage is to write the transformed data to disk, which has a similar form to the reading of the raw data. The schema used to do this is part of the output of AnalyzeAndTransformDataset. That is AnalyzeAndTransformDataset infers a schema for the output data. The code to write to disk is shown below. Note that the schema is a part of the metadata, but we can use the two interchangeably within the tf.Transform API, e.g. pass the metadata to the ExampleProtoCoder. Note also that we are writing to a different format. Instead of textio.WriteToText, we use Beam's builtin support for the TFRecord format, and use a coder to encode the data as Example protos. This is a better format for use in training, as shown in the next section. transformed_eval_data_base provides the base filename for the individual shards that are written.

transformed_data | "WriteTrainData" >> tfrecordio.WriteToTFRecord(

In addition to the training data, we also write out the metadata.

transformed_metadata | 'WriteMetadata' >> beam_metadata_io.WriteMetadata(
    transformed_metadata_file, pipeline=p)

The entire Beam pipeline is run by calling Up until this point, the Beam pipeline represents a deferred, distributed computation; it provides instructions as to what is to be done, but these have not yet been executed. This final call executes the specified pipeline.

Downloading the Census dataset

The following shell commands can be used to download the census dataset.


When running, the directory containing this data should be passed as the first argument. The script will create a temp subdirectory of the data directory to put preprocessed data in.

Integration with TensorFlow Training

The final section of demonstrates how the preprocessed data is used to train a model. See the tf.Learn documentation for more details. The first step is to construct an Estimator. This requires a description of the preprocessed columns. Each numeric column is described as a real_valued_column which is a wrapper around a dense vector of fixed size (in this case 1). Each categorical column is described as a sparse_column_with_integerized_feature. This is a way of indicating that the mapping from string to integers has already been done. We must provide the bucket size, i.e. the max index contained in the column. For the Census data we know these values already, but in general it would be good to have tf.Transform compute them. Future versions of tf.Transform will write this information out as part of the metadata which can then be used here.

real_valued_columns = [feature_column.real_valued_column(key)
                       for key in NUMERIC_COLUMNS]

one_hot_columns = [
        key, bucket_size=bucket_size)
    for key, bucket_size in zip(CATEGORICAL_COLUMNS, BUCKET_SIZES)]

estimator = learn.LinearClassifier(real_valued_columns + one_hot_columns)

The next step is to create in input function that reads the data. Since the data was created with tf.Transform, it can be read in using the metadata for the transformed data. The input function is created with build_training_input_fn which accepts the metadata, the location of the transformed data, the batch size and the column of the data that contains the training label.

transformed_metadata = metadata_io.read_metadata(transformed_metadata_file)
train_input_fn = input_fn_maker.build_training_input_fn(

Integration with TensorFlow Serving

To the transform_savedmodel_dir parameter of the build_default_transforming_serving_input_fn we specify the transform_fn folder under the folder where we earlier saved the trasform function. We also specify a dict of the ordered input columns in the raw_feature_keys parameter and the corresponding metadata

serving_input_fn = input_fn_maker.build_default_transforming_serving_input_fn(
              transform_savedmodel_dir=serving_graph_dir + '/transform_fn',
estimator.export_savedmodel(serving_graph_dir, serving_input_fn)

The rest of the code is the same as the usual use of the Estimator class, see the TensorFlow documentation for more details.