diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 371c111..0c11537 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
- "python.formatting.provider": "yapf"
+ "prettier.useTabs": true,
+ "prettier.tabWidth": 4,
+ "editor.rulers": [120],
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "files.eol": "\n",
+ "python.formatting.provider": "yapf",
+ "html.format.indentInnerHtml": true,
+ "files.exclude": {
+ "**/__pycache__": true,
+ "**/build": true,
+ "**/*.egg-info": true
+ },
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 6330ecd..c942fe9 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Changelog
+## v0.11.1 - 2022-10-23
+- fixed crash when using `` tags in navbar
## v0.11.0 - 2022-10-21
- added syntax highlighting for functions
diff --git a/poxy.code-workspace b/poxy.code-workspace
index f73302a..a49c6e5 100644
--- a/poxy.code-workspace
+++ b/poxy.code-workspace
@@ -5,15 +5,6 @@
"settings": {
- "files.exclude": {
- "**/__pycache__": true,
- "**/build": true,
- "**/*.egg-info": true,
- "**/poxy/html": true
- },
- "prettier.tabWidth": 4,
- "html.format.indentInnerHtml": true,
- "prettier.useTabs": true,
"files.associations": {
"type_traits": "cpp",
"concepts": "cpp",
@@ -23,10 +14,6 @@
"initializer_list": "cpp",
"xstddef": "cpp",
"xtr1common": "cpp"
- },
- "editor.rulers": [
- 120
- ],
- "editor.formatOnSave": true
+ }
diff --git a/poxy/data/version.txt b/poxy/data/version.txt
index d9df1bb..af88ba8 100644
--- a/poxy/data/version.txt
+++ b/poxy/data/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/poxy/run.py b/poxy/run.py
index ab6b6a5..a5bd1f9 100644
--- a/poxy/run.py
+++ b/poxy/run.py
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ def postprocess_xml(context: Context):
for (ip, ifn, iid) in hdata[3]:
implementation_header_mappings[iid] = hdata
+ context.compounds = dict()
context.compound_pages = dict()
context.compound_kinds = set()
@@ -382,293 +383,332 @@ def postprocess_xml(context: Context):
deleted = True
extracted_implementation = False
- xml_files = get_all_files(context.temp_xml_dir, any=(r'*.xml'))
+ xml_files = [
+ f for f in get_all_files(context.temp_xml_dir, any=(r'*.xml')) if f.name.lower() != r'doxyfile.xml'
+ ]
all_inners_by_type = {r'namespace': set(), r'class': set(), r'concept': set()}
+ # do '' first
for xml_file in xml_files:
- context.verbose(rf'Pre-processing {xml_file}')
- if xml_file.name == r'Doxyfile.xml':
+ root = xmlu.read(xml_file)
+ if root.tag != r'doxygenindex':
- root = xmlu.read(xml_file)
+ context.verbose(rf'Pre-processing {xml_file}')
changed = False
- # the doxygen index
- if root.tag == r'doxygenindex':
+ # remove entries for files we might have explicitly deleted above
+ for compound in [
+ tag for tag in root.findall(r'compound') if tag.get(r'kind') in (r'file', r'dir', r'concept')
+ ]:
+ ref_file = Path(context.temp_xml_dir, rf'{compound.get(r"refid")}.xml')
+ if not ref_file.exists():
+ root.remove(compound)
+ changed = True
- # remove entries for files we might have explicitly deleted above
- for compound in [
- tag for tag in root.findall(r'compound') if tag.get(r'kind') in (r'file', r'dir', r'concept')
- ]:
- ref_file = Path(context.temp_xml_dir, rf'{compound.get(r"refid")}.xml')
- if not ref_file.exists():
- root.remove(compound)
- changed = True
+ # enumerate all compound pages and their types for later (e.g. HTML post-process)
+ for tag in root.findall(r'compound'):
+ refid = tag.get(r'refid').strip()
+ assert refid
+ filename = refid
+ if refid == r'indexpage':
+ filename = r'index'
+ filename = filename + r'.html'
+ context.compounds[refid] = {
+ r'refid': refid,
+ r'filename': filename,
+ r'kind': tag.get(r'kind'),
+ r'name': tag.find(r'name').text,
+ r'title': tag.find(r'title').text.strip() if tag.find(r'title') is not None else r''
+ }
+ context.compound_pages[filename] = context.compounds[refid]
+ context.compound_kinds.add(tag.get(r'kind'))
- # enumerate all compound pages and their types for later (e.g. HTML post-process)
- for tag in root.findall(r'compound'):
- refid = tag.get(r'refid')
- filename = refid
- if filename == r'indexpage':
- filename = r'index'
- filename = filename + r'.html'
- context.compound_pages[filename] = {
- r'kind': tag.get(r'kind'),
- r'name': tag.find(r'name').text,
- r'refid': refid
- }
- context.compound_kinds.add(tag.get(r'kind'))
- context.verbose_value(r'Context.compound_pages', context.compound_pages)
- context.verbose_value(r'Context.compound_kinds', context.compound_kinds)
- # some other compound definition
- else:
- compounddef = root.find(r'compounddef')
- if compounddef is None:
- context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not contain a !')
- continue
+ if changed:
+ xmlu.write(root, xml_file)
- compound_id = compounddef.get(r'id')
- if compound_id is None or not compound_id:
- context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not have attribute "id"!')
- continue
+ # now do '' files
+ for xml_file in xml_files:
- compound_kind = compounddef.get(r'kind')
- if compound_kind is None or not compound_kind:
- context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not have attribute "kind"!')
- continue
+ root = xmlu.read(xml_file)
+ if root.tag != r'doxygen':
+ continue
- compound_name = compounddef.find(r'compoundname')
- if compound_name is None or not compound_name.text:
- context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not contain a valid !')
- continue
- compound_name = str(compound_name.text).strip()
- if compound_kind != r'page':
- # merge user-defined sections with the same name
- sectiondefs = [s for s in compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef') if s.get(r'kind') == r'user-defined']
- sections = dict()
- for section in sectiondefs:
- header = section.find(r'header')
- if header is not None and header.text:
- if header.text not in sections:
- sections[header.text] = []
- sections[header.text].append(section)
- for key, vals in sections.items():
- if len(vals) > 1:
- first_section = vals.pop(0)
- for section in vals:
- for member in section.findall(r'memberdef'):
- section.remove(member)
- first_section.append(member)
- compounddef.remove(section)
- changed = True
+ context.verbose(rf'Pre-processing {xml_file}')
+ changed = False
- # sort user-defined sections based on their name
- sectiondefs = [s for s in compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef') if s.get(r'kind') == r'user-defined']
- sectiondefs = [s for s in sectiondefs if s.find(r'header') is not None]
- for section in sectiondefs:
- compounddef.remove(section)
- sectiondefs.sort(key=lambda s: s.find(r'header').text)
- for section in sectiondefs:
- compounddef.append(section)
- changed = True
+ compounddef = root.find(r'compounddef')
+ if compounddef is None:
+ context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not contain a !')
+ continue
- # per-section stuff
- for section in compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef'):
+ compound_id = compounddef.get(r'id')
+ if compound_id is None or not compound_id:
+ context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not have attribute "id"!')
+ continue
- # remove members which are listed multiple times because doxygen is idiotic:
- members = [tag for tag in section.findall(r'memberdef')]
- for i in range(len(members) - 1, 0, -1):
- for j in range(i):
- if members[i].get(r'id') == members[j].get(r'id'):
- section.remove(members[i])
- changed = True
- break
- # fix keywords like 'friend' erroneously included in the type
- if 1:
- members = [
- m for m in section.findall(r'memberdef')
- if m.get(r'kind') in (r'friend', r'function', r'variable')
- ]
- # leaked keywords
- attribute_keywords = (
- (r'constexpr', r'constexpr', r'yes'), #
- (r'constinit', r'constinit', r'yes'),
- (r'consteval', r'consteval', r'yes'),
- (r'explicit', r'explicit', r'yes'),
- (r'static', r'static', r'yes'),
- (r'friend', None, None),
- (r'extern', None, None),
- (r'inline', r'inline', r'yes'),
- (r'virtual', r'virt', r'virtual')
- )
- for member in members:
- type = member.find(r'type')
- if type is None or type.text is None:
- continue
- matched_bad_keyword = True
- while matched_bad_keyword:
- matched_bad_keyword = False
- for kw, attr, attr_value in attribute_keywords:
- if type.text == kw: # constructors
- type.text = ''
- elif type.text.startswith(kw + ' '):
- type.text = type.text[len(kw):].strip()
- elif type.text.endswith(' ' + kw):
- type.text = type.text[:len(kw)].strip()
- else:
- continue
- matched_bad_keyword = True
- changed = True
- if attr is not None:
- member.set(attr, attr_value)
- elif kw == r'friend':
- member.set(r'kind', r'friend')
- # fix goofy parsing of trailing return types
- if 1:
- members = [
- m for m in section.findall(r'memberdef') if m.get(r'kind') in (r'friend', r'function')
- ]
- # trailing return type bug (https://github.com/mosra/m.css/issues/94)
- for member in members:
- type_elem = member.find(r'type')
- if type_elem is None or type_elem.text != r'auto':
- continue
- args_elem = member.find(r'argsstring')
- if args_elem is None or not args_elem.text or args_elem.text.find(r'decltype') != -1:
- continue
- match = re.search(r'^(.*?)\s*->\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_::*&<>\s]+?)\s*$', args_elem.text)
- if match:
- args_elem.text = str(match[1])
- trailing_return_type = str(match[2]).strip()
- trailing_return_type = re.sub(r'\s+', r' ', trailing_return_type)
- trailing_return_type = re.sub(r'(::|[<>*&])\s+', r'\1', trailing_return_type)
- trailing_return_type = re.sub(r'\s+(::|[<>*&])', r'\1', trailing_return_type)
- type_elem.text = trailing_return_type
- changed = True
+ compound_kind = compounddef.get(r'kind')
+ if compound_kind is None or not compound_kind:
+ context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not have attribute "kind"!')
+ continue
- # re-sort members to override Doxygen's weird and stupid sorting 'rules'
- if 1:
- sort_members_by_name = lambda tag: tag.find(r'name').text
- members = [tag for tag in section.findall(r'memberdef')]
- for tag in members:
- section.remove(tag)
- # fmt: off
- # yapf: disable
- groups = [
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'define'], True), #
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'typedef'], True),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'concept'], True),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'enum'], True),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'variable' and tag.get(r'static') == r'yes'], True),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'variable' and tag.get(r'static') == r'no'], compound_kind not in (r'class', r'struct', r'union')),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'function' and tag.get(r'static') == r'yes'], True),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'function' and tag.get(r'static') == r'no'], True),
- ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'friend'], True)
- ]
- # yapf: enable
- # fmt: on
- for group, sort in groups:
- if sort:
- group.sort(key=sort_members_by_name)
- for tag in group:
- members.remove(tag)
- section.append(tag)
- changed = True
- # if we've missed any groups just glob them on the end
- if members:
- members.sort(key=sort_members_by_name)
- changed = True
- for tag in members:
- section.append(tag)
+ compound_name = compounddef.find(r'compoundname')
+ if compound_name is None or not compound_name.text:
+ context.warning(rf'{xml_file} did not contain a valid !')
+ continue
+ compound_name = str(compound_name.text).strip()
+ compound_filename = rf'{compound_id}.html'
+ if compound_id == r'indexpage':
+ compound_filename = r'index.html'
+ compound_title = compounddef.find(r'title')
+ compound_title = compound_title.text if compound_title is not None else compound_name
+ # add entry to compounds etc
+ if compound_id not in context.compounds:
+ context.compounds[compound_id] = {
+ r'refid': compound_id,
+ r'filename': compound_filename,
+ r'kind': compound_kind,
+ r'name': compound_name,
+ r'title': compound_title
+ }
+ context.compound_pages[compound_filename] = context.compounds[compound_id]
+ compound_page = context.compound_pages[compound_filename]
+ if r'title' not in compound_page or not compound_page[r'title']:
+ compound_page[r'title'] = compound_title
+ if compound_kind != r'page':
+ # merge user-defined sections with the same name
+ sectiondefs = [s for s in compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef') if s.get(r'kind') == r'user-defined']
+ sections = dict()
+ for section in sectiondefs:
+ header = section.find(r'header')
+ if header is not None and header.text:
+ if header.text not in sections:
+ sections[header.text] = []
+ sections[header.text].append(section)
+ for key, vals in sections.items():
+ if len(vals) > 1:
+ first_section = vals.pop(0)
+ for section in vals:
+ for member in section.findall(r'memberdef'):
+ section.remove(member)
+ first_section.append(member)
+ compounddef.remove(section)
+ changed = True
+ # sort user-defined sections based on their name
+ sectiondefs = [s for s in compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef') if s.get(r'kind') == r'user-defined']
+ sectiondefs = [s for s in sectiondefs if s.find(r'header') is not None]
+ for section in sectiondefs:
+ compounddef.remove(section)
+ sectiondefs.sort(key=lambda s: s.find(r'header').text)
+ for section in sectiondefs:
+ compounddef.append(section)
+ changed = True
- # namespaces
- if compound_kind == r'namespace':
+ # per-section stuff
+ for section in compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef'):
- # set inline namespaces
- if context.inline_namespaces:
- for nsid in inline_namespace_ids:
- if compound_id == nsid:
- compounddef.set(r'inline', r'yes')
+ # remove members which are listed multiple times because doxygen is idiotic:
+ members = [tag for tag in section.findall(r'memberdef')]
+ for i in range(len(members) - 1, 0, -1):
+ for j in range(i):
+ if members[i].get(r'id') == members[j].get(r'id'):
+ section.remove(members[i])
changed = True
- # dirs
- if compound_kind == r'dir':
+ # fix keywords like 'friend' erroneously included in the type
+ if 1:
+ members = [
+ m for m in section.findall(r'memberdef')
+ if m.get(r'kind') in (r'friend', r'function', r'variable')
+ ]
+ # leaked keywords
+ attribute_keywords = (
+ (r'constexpr', r'constexpr', r'yes'), #
+ (r'constinit', r'constinit', r'yes'),
+ (r'consteval', r'consteval', r'yes'),
+ (r'explicit', r'explicit', r'yes'),
+ (r'static', r'static', r'yes'),
+ (r'friend', None, None),
+ (r'extern', None, None),
+ (r'inline', r'inline', r'yes'),
+ (r'virtual', r'virt', r'virtual')
+ )
+ for member in members:
+ type = member.find(r'type')
+ if type is None or type.text is None:
+ continue
+ matched_bad_keyword = True
+ while matched_bad_keyword:
+ matched_bad_keyword = False
+ for kw, attr, attr_value in attribute_keywords:
+ if type.text == kw: # constructors
+ type.text = ''
+ elif type.text.startswith(kw + ' '):
+ type.text = type.text[len(kw):].strip()
+ elif type.text.endswith(' ' + kw):
+ type.text = type.text[:len(kw)].strip()
+ else:
+ continue
+ matched_bad_keyword = True
+ changed = True
+ if attr is not None:
+ member.set(attr, attr_value)
+ elif kw == r'friend':
+ member.set(r'kind', r'friend')
+ # fix goofy parsing of trailing return types
+ if 1:
+ members = [
+ m for m in section.findall(r'memberdef') if m.get(r'kind') in (r'friend', r'function')
+ ]
+ # trailing return type bug (https://github.com/mosra/m.css/issues/94)
+ for member in members:
+ type_elem = member.find(r'type')
+ if type_elem is None or type_elem.text != r'auto':
+ continue
+ args_elem = member.find(r'argsstring')
+ if args_elem is None or not args_elem.text or args_elem.text.find(r'decltype') != -1:
+ continue
+ match = re.search(r'^(.*?)\s*->\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_::*&<>\s]+?)\s*$', args_elem.text)
+ if match:
+ args_elem.text = str(match[1])
+ trailing_return_type = str(match[2]).strip()
+ trailing_return_type = re.sub(r'\s+', r' ', trailing_return_type)
+ trailing_return_type = re.sub(r'(::|[<>*&])\s+', r'\1', trailing_return_type)
+ trailing_return_type = re.sub(r'\s+(::|[<>*&])', r'\1', trailing_return_type)
+ type_elem.text = trailing_return_type
+ changed = True
- # remove implementation headers
- if context.implementation_headers:
- for innerfile in compounddef.findall(r'innerfile'):
- if innerfile.get(r'refid') in implementation_header_mappings:
- compounddef.remove(innerfile)
+ # re-sort members to override Doxygen's weird and stupid sorting 'rules'
+ if 1:
+ sort_members_by_name = lambda tag: tag.find(r'name').text
+ members = [tag for tag in section.findall(r'memberdef')]
+ for tag in members:
+ section.remove(tag)
+ # fmt: off
+ # yapf: disable
+ groups = [
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'define'], True), #
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'typedef'], True),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'concept'], True),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'enum'], True),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'variable' and tag.get(r'static') == r'yes'], True),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'variable' and tag.get(r'static') == r'no'], compound_kind not in (r'class', r'struct', r'union')),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'function' and tag.get(r'static') == r'yes'], True),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'function' and tag.get(r'static') == r'no'], True),
+ ([tag for tag in members if tag.get(r'kind') == r'friend'], True)
+ ]
+ # yapf: enable
+ # fmt: on
+ for group, sort in groups:
+ if sort:
+ group.sort(key=sort_members_by_name)
+ for tag in group:
+ members.remove(tag)
+ section.append(tag)
changed = True
+ # if we've missed any groups just glob them on the end
+ if members:
+ members.sort(key=sort_members_by_name)
+ changed = True
+ for tag in members:
+ section.append(tag)
- # files
- if compound_kind == r'file':
+ # namespaces
+ if compound_kind == r'namespace':
- # simplify the XML by removing unnecessary junk
- for tag in (r'includes', r'includedby', r'incdepgraph', r'invincdepgraph'):
- for t in compounddef.findall(tag):
- compounddef.remove(t)
+ # set inline namespaces
+ if context.inline_namespaces:
+ for nsid in inline_namespace_ids:
+ if compound_id == nsid:
+ compounddef.set(r'inline', r'yes')
changed = True
+ break
- # rip the good bits out of implementation headers
- if context.implementation_headers:
- iid = compound_id
- if iid in implementation_header_mappings:
- hid = implementation_header_mappings[iid][2]
- innernamespaces = compounddef.findall(r'innernamespace')
- if innernamespaces:
- implementation_header_innernamespaces[
- hid] = implementation_header_innernamespaces[hid] + innernamespaces
- extracted_implementation = True
- if iid in implementation_header_unused_values:
- del implementation_header_unused_values[iid]
- for tag in innernamespaces:
- compounddef.remove(tag)
- changed = True
- sectiondefs = compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef')
- if sectiondefs:
- implementation_header_sectiondefs[
- hid] = implementation_header_sectiondefs[hid] + sectiondefs
- extracted_implementation = True
- if iid in implementation_header_unused_values:
- del implementation_header_unused_values[iid]
- for tag in sectiondefs:
- compounddef.remove(tag)
- changed = True
+ # dirs
+ if compound_kind == r'dir':
+ # remove implementation headers
+ if context.implementation_headers:
+ for innerfile in compounddef.findall(r'innerfile'):
+ if innerfile.get(r'refid') in implementation_header_mappings:
+ compounddef.remove(innerfile)
+ changed = True
- # groups and namespaces
- if compound_kind in (r'group', r'namespace'):
+ # files
+ if compound_kind == r'file':
- # fix inner(class|namespace|group|concept) sorting
- inners = [tag for tag in compounddef.iterchildren() if tag.tag.startswith(r'inner')]
- if inners:
+ # simplify the XML by removing unnecessary junk
+ for tag in (r'includes', r'includedby', r'incdepgraph', r'invincdepgraph'):
+ for t in compounddef.findall(tag):
+ compounddef.remove(t)
changed = True
- for tag in inners:
- compounddef.remove(tag)
- inners.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.text)
- for tag in inners:
- compounddef.append(tag)
- # all namespace 'innerXXXXXX'
- if compound_kind in (r'namespace', r'struct', r'class', r'union', r'concept'):
- if compound_name.rfind(r'::') != -1:
- all_inners_by_type[r'class' if compound_kind in (r'struct', r'union') else compound_kind].add(
- (compound_id, compound_name)
- )
+ # rip the good bits out of implementation headers
+ if context.implementation_headers:
+ iid = compound_id
+ if iid in implementation_header_mappings:
+ hid = implementation_header_mappings[iid][2]
+ innernamespaces = compounddef.findall(r'innernamespace')
+ if innernamespaces:
+ implementation_header_innernamespaces[
+ hid] = implementation_header_innernamespaces[hid] + innernamespaces
+ extracted_implementation = True
+ if iid in implementation_header_unused_values:
+ del implementation_header_unused_values[iid]
+ for tag in innernamespaces:
+ compounddef.remove(tag)
+ changed = True
+ sectiondefs = compounddef.findall(r'sectiondef')
+ if sectiondefs:
+ implementation_header_sectiondefs[hid
+ ] = implementation_header_sectiondefs[hid] + sectiondefs
+ extracted_implementation = True
+ if iid in implementation_header_unused_values:
+ del implementation_header_unused_values[iid]
+ for tag in sectiondefs:
+ compounddef.remove(tag)
+ changed = True
+ # groups and namespaces
+ if compound_kind in (r'group', r'namespace'):
+ # fix inner(class|namespace|group|concept) sorting
+ inners = [tag for tag in compounddef.iterchildren() if tag.tag.startswith(r'inner')]
+ if inners:
+ changed = True
+ for tag in inners:
+ compounddef.remove(tag)
+ inners.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.text)
+ for tag in inners:
+ compounddef.append(tag)
+ # all namespace 'innerXXXXXX'
+ if compound_kind in (r'namespace', r'struct', r'class', r'union', r'concept'):
+ if compound_name.rfind(r'::') != -1:
+ all_inners_by_type[r'class' if compound_kind in (r'struct', r'union') else compound_kind].add(
+ (compound_id, compound_name)
+ )
if changed:
xmlu.write(root, xml_file)
+ context.verbose_value(r'Context.compounds', context.compounds)
+ context.verbose_value(r'Context.compound_pages', context.compound_pages)
+ context.verbose_value(r'Context.compound_kinds', context.compound_kinds)
# fix up namespaces/classes that are missing nodes
if 1:
outer_namespaces = dict()
@@ -1167,7 +1207,11 @@ def add_meta_kvp(key_name, key, content):
bar = [b for b in bar if b is not None]
# handle theme and repo links
for i in range(len(bar)):
- if bar[i] == r'repo' and context.repo:
+ bar[i] = bar[i].strip()
+ if bar[i] == r'repo':
+ if not context.repo:
+ bar[i] = None
+ continue
icon_path = Path(dirs.DATA, context.repo.icon_filename)
if icon_path.exists():
svg = SVG(icon_path, logger=context.verbose_logger, root_id=r'poxy-repo-icon')
@@ -1189,6 +1233,18 @@ def add_meta_kvp(key_name, key, content):
+ r'id="poxy-theme-switch" href="javascript:void(null);" role="button" '
+ rf'class="poxy-icon theme" onClick="toggle_theme(); return false;">{svg}', []
+ elif bar[i] in context.compounds:
+ bar[i] = (
+ rf'{context.compounds[bar[i]]["title"]}',
+ []
+ )
+ elif re.search(r'^\s*<\s*[aA]\s+', bar[i]):
+ bar[i] = (bar[i], [])
+ elif re.search(r'[.]html?\s*$', bar[i], flags=re.I) and not is_uri(bar[i]):
+ if bar[i] in context.compound_pages:
+ bar[i] = (rf'{context.compound_pages[bar[i]]["title"]}', [])
+ else:
+ bar[i] = (rf'{bar[i]}', [])
bar = [b for b in bar if b is not None]
# automatically overflow onto the second row
split = min(max(int(len(bar) / 2) + len(bar) % 2, 2), len(bar))