autoreconf --install
make install
Installation that overwrites config files and translation tables:
make force-install
Ensure that the path to lex/yacc (or an equivalent) is in your $PATH environmental variable. For instance, under Solaris, you may need to add /usr/ccs/bin to your path to get detox to compile:
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/ccs/bin
To get detox working with long options on Darwin or Solaris (or any other OS without getopt_long in its C library), I've included support for libpopt. Install libpopt and configure with the following:
./configure --with-popt
If you've installed libpopt in a directory other than /usr, which is likely, you'll want to specify the base path to libpopt. So, if popt.h is in /usr/local/include, you'll run configure like so:
./configure --with-popt=/usr/local