- detect name duplications in nested objects
- detect names exceeding 63 symbols length
- sqlite type aliases (text, varchar)
- check types where it is possible
- detect cycles
- nested objects are not null
- print traceable errors (with class name and function 'coordinates')
- custom type converters? Most probably it is not needed. Could be solved by using kewt-mapping
- Instant to Timestamp with time zone
- generate migration scripts (flyway)
- gradle plugin? using test containers? embed in tests?
- kdoc
- kdoc generated code?
- documentation
in paged query?
- alternative could be another query
(if page > 0 then has previous?)
(limit + 1?)
fun find(item: Item): Item?
fun delete(item: Item)
fun exists(item: Item): Boolean
fun delete(items: List<Item>)
- Batch insert sends whole query per item. Check whether it is possible to use syntax
(probably with additional annotation, and without ON CONFLICT):
insert into t (col_a, col_b)
(1, 2),
(3, 4),