Vue function that executes a handler when a keyboard key is pressed.
type UseKeyFilter = string | ((event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean)
function useKey(
filter: UseKeyFilter,
callback?: any,
runOnMount?: boolean
): {
isPressed: Ref<boolean>
isTracking: Ref<boolean>
start: () => void
stop: () => void
filter: UseKeyFilter
the filter string or function to use for triggering the key eventcallback: Function
the function called when the given key is pressedrunOnMount: boolean
whether to track the given key on mount,true
by default.
isPressed: Ref<boolean>
whether the key is currently pressed or notisTracking: Ref<boolean>
whether this function events are running or notstart: Function
the function used for start tracking the key eventstop: Function
the function used for stop tracking the key event
Example where se use the callback
and when pressing the key without
releasing it will update the value continuously.
<p>isPressed {{ isPressed }}</p>
<p>keyPressCount {{ keyPressCount }}</p>
<button @click="start" v-if="!isTracking">
Start tracking key press
<button @click="stop" v-else>
Stop tracking key press
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { ref } from '@src/api'
import { useKey } from 'vue-use-kit'
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'UseKeyDemo',
setup() {
const keyPressCount = ref(0)
// Increase value continuously when 'a' key is kept pressed
const handleKey = () => keyPressCount.value++
const { isPressed, isTracking, start, stop } = useKey('a', handleKey)
return { keyPressCount, isPressed, isTracking, start, stop }
Example where se use the callback
and when pressing the key
it will update the value only on keyUp.
<p>isPressed {{ isPressed }}</p>
<p>keyPressCount {{ keyPressCount }}</p>
<button @click="start" v-if="!isTracking">
Start tracking key press
<button @click="stop" v-else>
Stop tracking key press
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { ref } from '@src/api'
import { useKey } from 'vue-use-kit'
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'UseKeyDemo',
setup() {
const keyPressCount = ref(0)
// Increase value when 'a' key is released
const handleKey = e => {
if (e.type === 'keyup') keyPressCount.value++
const { isPressed, isTracking, start, stop } = useKey('a', handleKey)
return { keyPressCount, isPressed, isTracking, start, stop }
Example where we watch
the isPressed
value and when pressing
the key without releasing it will update the value only once.
<p>isPressed {{ isPressed }}</p>
<p>keyPressCount {{ keyPressCount }}</p>
<button @click="start" v-if="!isTracking">
Start tracking key press
<button @click="stop" v-else>
Stop tracking key press
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { watch, ref } from '@src/api'
import { useKey } from 'vue-use-kit'
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'UseKeyDemo',
setup() {
const keyPressCount = ref(0)
const { isPressed, isTracking, start, stop } = useKey('a')
// Increase value when 'a' key is pressed
watch(isPressed, isPress => isPress && keyPressCount.value++)
return { keyPressCount, isPressed, isTracking, start, stop }