All notable changes to "Au3LibreOffice" SDK/API will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, This project also adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Go to legend for further information about the types of changes.
Version | Changes | Download | Released | Compare on GitHub |
v0.10.0 | Change Log | v0.10.0 | Unreleased | Compare |
v0.9.1 | Change Log | v0.9.1 | 2023-10-28 | Compare |
v0.9.0 | Change Log | v0.9.0 | 2023-10-28 | Compare |
v0.0.0.3 | Change Log | v0.0.0.3 | 2023-08-10 | Compare |
v0.0.0.2 | Change Log | v0.0.0.2 | 2023-07-16 | Compare |
v0.0.0.1 | Change Log | v0.0.0.1 | 2023-07-02 |
- Added logo to ReadMe. @mLipok
- Filled in ReadMe. @mLipok
- Formatted Changelog
- Central Constants File
- LibreOffice_Constants.au3
- Central UDF File for all components (@mLipok)
- LibreOffice.au3
- All Internal Error Constants from $_LOW_STATUS or $_LOC_STATUS To $_LO_STATUS
- Attempted to standardize $__LO_STATUS_INIT_ERROR and $__LO_STATUS_PROCESSING_ERROR usage throughout functions.
- Removed Error returns listed in Function Headers that no longer existed.
- Added missing error values and corrected wrong error values listed in the headers.
- Align Parameters, Error/Return values, Remarks, and Related, to the same position.
- "Note" from Remarks section in Header. (@mLipok)
- Double spaces from Headers.
- Tabs from headers, replaced with spaces.
- Manual line breaks from headers.
- Main Calc File
- LibreOfficeCalc.au3
- Individual Calc Element Files
- LibreOfficeCalc_Cell.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_CellStyle.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Comments.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Constants.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Cursor.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Doc.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Field.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Font.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Helper.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Internal.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Page.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Range.au3
- LibreOfficeCalc_Sheet.au3
- Cell/Cell Range Formatting Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_CellBackColor
- _LOCalc_CellBorderColor
- _LOCalc_CellBorderPadding
- _LOCalc_CellBorderStyle
- _LOCalc_CellBorderWidth
- _LOCalc_CellCreateTextCursor
- _LOCalc_CellEffect
- _LOCalc_CellFont
- _LOCalc_CellFontColor
- _LOCalc_CellFormula
- _LOCalc_CellGetType
- _LOCalc_CellNumberFormat
- _LOCalc_CellOverline
- _LOCalc_CellProtection
- _LOCalc_CellShadow
- _LOCalc_CellStrikeOut
- _LOCalc_CellString
- _LOCalc_CellTextAlign
- _LOCalc_CellTextOrient
- _LOCalc_CellTextProperties
- _LOCalc_CellUnderline
- _LOCalc_CellValue
- Cell/Cell Range Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_RangeAutoOutline
- _LOCalc_RangeClearContents
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnDelete
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnGetName
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnGetObjByName
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnGetObjByPosition
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnInsert
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnPageBreak
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnsGetCount
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnVisible
- _LOCalc_RangeColumnWidth
- _LOCalc_RangeCompute
- _LOCalc_RangeCopyMove
- _LOCalc_RangeCreateCursor
- _LOCalc_RangeData
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseAdd
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseDelete
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseGetObjByName
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseHasByName
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseModify
- _LOCalc_RangeDelete
- _LOCalc_RangeDetail
- _LOCalc_RangeFill
- _LOCalc_RangeFillSeries
- _LOCalc_RangeFilter
- _LOCalc_RangeFilterAdvanced
- _LOCalc_RangeFilterClear
- _LOCalc_RangeFindAll
- _LOCalc_RangeFindNext
- _LOCalc_RangeFormula
- _LOCalc_RangeGetAddressAsName
- _LOCalc_RangeGetAddressAsPosition
- _LOCalc_RangeGetCellByName
- _LOCalc_RangeGetCellByPosition
- _LOCalc_RangeGetSheet
- _LOCalc_RangeGroup
- _LOCalc_RangeInsert
- _LOCalc_RangeIsMerged
- _LOCalc_RangeMerge
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedAdd
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedChangeScope
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedDelete
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedGetObjByName
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedHasByName
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedModify
- _LOCalc_RangeNumbers
- _LOCalc_RangeOutlineClearAll
- _LOCalc_RangeOutlineShow
- _LOCalc_RangePivotDelete
- _LOCalc_RangePivotDest
- _LOCalc_RangePivotExists
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldGetObjByName
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldItemsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsColumnsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsDataGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldSettings
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsFiltersGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsRowsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsUnusedGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFilter
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFilterClear
- _LOCalc_RangePivotGetObjByIndex
- _LOCalc_RangePivotGetObjByName
- _LOCalc_RangePivotInsert
- _LOCalc_RangePivotName
- _LOCalc_RangePivotRefresh
- _LOCalc_RangePivotSettings
- _LOCalc_RangePivotsGetCount
- _LOCalc_RangePivotsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotSource
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryColumnDiff
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryContents
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryDependents
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryEmpty
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryFormula
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryIntersection
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryPrecedents
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryRowDiff
- _LOCalc_RangeQueryVisible
- _LOCalc_RangeReplace
- _LOCalc_RangeReplaceAll
- _LOCalc_RangeRowDelete
- _LOCalc_RangeRowGetObjByPosition
- _LOCalc_RangeRowHeight
- _LOCalc_RangeRowInsert
- _LOCalc_RangeRowPageBreak
- _LOCalc_RangeRowsGetCount
- _LOCalc_RangeRowVisible
- _LOCalc_RangeSort
- _LOCalc_RangeSortAlt
- _LOCalc_RangeValidation
- _LOCalc_RangeValidationSettings
- Cell Style Formatting Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_CellStyleBackColor
- _LOCalc_CellStyleBorderColor
- _LOCalc_CellStyleBorderPadding
- _LOCalc_CellStyleBorderStyle
- _LOCalc_CellStyleBorderWidth
- _LOCalc_CellStyleCreate
- _LOCalc_CellStyleDelete
- _LOCalc_CellStyleEffect
- _LOCalc_CellStyleExists
- _LOCalc_CellStyleFont
- _LOCalc_CellStyleFontColor
- _LOCalc_CellStyleGetObj
- _LOCalc_CellStyleNumberFormat
- _LOCalc_CellStyleOrganizer
- _LOCalc_CellStyleOverline
- _LOCalc_CellStyleProtection
- _LOCalc_CellStyleSet
- _LOCalc_CellStylesGetNames
- _LOCalc_CellStyleShadow
- _LOCalc_CellStyleStrikeOut
- _LOCalc_CellStyleTextAlign
- _LOCalc_CellStyleTextOrient
- _LOCalc_CellStyleTextProperties
- _LOCalc_CellStyleUnderline
- Comment Functions and Examples.
- _LOCalc_CommentAdd
- _LOCalc_CommentAreaColor
- _LOCalc_CommentAreaFillStyle
- _LOCalc_CommentAreaGradient
- _LOCalc_CommentAreaShadow
- _LOCalc_CommentAreaTransparency
- _LOCalc_CommentAreaTransparencyGradient
- _LOCalc_CommentCallout
- _LOCalc_CommentCreateTextCursor
- _LOCalc_CommentDelete
- _LOCalc_CommentGetCell
- _LOCalc_CommentGetLastEdit
- _LOCalc_CommentGetObjByCell
- _LOCalc_CommentGetObjByIndex
- _LOCalc_CommentLineArrowStyles
- _LOCalc_CommentLineProperties
- _LOCalc_CommentPosition
- _LOCalc_CommentRotate
- _LOCalc_CommentsGetCount
- _LOCalc_CommentsGetList
- _LOCalc_CommentSize
- _LOCalc_CommentText
- _LOCalc_CommentTextAnchor
- _LOCalc_CommentTextAnimation
- _LOCalc_CommentTextColumns
- _LOCalc_CommentTextSettings
- _LOCalc_CommentVisible
- Cursor Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_SheetCursorMove
- _LOCalc_TextCursorCharPosition
- _LOCalc_TextCursorCharSpacing
- _LOCalc_TextCursorEffect
- _LOCalc_TextCursorFont
- _LOCalc_TextCursorFontColor
- _LOCalc_TextCursorGetString
- _LOCalc_TextCursorGoToRange
- _LOCalc_TextCursorInsertString
- _LOCalc_TextCursorIsCollapsed
- _LOCalc_TextCursorMove
- _LOCalc_TextCursorOverline
- _LOCalc_TextCursorParObjCreateList
- _LOCalc_TextCursorParObjSectionsGet
- _LOCalc_TextCursorStrikeOut
- _LOCalc_TextCursorUnderline
- Document Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_DocClose
- _LOCalc_DocColumnsRowsAreFrozen
- _LOCalc_DocColumnsRowsFreeze
- _LOCalc_DocConnect
- _LOCalc_DocCreate
- _LOCalc_DocExport
- _LOCalc_DocGetName
- _LOCalc_DocGetPath
- _LOCalc_DocHasPath
- _LOCalc_DocHasSheetName
- _LOCalc_DocIsActive
- _LOCalc_DocIsModified
- _LOCalc_DocIsReadOnly
- _LOCalc_DocMaximize
- _LOCalc_DocMinimize
- _LOCalc_DocOpen
- _LOCalc_DocPosAndSize
- _LOCalc_DocPrint
- _LOCalc_DocPrintersGetNames
- _LOCalc_DocPrintersAltGetNames
- _LOCalc_DocRedo
- _LOCalc_DocRedoClear
- _LOCalc_DocRedoCurActionTitle
- _LOCalc_DocRedoGetAllActionTitles
- _LOCalc_DocRedoIsPossible
- _LOCalc_DocSave
- _LOCalc_DocSaveAs
- _LOCalc_DocSelectionCopy
- _LOCalc_DocSelectionGet
- _LOCalc_DocSelectionPaste
- _LOCalc_DocSelectionSet
- _LOCalc_DocSelectionSetMulti
- _LOCalc_DocToFront
- _LOCalc_DocUndo
- _LOCalc_DocUndoActionBegin
- _LOCalc_DocUndoActionEnd
- _LOCalc_DocUndoClear
- _LOCalc_DocUndoCurActionTitle
- _LOCalc_DocUndoGetAllActionTitles
- _LOCalc_DocUndoIsPossible
- _LOCalc_DocUndoReset
- _LOCalc_DocViewDisplaySettings
- _LOCalc_DocViewWindowSettings
- _LOCalc_DocVisible
- _LOCalc_DocWindowFirstColumn
- _LOCalc_DocWindowFirstRow
- _LOCalc_DocWindowIsSplit
- _LOCalc_DocWindowSplit
- _LOCalc_DocWindowVisibleRange
- _LOCalc_DocZoom
- Field Functions
- _LOCalc_FieldCurrentDisplayGet
- _LOCalc_FieldDateTimeInsert
- _LOCalc_FieldDelete
- _LOCalc_FieldFileNameInsert
- _LOCalc_FieldGetAnchor
- _LOCalc_FieldHyperlinkInsert
- _LOCalc_FieldHyperlinkModify
- _LOCalc_FieldPageCountInsert
- _LOCalc_FieldPageNumberInsert
- _LOCalc_FieldsGetList
- _LOCalc_FieldSheetNameInsert
- _LOCalc_FieldTitleInsert
- Font Query Functions
- _LOCalc_FontExists
- _LOCalc_FontsGetNames
- Helper Functions
- _LOCalc_ComError_UserFunction
- _LOCalc_ConvertColorFromLong
- _LOCalc_ConvertColorToLong
- _LOCalc_ConvertFromMicrometer
- _LOCalc_ConvertToMicrometer
- _LOCalc_FilterDescriptorCreate
- _LOCalc_FilterDescriptorModify
- _LOCalc_FilterFieldCreate
- _LOCalc_FilterFieldModify
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyCreate
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyDelete
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyExists
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyGetStandard
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyGetString
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyList
- _LOCalc_PathConvert
- _LOCalc_SearchDescriptorCreate
- _LOCalc_SearchDescriptorModify
- _LOCalc_SearchDescriptorSimilarityModify
- _LOCalc_SortFieldCreate
- _LOCalc_SortFieldModify
- _LOCalc_VersionGet
- Internal Functions
- __LOCalc_AddTo1DArray
- __LOCalc_ArrayFill
- __LOCalc_CellAddressIsSame
- __LOCalc_CellBackColor
- __LOCalc_CellBorder
- __LOCalc_CellBorderPadding
- __LOCalc_CellEffect
- __LOCalc_CellFont
- __LOCalc_CellFontColor
- __LOCalc_CellNumberFormat
- __LOCalc_CellOverLine
- __LOCalc_CellProtection
- __LOCalc_CellShadow
- __LOCalc_CellStrikeOut
- __LOCalc_CellStyleBorder
- __LOCalc_CellTextAlign
- __LOCalc_CellTextOrient
- __LOCalc_CellTextProperties
- __LOCalc_CellUnderLine
- __LOCalc_CharPosition
- __LOCalc_CharSpacing
- __LOCalc_CommentAreaShadowModify
- __LOCalc_CommentArrowStyleName
- __LOCalc_CommentGetObjByCell
- __LOCalc_CommentLineStyleName
- __LOCalc_CreateStruct
- __LOCalc_FieldGetObj
- __LOCalc_FieldTypeServices
- __LOCalc_FilterNameGet
- __LOCalc_GradientNameInsert
- __LOCalc_GradientPresets
- __LOCalc_Internal_CursorGetType
- __LOCalc_InternalComErrorHandler
- __LOCalc_IntIsBetween
- __LOCalc_NamedRangeGetScopeObj
- __LOCalc_NumIsBetween
- __LOCalc_PageStyleBorder
- __LOCalc_PageStyleFooterBorder
- __LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderBorder
- __LOCalc_RangeAddressIsSame
- __LOCalc_SetPropertyValue
- __LOCalc_SheetCursorMove
- __LOCalc_TextCursorMove
- __LOCalc_TransparencyGradientConvert
- __LOCalc_TransparencyGradientNameInsert
- __LOCalc_UnitConvert
- __LOCalc_VarsAreNull
- __LOCalc_VersionCheck
- Page Style Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_PageStyleAreaColor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleBorderColor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleBorderPadding
- _LOCalc_PageStyleBorderStyle
- _LOCalc_PageStyleBorderWidth
- _LOCalc_PageStyleCreate
- _LOCalc_PageStyleDelete
- _LOCalc_PageStyleExists
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooter
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterAreaColor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterBorderColor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterBorderPadding
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterBorderStyle
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterBorderWidth
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterCreateTextCursor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterObj
- _LOCalc_PageStyleFooterShadow
- _LOCalc_PageStyleGetObj
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeader
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderAreaColor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderBorderColor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderBorderPadding
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderBorderStyle
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderBorderWidth
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderCreateTextCursor
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderObj
- _LOCalc_PageStyleHeaderShadow
- _LOCalc_PageStyleLayout
- _LOCalc_PageStyleMargins
- _LOCalc_PageStyleOrganizer
- _LOCalc_PageStylePaperFormat
- _LOCalc_PageStyleSet
- _LOCalc_PageStylesGetNames
- _LOCalc_PageStyleShadow
- _LOCalc_PageStyleSheetPageOrder
- _LOCalc_PageStyleSheetPrint
- _LOCalc_PageStyleSheetScale
- Sheet Functions and Examples
- _LOCalc_SheetActivate
- _LOCalc_SheetAdd
- _LOCalc_SheetCopy
- _LOCalc_SheetCreateCursor
- _LOCalc_SheetDetectiveClear
- _LOCalc_SheetDetectiveDependent
- _LOCalc_SheetDetectiveInvalidData
- _LOCalc_SheetDetectivePrecedent
- _LOCalc_SheetDetectiveTraceError
- _LOCalc_SheetGetActive
- _LOCalc_SheetGetObjByName
- _LOCalc_SheetGetObjByPosition
- _LOCalc_SheetImport
- _LOCalc_SheetIsActive
- _LOCalc_SheetIsProtected
- _LOCalc_SheetLink
- _LOCalc_SheetLinkModify
- _LOCalc_SheetMove
- _LOCalc_SheetName
- _LOCalc_SheetPrintColumnsRepeat
- _LOCalc_SheetPrintRangeModify
- _LOCalc_SheetPrintRowsRepeat
- _LOCalc_SheetProtect
- _LOCalc_SheetRemove
- _LOCalc_SheetsGetCount
- _LOCalc_SheetsGetNames
- _LOCalc_SheetTabColor
- _LOCalc_SheetUnprotect
- _LOCalc_SheetVisible
- Calc Constants
- Auto size option to Range Data, Formulas, and Numbers fill functions.
- Retrieve Linked Sheet names only to _LOCalc_SheetsGetNames.
- Line numbers to Example Error messages.
- Top-Most attribute to Example message boxes.
- LibreOffice SDK/API Constant names to constants.
- Removed unused variables and parameters in some functions. Affected functions are as follows:
- _LOCalc_FormatKeyDelete -- removed internal variable.
- NamedRange names incorrectly reported as invalid in certain functions when the name began with an underscore.
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedModify
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedAdd
- _LOCalc_DocOpen now uses a different method for connecting to an already open document, as the previous method was causing errors.
- _LOCalc_DocCreate would return if there was an error creating a property, instead of increasing the error count.
- LibreOfficeCalc_Cell.au3 was missing an Include file.
- Several Cell or Cell range functions that should support Column/Rows would not work with them.
- LibreOfficeCalc_Sheet.au3 was missing an Include file.
- __LOCalc_IntIsBetween to accept only a minimum value. Also optimized it.
- Modified function usage to match changes.
- Renamed Constant $LOC_COMPUTE_* to $LOC_COMPUTE_FUNC_*
- Renamed Functions to be consistent when retrieving arrays of names or objects:
- _LOCalc_DocEnumPrinters-->_LOCalc_DocPrintersGetNames
- _LOCalc_DocEnumPrintersAlt-->_LOCalc_DocPrintersAltGetNames
- _LOCalc_FontsList-->_LOCalc_FontsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldItemsGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldItemsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsColumnsGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsColumnsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsDataGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsDataGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsFiltersGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsFiltersGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsRowsGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsRowsGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsUnusedGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotFieldsUnusedGetNames
- _LOCalc_RangePivotsGetList-->_LOCalc_RangePivotsGetNames
- Renamed Functions to be consistent when testing if a thing exists:
- _LOCalc_DocHasSheetName-->_LOCalc_SheetExists
- _LOCalc_RangeDatabaseHasByName-->_LOCalc_RangeDatabaseExists
- _LOCalc_RangeNamedHasByName-->_LOCalc_RangeNamedExists
- Some functions would return an integer instead of an empty Array when no results were present when retrieving array of names or objects, this has been changed to return an empty array:
- _LOCalc_CellStylesGetNames
- _LOCalc_PageStylesGetNames
- Modified _LOCalc_DocPrintersAltGetNames @Extended value when retrieving the default printer name, @Extended is now 1, instead of 2.
- _LOCalc_DocRedoGetAllActionTitles now returns the number of results in @Extended value.
- _LOCalc_DocUndoGetAllActionTitles now returns the number of results in @Extended value.
- __LOCalc_VarsAreDefault
- More Undo Functions and Examples
- _LOWriter_DocRedoClear
- _LOWriter_DocUndoActionBegin
- _LOWriter_DocUndoActionEnd
- _LOWriter_DocUndoClear
- _LOWriter_DocUndoReset
- Shape Functions and Examples
- _LOWriter_DocHasShapeName
- _LOWriter_ShapeAreaColor
- _LOWriter_ShapeAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_ShapeDelete
- _LOWriter_ShapeGetAnchor
- _LOWriter_ShapeGetObjByName
- _LOWriter_ShapeGetType
- _LOWriter_ShapeInsert
- _LOWriter_ShapeLineArrowStyles
- _LOWriter_ShapeLineProperties
- _LOWriter_ShapeName
- _LOWriter_ShapePointsAdd
- _LOWriter_ShapePointsGetCount
- _LOWriter_ShapePointsModify
- _LOWriter_ShapePointsRemove
- _LOWriter_ShapePosition
- _LOWriter_ShapeRotateSlant
- _LOWriter_ShapesGetNames
- _LOWriter_ShapeTextBox
- _LOWriter_ShapeTransparency
- _LOWriter_ShapeTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_ShapeTypePosition
- _LOWriter_ShapeTypeSize
- _LOWriter_ShapeWrap
- _LOWriter_ShapeWrapOptions
- __LOWriter_CreatePoint
- __LOWriter_GetShapeName
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateArrow
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateBasic
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateCallout
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateFlowchart
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateLine
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateStars
- __LOWriter_Shape_CreateSymbol
- __LOWriter_Shape_GetCustomType
- __LOWriter_ShapeArrowStyleName
- __LOWriter_ShapeLineStyleName
- __LOWriter_ShapePointGetSettings
- __LOWriter_ShapePointModify
- Shape Point Constants in LibreOfficeWriter_Constants. $LOW_SHAPE_POINT_TYPE_*
- Standard Format Key retrieval function _LOWriter_FormatKeyGetStandard
- Alpha Removal function __LOWriter_ColorRemoveAlpha.
- _LOWriter_FrameAreaFillStyle.
- _LOWriter_FrameStyleAreaFillStyle
- _LOWriter_ImageAreaFillStyle
- _LOWriter_PageStyleAreaFillStyle
- _LOWriter_PageStyleFooterAreaFillStyle
- _LOWriter_PageStyleHeaderAreaFillStyle
- _LOWriter_ShapeAreaFillStyle
- Line numbers to Example Error messages.
- Top-Most attribute to Example message boxes.
- LibreOffice SDK/API Constant names to constants.
ReArranged Parameters in PageBreak functions to be more logically ordered. The previous order was:
$iBreakType = Null, $iPgNumOffSet = Null, $sPageStyle = Null
However the functions stated:
Break Type must be set before Page Style will be able to be set, and page style needs set before $iPgNumOffSet can be set.
Thus the parameters have been rearranged to:
$iBreakType = Null, $sPageStyle = Null, $iPgNumOffSet
Affected functions are:
- _LOWriter_DirFrmtParPageBreak
- _LOWriter_ParStylePageBreak
- __LOWriter_ParPageBreak
Undo/Redo Action Title retrieval functions to no longer return an error when Undo/Redo Action Titles are unavailable, instead they return an empty string or array, respectively.
- _LOWriter_DocRedoCurActionTitle;
- _LOWriter_DocRedoGetAllActionTitles;
- _LOWriter_DocUndoGetAllActionTitles;
- _LOWriter_DocUndoCurActionTitle.
Minor documentation adjustments.
Moved Search Descriptor functions from LibreOfficeWriter.au3 to LibreOfficeWriter_Helper.au3.
- _LOWriter_SearchDescriptorCreate
- _LOWriter_SearchDescriptorModify
- _LOWriter_SearchDescriptorSimilarityModify
Default value of $__LOWCONST_SLEEP_DIV from 15 to 0.
Sorted Constants in LibreOfficeWriter_Constants alphabetically.
Renamed $LOW_FIELDADV_TYPE_* Constants to $LOW_FIELD_ADV_TYPE_* to match formatting of other Field Type Constants.
Renamed $LibreOfficeWriter_DirectFormating.au3 to LibreOfficeWriter_DirectFormatting.au3 (misspelling correction)
Renamed Parameter $iBorder for Gradient Functions to $iTransitionStart for clarity of which setting it corresponds to in the L.O. UI.
- _LOWriter_FrameAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_FrameTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_FrameStyleAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_FrameStyleTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_ImageAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_ImageAreaTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_PageStyleAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_PageStyleFooterAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_PageStyleFooterTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_PageStyleHeaderAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_PageStyleHeaderTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_PageStyleTransparencyGradient
- _LOWriter_ShapeAreaGradient
- _LOWriter_ShapeTransparencyGradient
_LOWriter_DocOpen now uses a different method for connecting to an already open document, as the previous method could potentially cause errors.
__LOWriter_IntIsBetween to accept only a minimum value. Also optimized it.
- Modified function usage to match changes.
Renamed Functions to be consistent when retrieving arrays of names or objects:
- _LOWriter_DocBookmarksList-->_LOWriter_DocBookmarksGetNames
- _LOWriter_DocEnumPrinters-->_LOWriter_DocPrintersGetNames
- _LOWriter_DocEnumPrintersAlt-->_LOWriter_DocPrintersAltGetNames
- _LOWriter_FieldSetVarMasterList-->_LOWriter_FieldSetVarMastersGetNames
- _LOWriter_FieldSetVarMasterListFields-->_LOWriter_FieldSetVarMasterFieldsGetList
- _LOWriter_FontsList-->_LOWriter_FontsGetNames
- _LOWriter_TableGetCellNames-->_LOWriter_TableCellsGetNames
Renamed Functions to be consistent when testing if a thing exists:
- _LOWriter_DocBookmarksHasName-->_LOWriter_DocBookmarkExists
- _LOWriter_DocHasFrameName-->_LOWriter_FrameExists
- _LOWriter_DocHasImageName-->_LOWriter_ImageExists
- _LOWriter_DocHasShapeName-->_LOWriter_ShapeExists
- _LOWriter_DocHasTableName-->_LOWriter_TableExists
Some functions would return an integer instead of an empty Array when no results were present when retrieving array of names or objects, this has been changed to return an empty array:
- _LOWriter_CharStylesGetNames
- _LOWriter_DocBookmarksGetNames
- _LOWriter_EndnotesGetList
- _LOWriter_FieldRefMarkList
- _LOWriter_FieldSetVarMasterFieldsGetList
- _LOWriter_FootnotesGetList
- _LOWriter_FrameStylesGetNames
- _LOWriter_ImagesGetNames
- _LOWriter_NumStylesGetNames
- _LOWriter_PageStylesGetNames
- _LOWriter_ParStylesGetNames
- _LOWriter_TablesGetNames
Modified _LOWriter_DocPrintersAltGetNames @Extended value when retrieving the default printer name, @Extended is now 1, instead of 2.
_LOWriter_DocRedoGetAllActionTitles now returns the number of results in @Extended value.
_LOWriter_DocUndoGetAllActionTitles now returns the number of results in @Extended value.
- Missing error return value descriptions in:
- _LOWriter_FootnoteGetAnchor
- _LOWriter_EndnoteGetAnchor
- _LOWriter_FrameGetAnchor
- _LOWriter_ImageGetAnchor
- Missing Includes in LibreOfficeWriter file.
- Ternary Operators missing Parenthesis in responses.
- Export extension was incorrect, "jjpe" --> "jpe"
- Spell Checked the comments and Headers.
- Spell Checked Examples
- Examples on Error now close any documents opened by the example.
- Missing parameters in Null keyword check for __LOWriter_TableBorder, causing errors in setting Table Horizontal and Vertical borders singly.
- Wrong error value in _LOWriter_CursorGetStatus for error while determining cursor type.
- Missing Parameters in some headers or Syntax header.
- Missing parameter type checks in some functions.
- Missing ExitLoop in __LOWriter_FieldsGetList causing unnecessary looping.
- Removed unused variables and parameters in some functions. Affected functions are as follows:
- _LOWriter_DocBookmarkModify -- removed $oDoc parameter.
- _LOWriter_FieldDelete -- removed $oDoc parameter.
- _LOWriter_FieldDocInfoEditTimeModify -- removed $oDoc parameter.
- _LOWriter_FieldSetVarMasterFieldsGetList -- removed $oDoc parameter.
- _LOWriter_DateFormatKeyDelete -- removed internal variable.
- _LOWriter_FormatKeyDelete -- removed internal variable.
- _LOWriter_ImageInsert -- removed internal variable, now uses ViewCursor directly to insert an Image.
- _LOWriter_NumStyleSetLevel -- removed $oDoc parameter.
- _LOWriter_DocHyperlinkInsert -- $bOverwrite parameter was not used in function.
- Transparency causing Color values to be returned that including the Alpha value, causing potentially unexpected results.
- Missing Data Type in _LOWriter_CursorGetDataType example.
- _LOWriter_DocCreateTextCursor would throw an error when creating a Text Cursor at the ViewCursor position.
- When any FieldsGetList functions were supposed to return a single dimension array, a two dimensional array was being returned.
- Incorrect usage of ObjEvent.
- _LOWriter_DocCreate would return if there was an error creating a property, instead of increasing the error count.
- _LOWriter_DocCreate could potentially return a Base Form document, as they have identical Service names.
- _LOWriter_DocConnect could potentially return a Base Form document, as they have identical Service names.
- __LOWriter_TransparencyGradientConvert would return a wrong Transparency value for certain percentages.
- LibreOffice version 7.6 introduced a new setting for gradients, which broke all gradient functions I had made. Implemented a fix to work with both the new version and the old.
- _LOWriter_DocPrintMiscSettings #2 example no longer worked after a change to how one of the functions worked.
- __LOWriter_GetShapeName had an error where a COM Error would be triggered each time it was called.
- Added missing example. _LOWriter_ImageExists
- $LOW_FIELD_TYPE_URL Constant. -- "" is a Calc-only Field type.
- Minor documentation adjustments.
- directive for Au3Check to each UDF file branch. (@mLipok)
- Image functions. (@donnyh13)
- _ImageAreaColor,
- _ImageAreaGradient,
- _ImageAreaTransparency,
- _ImageAreaTransparencyGradient,
- _ImageBorderColor,
- _ImageBorderPadding,
- _ImageBorderStyle,
- _ImageBorderWidth,
- _ImageColorAdjust,
- _ImageCrop,
- _ImageDelete,
- _ImageGetAnchor,
- _ImageGetObjByName,
- _ImageHyperlink,
- _ImageInsert,
- _ImageModify,
- _ImageOptions,
- _ImageOptionsName,
- _ImageReplace,
- _ImagesGetNames,
- _ImageShadow,
- _ImageSize,
- _ImageTransparency,
- _ImageTypePosition,
- _ImageTypeSize,
- _ImageWrap,
- _ImageWrapOptions
- Original LibreOffice UDF file split into individual elements, per specific usages. (@mLipok.)
- LibreOfficeWriter_Cell,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Char,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Constants,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Cursor,
- LibreOfficeWriter_DirectFormatting,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Doc,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Field,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Font,
- LibreOfficeWriter_FootEndNotes,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Frame,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Helper,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Images,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Internal,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Num,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Page,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Par,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Shapes,
- LibreOfficeWriter_Table.
- Renamed Constants:
- Examples layout and error checking cleaned up. (@mLipok.)
- Examples now work from their separate folder. (@mLipok.)
- Major editing of Header layout for every function. As well as several typo corrections and wordiness. (@mLipok) & (@donnyh13.)
- Constants are now all located in the separate Constants files. (@mLipok.)
- All files re-processed with TIDY. (@mLipok)
- Errors caused by residual function calls from filling in "Related" section of the header. (@mLipok.)
- _LOWriter_DocFindAllInRange,
- _LOWriter_DocGenPropTemplate.
- @mLipok and @donnyh13 began jointly working on this project. — Thanks to @mLipok for his tireless work cleaning up many things in this UDF.
- All Constants descriptions are moved to the Constants file. (@donnyh13)
- Added documentation and improved (@donnyh13)
- Added (@donnyh13)
- Added (@donnyh13)
- Added (@donnyh13)
- Added (@donnyh13)
- Added (@donnyh13)
Thanks @danp2 and @Sven-Seyfert. All above mentioned MD documents was based on adequate documents from
- Paragraph Object functions which allows the ability to copy and paste content without using the clipboard quickly. Thanks to user @Heiko for inspiration.
- _ParObjSelect,
- _ParObjCopy,
- _ParObjPaste,
- _ParObjDelete.
- _DocExecuteDispatch function, adding some shortcuts to certain commands, such as select all, copy/paste content to/from clipboard.
- _DocConvertTextToTable.
- _DocConvertTableToText.
- examples for the new functions.
- "Related" functions section for most function headers.
- Warning to _ShapesGetNames, about Images inserted in a document also being called "TextFrames".
- processing error check.
- _DocInsertString,
- _DocInsertControlChar.
- a missing Datatype for possible Cursor data position types, $LOW_CURDATA_HEADER_FOOTER, previously attempting to insert a content while the insertion point was located in a Header/Footer would have failed. — Thanks to user @Heiko for helping me locate this error. The affected functions are:
- _CursorGetDataType.
- _DocCreateTextCursor,
- _EndnoteInsert,
- _FootnoteInsert,
- _TableInsert,
- Renamed Name functions and examples for consistency.
- Removed "IsCollapsed" check and error from _DocGetString.
- _FramesListNames to have an option to search for Frames listed under shapes.
- _ShapesGetNames, Corrected an error that could occur if images are present.
- An error where a COM error would be produced when attempting to insert a string or control character in certain data types. — Thanks to user @Heiko for helping me locate this error.
- _DocInsertControlChar,
- _DocInsertString.
- UDF version number in the UDF Header.
- _DocReplaceAllInRange to have two methods of performing a Regular Expression find and replace.
- Removed the if/else block in $atFindFormat parameter checking.
- _DocReplaceAll,
- _DocReplaceAllInRange,
- _DocFindNext,
- _DocFindAll,
- _DocFindAllInRange.
- Method for skipping $atFindFormat and $atReplaceFormat, now uses an empty array called in each parameter to skip.
- _DocReplaceAll,
- _DocReplaceAllInRange.
- Updated function documentation to reflect the changes.
- Initial UDF Release.
for new features.Changed
for changes in existing functionality.Deprecated
for soon-to-be removed features.Fixed
for any bug fixes.Removed
for now removed features.Security
in case of vulnerabilities.Project
for documentation or overall project improvements.