This is a competitive programming team called strangers
Maruf 2
AH Aashiq
Fahim Mahmud
Md. Saadman Galib Rabbi
Rishan Khan Real
At first read the rules and repository structure. You must have those skills.
Fork this repository
git clone
or click the fork button to copy the repository
open file and add your Github Name with the link. Then commit it and go back to your forked repository
Click contribute button and select Open pull request
Click Create pull request and give it a name and send it us.
- Root of the repository you can see many directories like books, beginners, mathematics, strings, graphs etc.
- Each of these directories have 3 sub directories. easy, medium and hard.
- Inside each directory you will find a directory which represents the problem name
- Inside the problem directory you will find a file where we will instruct you how to solve the problem. Steps for solving the problem.
- And this same directory you will find a lot of files. Where every competitive programmers submitted their code.
- Others directories like medium and hard is 100% same as easy directory structure.
We will provide a task per day.
You need to submit your task within 24 hours.
If you are inactive for 3 days then you will be disqualified for some days.
If you can't solve the task then try again and again.
If you failed a lot of time then open the problems directory and see how other members solved this.
After all of those process if you can't understand the steps then we will arrange a google meet.
Whenever you upload a file you need to follow this structure
<last 3 digits of your student id>.<your github username>.<probelm name using camel case format with file extension>