Reference Code TEXT Automated To uniquely identify the item
Staff ID PICK Manual To identify the creator of the record
Date DATE Automated To identify the date of the creation of the record using YYYY-MM-DD format.
Creator TEXT Manual To identify the creator (or creators) of the item using standard names. Maintain directory of standard names to ensure consistency.
File Name TEXT Automated? The original name of the item. Maintaining original filenames preserves original order of recording or creation.
Recording Date and Time DATE TIME Manual? To identify when the item was captured using format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
Location TAG Manual To identify where the item was captured as specifically as possible using format province (city), town, neighbourhood. Maintain directory of Syrian locations including standard transliterations of placenames to ensure consistency.
Summary MEMO Manual To indicate the broad subject of the item.
Generation PICK Manual To indicate if the file is the original or a copy.
Existence & Location of Original MEMO Manual To indicate the existence, location, availability and/or destruction or loss of the original.
Edited? (Y/N) ANALYSIS PICK (Single) Manual To indicate if the item has been edited from a longer source.
Is this footage online? (Y/N) PICK (Single) Manual To indicate if there is an online copy of the item.
Online link TEXT Automated? To indicate where the online copy can be found.
Online title TEXT Automated? To indicate what the online copy is called.
File Size FLOAT Automated To identify the size of the item in kb
Duration TEXT Automated To identify the duration of the item using format hh:mm:ss
Date of acquisition DATE Automated? To identify the date of acquisition of the item using YYYY-MM-DD format.
Acquired from PICK (Single) Manual To identify the source of the item acquisition, using standard names.
Chain of Custody Notes MEMO Manual Free text to provide information on the history of the item that is significant for its authenticity, integrity and interpretation.
Date of fixity check DATE Automated The date of hash value creation using YYYY-MM-DD format.
MD5 hash value TEXT Automated To enable checks to ensure the file is intact and unaltered since last fixity check.
Content Type PICK (Single) Automated (if using MIME-TYPE) or Manual To identify the genre of the item using DCMI TYPE vocabulary. e.g. Image, sound, text.
Language(s) PICK (Multiple) Manual To identify the language(s), script(s) and symbol systems employed in the item. Include the appropriate ISO codes for language(s) (ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2 and ISO 15924). e.g. ara
Finding Aids ANALYSIS TEXT (Multiple) Manual To give information about any finding aids to the item (e.g. Contents list, transcripts etc.).
Description/Summary of item ANALYSIS MEMO Manual To enable users to judge the potential relevance of the item. Free text describing what is happening in the video/picture/recording, who is depicted, why it was recorded.
Is there graphic content? (Y/N) PICK Manual To indicate violent or gruesome content in the item.
Security Restriction Status PICK Manual To indicate if there are any restrictions on access to the item because of security concerns. e.g. uncovered faces of activists at risk.
Rights owner TEXT Manual To indicate who holds the rights over the item (Usually the creator)
Rights declaration PICK Manual Has the owner given consent to the use of their work?
Creator willing to be a witness in case footage is used as evidence for a legal case? (Y/N) PICK Manual To indicate if the creator is willing to cooperate with human rights investigators and lawyers in the future.
Priority of the footage ANALYSIS PICK Manual 4
Keywords ANALYSIS TAG Manual Keywords and tags to help in content searches.
Notes ANALYSIS MEMO Manual To provide information that cannot be accommodated in any of the other areas.
Device used PICK Automated What kind of device used to record the incident?
Weapons used ANALYSIS TAG Manual What kind of weapon used in the video?
Landmarks ANALYSIS TAG Manual such as schools, churches, mosques, bridges, stadiums, etc
Weather PICK Manual Condition of the weather in the date when the video was recorded.
Type of violation ANALYSIS PICK Manual Such as violation of children's rights, sexual and gender based violence, torture, etc.
Creator willing to witness? PICK Manual Is the evidence creator willing to witness in a court?