is a tool to validate local nupkg
file before pushing them to a server such as
It helps you producing valuable the NuGet package. Best practices for NuGet packages are explained in this post.
Install the tool
dotnet tool update Meziantou.Framework.NuGetPackageValidation.Tool --global
Run the tool
meziantou.validate-nuget-package "example.nupkg"
If the package is not valid, the program exit with a non-zero value. All errors are written to the standard output in a JSON format.
You can show available options using:
meziantou.validate-nuget-package --help
Validate a NuGet package
meziantou.validate-nuget-package <package-path>... [options]
<package-path> Paths to the NuGet packages to validate
--rules <rules> Available rules: AssembliesMustBeOptimized, AuthorMustBeSet, DescriptionMustBeSet, IconMustBeSet, LicenseMustBeSet, PackageIdAvailableOnNuGetOrg, ProjectUrlMustBeSet, ReadmeMustBeSet, RepositoryMustBeSet, RepositoryBranchMustBeSet, Symbols, TagsMustBeSet, XmlDocumentationMustBePresent
--excluded-rules <excluded-rules> Available rules: AssembliesMustBeOptimized, AuthorMustBeSet, DescriptionMustBeSet, IconMustBeSet, LicenseMustBeSet, PackageIdAvailableOnNuGetOrg, ProjectUrlMustBeSet, ReadmeMustBeSet, RepositoryMustBeSet, RepositoryBranchMustBeSet, Symbols, TagsMustBeSet, XmlDocumentationMustBePresent
--excluded-rule-ids <excluded-rule-ids> List of rule ids to exclude from analysis
--github-token <github-token> GitHub token to authenticate requests
--only-report-errors Only report errors on the output
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information