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Pulse-oximeter using MAX30102, AAA battery-powered

パルスオキシメーター MAX30102 使用,単4電池駆動

Of course, it's home brewed. もちろん自作です。

Display 表示

Obviously, I'm alive. 明らかに生きてます。

Schematic 回路図

Nothing special. 普通です。

PCB 基板

Gerber files are here. ガーバーファイルはここです。
pcb pcb_picture

BOM 部品表

SensorMAX30102 breakoutMaxim Integrated, etc1
DisplayOLED with SSD1306
or AQM1248A
Sunhokey, etc
3V3 boost convHT7733A (TO-92)
or TPS613221ADBV, etc
Schottkey DSD103APANJIT or Vishay2
Piezo speakerPKM13EPYH4000-A0muRata1
L100 uH-1
C47 uF electrolytic-1
C22 uF electrolytic-1
C0.1 uF ceramic-1
R1k ohm-1
SW3p toggle or alternate push-1
Battery boxAAA x 2-1
Pin header6 pin (ICSP)-1
Pin header & jumper2 pin-1 each
Pin socket7 pin (LCD) or 4 pin (OLED)-1
Pin socket4 pin (MAX30102 board)-1-2
Nuts & boltsM3 x 10 mm-4 sets
Nuts & boltsM2.6 x 6 mm-1-2 sets
Spacer3 mm x 3 mm height, resin-4
Enclosure85.5 x 59 x 24 mm, ABSAkizuki1
It's less than 25 US$ in total. MAX30102 breakout board with a 1.8V regulator is available from Maxim (MAXREFDES117#) and also from 3rd parties. MAX30101 board can also be used. There are two display options: OLED with SSD1306 and LCD AQM1248A with ST7565R. Choose one of them using #define directive. HEX binary for each display is available. HT7733A is a DC/DC boost converter, which can be substituted with TPS613221ADBV, TPS61097A-33DBV, MAX1724EZK33, or XC9142B33CMR-G. Surface mount pads for these devices are prepared, but not tested. If you use a substitute converter, L/C arrangements and their constants should also be reexamined accroding to datasheet recommendations. You may need a 6-pin male-to-female DuPont wire to connect this PCB to a PIC programmer.


SpO2 calculation 計算式

Four options are implemented. Default is option 1.

  1. SpO2 = -33.437 R + 114.9 (linear approximation of Reynolds et al. (1991) Br J Anaesth 67, 638)
  2. SpO2 = -17 R + 104 (User guides & manuals 6409, Maxim Integrated)
  3. SpO2 = 1.5958422 R2 -34.6596622 R + 112.6898759 (Application note 6845, Maxim Integrated)
  4. SpO2 = -45.060 R2 + 30.354 R + 94.845 (MAX3010x sensor library, SparkFun)
    where R = (ACred / DCred) / (ACIR / DCIR).

    spo2models Excel file

References 参考

Reynolds et al. (1991) Br J Anaesth 67, 638-643. DOI
Recommended Configurations and Operating Profiles for MAX30101/MAX30102 EV Kits, User guides & manuals 6409, Maxim Integrated
Guidelines for SpO2 Measurement Using the MaximR MAX32664 Sensor Hub, Application note 6845, Maxim Integrated
MAX3010x sensor library, SparkFun. GitHub


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