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Jargon file and glossary

Simon B edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 16 revisions

Jargon file and glossary

lock height For coinbase coins (outputs), they must be locked for a while (grin 1000/60 = ~15hours?) or else chain are near impossible.

mmr Merkle Mountain Range

pmmr Pruneable Merkle Mountain Range

output OutputFeatures - currently a Boolean == coinbase or not ("Options for an output's structure or use") Commitment - rG+vH The homomorphic commitment representing the output's amount SwitchCommitHash - blake2(rJ) The switch commitment hash, a 160 bit length blake2 hash of blind*J RangeProof - A proof that the commitment is in the right range - from

input A reference to an output being spent by a transaction

switch commitment a hash of something, like the blinding pubkey

pre-image something, like a blinding pubkey?

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