Converts an image (any type) to a bitmap and draws onto a canvas (CanvasRenderingContext2D).
This will use ECMAScript's latest supported features (as of June 2020) and will not bundle/transpile/polyfill. The only libraries used are:
- Browsersync for a local dev server that auto reloads on file change
- (JS modules are requested as CORS so couldn't use a locally loaded html file eg.
- (JS modules are requested as CORS so couldn't use a locally loaded html file eg.
- Jest for testing/TDD
- To run Jest with no transformations by using
node --experimental-vm-modules
and "type": "module" See for details (note jest environment node no longer needed)
- To run Jest with no transformations by using
- ESLint to keep code pretty and follow conventions
Hosted on github pages:
Note: Only tested in Chrome.
- Add tests: index-integration-spec, canvas-spec
- Change colour: Select a colour on canvas, select a new colour, change all of selected colour to new colour
- Extend to allow for a range of colours
- Consider large images and add waits/notifications for
- Refactor by extending HtmlElement
- Change to WebGL
- Add drag and drop feature