Note: This changelog only includes the changes for the pre-release versions of Azure API Center for Visual Studio Code. For the changelog of stable versions, please refer to the Changelog of Azure API Center for Visual Studio Code.
- Add support for API Analysis Profiles
- Add 'None' option to unselect active style guide
- Add integration with GitHub Copilot for Azure (@Azure extension) to provide a chat experience for developers to leverage its capabilities for a variety of API Center-related tasks:
- Generate OpenAPI specification compliant with the active API style guide.
- If no active API style guide is set, generate OpenAPI specifications compliant with the default ‘spectral:oas’ ruleset.
- Easily register your generated APIs in API Center.
- Add wiki guide for Platform API Catalog.
- Add Platform API Catalog to Azure API Center:
- Connect to An Existing API Center from UI, Command Palette or DeepLink
- View and List all the APIs, Versions, Definitions
- Export API, Generate API Client, Generate Markdown, OpenAPI Document from API Definitions
- Sign In and Sign Out from Platform API Catalog
- Disconnect to Platform API Catalog
- Search APIs from Platform API Catalog
- Manage API Analysis for Azure API Center:
- Enable API Analysis
- View and edit linting rules
- Create, rename and delete JavaScript Custom Functions
- Live linting for OpenAPI documentation to test linting rules
- Sync linting rules to local
- Deploy linting rules to Azure API Center
- Generating OpenAPI specification from an API code: use
model to increase performance. - Set active API Style Guide: support to select active file.
- Generating Markdown documentation for an API: We have added a new command in the tree view of API definition called "Generate Markdown" to allow developers to easily generate markdown documentation.
- Generating OpenAPI specification from an API code: Developers now can right click on any API code and invoke the "Generate API Documentation" menu (under "Copilot" menu) to generate OpenAPI specification document when provided with API code.
- Deprecation of Azure account extension