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In this challenge, you will create a new JavaScript Single Page App (SPA) integrated with Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to connect to the FHIR service, search for patient(s) and display the search results in a web app.
Create a new JavaScript Web App or Single-Page App (SPA).
- Web App: Deploy sample web app with MSAL in Azure App Service Web App to read FHIR data in FHIR service
- Node.js: git clone sample code for Node.js JavaScript SPA with MSAL
- React: Use Create React App frontend build pipeline (toolchain) to generate the initial project structure.
Integrate and configure the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) with your JavaScript SPA app to connect and fetch data from protected FHIR web API.
- You need to use MSAL to authenticate and acquired access token as a bearer in your FHIR API HTTP request within the web app.
Create a patient lookup by Given or Family name in JavaScript SPA app.
- Explore the
collection imported into Postman earlier to obtain the appropriate API request for the patient search query.
- Explore the
(Optional) Include any other modern UI features to improve the user experience.
Register your app on AAD tenant with directory admin access to connect web app with FHIR Server for both local and Azure web app URLs.
Hint: Ensure that the Reply URL matches the local and Azure Web App URL.
Build and test JavaScript SPA app locally.
- To run locally, you'll need to change the
property to:http://localhost:3000/
- To run locally, you'll need to change the
Deploy JavaScript SPA web app to Azure App Service.
- To run on Azure, you'll need to change the
- To run on Azure, you'll need to change the
Test the JavaScript SPA Patient Search app:
- Browse to App Service website URL in a new in-private/Incognito window.
- Sign in with your admin tenant user credential saved in challenge 1.
- Enter full/partial name in the patient search textbox and click the search button.
- You should see a list of FHIR patient(s) that matches your search criteria.
- You have created a JavaScript SPA Patient Search app and deployed it to Azure App Service.
- You have tested patient lookup in the Patient Search web app.
- Write Azure App Service Web App to read FHIR data in FHIR service (includes sample code)
- Build and host a web app with Azure Web Apps
- Create a new JavaSCript SPA using MSAL to call protected Web API
- Vanilla JavaScript Single-page Application secured with MSAL.js v2
- Create React App integrated toochain
- Microsoft Authentication Library for React (@azure/msal-react)
- Initialization of MSAL (@azure/msal-react) in React app
- Samples for the MSAL.js 2.x library
- Getting Started: Using React AAD MSAL library components to integrate MSAL with AAD in your React app
- Sample JavaScript code to acquired access token as a bearer in an HTTP request to call protected web API
- Sample React JS code to perform a search
- Deploy your Node.js app using VS Code and the Azure App Service extension
- Hosting options and deployment scenarios to move your node.js app from a local or cloud repository to Azure
- Deploying React apps to Azure with Azure DevOps
- Register your app
- Register a web app public client application