- Mafalda Borges
- Mary Keenan
- Erica Lee
- Cecelia Auerswald
Beakon is an app that helps connect people to small scale crowd-sourced social movements, like #NoDAPL or marches and protests in cities. Users can create social movements and add resources to help others get informed about those movements. Each movement should be a specific action item, like uploading a video to Facebook or checking in somewhere on Facebook to demonstrate support. The movement should be specific about what action it is associated with it and have instructions about how to complete it. As a user, you can see updates on the movements you are a part of and get suggestions for movements you might want to join.
- User can create a movement
- Movement include action items that the person can do to be a part of the movement (ex: checking in at Standing Rock for #NoDAPL)
- Money/Fundraising is NOT a movement
- Followers of user get a notification on Beakon app when a user creates a movement
- Users can join movements
- Creators of movements can post resources to inform members about why the movement exists
- Suggested followers based on
- Nearby movements
- Ideological preferences (entered on account creation, i.e. democrat or republican)
- Ability to connect movement to social media (i.e. facebook posting, creating snapchat ads, hashtags, etc.)
- Login via facebook
- Suggested followers/movements based on related movements
- Well formatted and embedded display of resources (including videos)
- Facebook notifications about movement updates
- Firebase
- Facebook API (and perhaps other social media APIs)
- Git practices (issues and assigning people to them in this project)proper commit messages: with a 6 week long project, we will have a lot of commits and branching; lots of practice writing better commit messages.
- Learn to use Firebase. I had a lot of practice with SQL with the ToDoList, and Lab 1 and Lab 2. Be able to implement Firebase in an app.
- Better use of Location API. In Lab 2, locations didn’t work the very first time the code is run (have to run the app twice for locations to locate current location). This had to do with permissions and being able to run lines of code simultaneously.
- Learn better git practices (fewer git crises): I’m going to make sure I know what I’m doing and why before typing random things from the internet into the command line. I’m going to use branches more and stop doing hard resets
- Can measure this by looking at how clean my git history is.
- Get better at handling large amounts of data: I try to avoid touching SQL and databases but I guess I should just suck it up and learn it. I’m going to make sure I’m involved with whatever database management stuff we use.
- If I’ve worked on the Firebase stuff, I’ve probably succeeded
- Figure out how to use threading: I want to incorporate threading into our app (background refreshing?).
- I’ll do threading stuff for our app.
- I hope to improve my git practices.
- I will use descriptive commit messages, and work off of branches. I will also review every pull request before accepting them. I will also commit more frequently than my previous projects. This project will have more team members than previous projects so have better git practices will matter more. Also team members will rely more on commit messages to know what is going on for other parts of the team.
- I wish to learn more about design and create a more visually appealing project.
- I will read through entirety of the material design pages from Android. I will write a summary of points that are pertinent to the app. I will then implement these designs into the layouts. All of the previous layouts I did on xml have been quite hideous and I want the user to actually like the look of the app. For this project I want to work on the look of the fragments from the beginning and not skimp on this one because of time. Because this is a long projects, there can be more time placed in the implementation of the designs from the wireframes.
- I want to learn how to embed videos in the app.
- For our app it would be useful to have videos to show what is going on. I want to learn how to display these videos. I will know if I reached this goal if there is a video in the final app.
- Design goals: I want to dive deeper into user design and mobile-interaction because I’m very interested in how mobile phones and social media can impact social movements through well-designed campaigns. This project is an app that could help connect people to social movements, so even if it isn’t going to change the world, it will offer a chance to think about how to design for that. -Do user testing and get user feedback on the interactions. Write up this feedback and how we plan to change as a result.
- Basic coding goals: organized well-written code, polished final project, not over-scoped, good git practices.
- Good git practices - nice commit messages, clean branches, master is always perfect.
- Clean code - Finish reading Clean Code and synthesize what I've learned.
- Integrating app interaction with social media
- Integrate roughly with at least one social media type by the mid-project checkin.
- Stretch - integrate with another social media type by the end of the project..
- Team goals: Have meetings at reasonable hours, well organized task management (github task management), snacks (chocolate), meetings in EH.