A Golang Lib for REST over ZeroMQ
$ docker run -p 5555:5555 -p 5556:5556 -d --name zest --rm jptmoore/zest:v0.1.1 /app/zest/server.exe --secret-key-file example-server-key --enable-logging
$ docker logs zest -f
In the ./client directory there is a simple client for testing this library with the zest server.
Run go run ./client.js
to run with the default options.
Usage of client.go:
output debug information
-format string
text, json, binary to set the message content type (default "JSON")
-method string
set the mode of operation (default "OBSERVE")
-path string
Set the uri path for POST and GET (default "/kv/foo")
-payload string
Set the uri path for POST and GET (default "{\"name\":\"dave\", \"age\":30}")
-request-endpoint string
set the request/reply endpoint (default "tcp://")
-router-endpoint string
set the router/dealer endpoint (default "tcp://")
-server-key string
Set the curve server key (default "vl6wu0A@XP?}Or/&BR#LSxn>A+}L)p44/W[wXL3<")
-token string
Set set access token
EP/N028260/1, Databox: Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Managing Personal Data
EP/N028260/2, Databox: Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Managing Personal Data
EP/N014243/1, Future Everyday Interaction with the Autonomous Internet of Things
EP/M001636/1, Privacy-by-Design: Building Accountability into the Internet of Things (IoTDatabox)
EP/M02315X/1, From Human Data to Personal Experience