- German language translation added (Thank you to "hamperfait")
- Filters enabled on scannings based on menu or kind of attack
- WPS PIN database now is updated on startup updates too
- Return option now always at position 0 on all menus
- Removed --weak--hash-threshold option for hashcat 4.0.0 or higher
- Tested compatibility with Parrot 3.11
- Fixed aspect of network selection menu when network power is equal to -1
- Added 5Ghz full support (scans, attacks, card detection, etc.)
- Tested compatibility with Kali 2018.1, BlackArch 2017.12.11, Fedora 27, Gentoo 20180206, OpenSUSE 42.3 and Parrot 3.10
- Fixed error setting ESSID on some wash versions while scanning
- Fixed error on secondary interface selection menu for "DoS pursuit mode"
- Fixed error in Docker container on some host O.S.
- Fixed error message on offline Arcadyan PIN algorithm calculation
- Polish language translation added (Thank you to "dodg3rmaq")
- Added "DoS pursuit mode" on DoS attacks (including DoS used on Evil Twin attacks) to avoid AP channel hopping
- Tested compatibility with Parrot 3.9, BlackArch 2017.08.30 and Kali 2017.3
- Fixed error caused by Bettercap. Bug: https://github.com/evilsocket/bettercap/issues/356
- Arcadyan WPS PIN generation algorithm integrated
- Tested compatibility with Kali 2017.2 and Parrot 3.8
- WPS Bully bruteforce attack modified to use --sequential (-S) argument
- Added WPS offline PIN generation and database menu option
- Italian language translation added (Thank you to "salu90")
- Tested compatibility with Parrot 3.7, Fedora 26 and Wifislax 64-1.1
- Improved check for root permissions, now mandatory
- Fixed bug for some menu inputs using special chars. Now sanitized
- Code improvements, removed new shellcheck warnings
- Fixed bug launching BeEF Evil Twin attack twice
- Improved chipset detection
- New language and options menu
- Colorization, auto-update and startup language autodetection now can be enabled/disabled persistently from menu
- Language can be set permanently from menu even for next startup after an update
- New check using xset internal tool to check for a working X window system in order to avoid uncontrolled xterm errors
- Added hccapx support for hashcat 3.40 or higher
- Decrypted hashcat trophy files beautified
- Added confirm questions before attacks if no target selected
- WPA/WPA2 decrypted files using aircrack now have trophy file
- Some outputs colorized using ccze
- Added default choice for some yes/no question. Regexp improved
- Tested compatibility with Backbox 4.7 and Parrot 3.6
- Improved curl and wget methods. Now autodetect if http proxy is set and needed
- WPS Reaver attacks modified. Removed --auto (-a) argument causing problems on some Reaver versions
- Dockerfile updated
- Improved internet checking. Now ip address and host based methods
- Internet checking function splitted. Now separated from repository access
- Fixed error shown when handling interfaces without MAC address
- Tested compatibility with Ubuntu 17.04
- Fixed bug while changing interface mode if the destination interface name is in use
- Removed util-linux dependency for rev use
- The existing iptables rules before the launch of airgeddon are now restored upon exiting if modified
- Fixed bug while checking for NetworkManager's version on some linux distributions
- Tested compatibility with Kali Linux 2017.1 and Parrot 3.5
- Dockerfile updated
- New WEP attacks menu
- Added All-in-One WEP attack
- Fixed bug on Handshake capture validations
- Improved chipset detection, lsusb added to internal tools
- Improved internet checking. Now more methods, not only icmp
- Fixed error executing airgeddon after auto-update on some distros
- Added LICENSE.md and README.md files to Kali package
- Docker support added
- Default save path system detecting if executed in Docker container
- Fixed bug on network detection
- Fixed bug causing strange behaviour on some Linux handling optional_tools array
- Optional MAC spoofing added for all Evil Twin attacks
- Spoofed MAC addresses restored on exit
- Network selection menus now colorized
- Language strings now in a separated file for easy handling and translating
- Validation and self-downloading system for new language strings file
- Shebang changed to a more portable one
#!/usr/bin/env bash
- New extra-verbose debug mode added
- README.md major modifications
- Unexpected errors on wash scanning are controlled now
- Improved distro detection for some arm Linux
- New system for possible tool aliases checking the requirements
- Evil Twin attack added: Bettercap-Sslstrip2 and BeEF browser exploitation framework
- Option to manage custom BeEF location if manually installed and not found. Script polymorphism rewriting itself to make it persistent even after updates
- README.md beautified
- Colors changed. Now blocking errors in red
- License and changelog files updated to markdown format
- Updated minimum bash version check (v4.2)
- Tested compatibility with OpenSUSE 42.2 and Parrot 3.4.1
- Fixed error trying to download PIN db file on WPS attacks when curl isn't installed
- Timeout changed while searching for "bad FCS" to avoid problems in old systems
- WPS Reaver attacks modified to use --no-nacks (-N) argument
- Github issue template updated
- Check added to skip intro if not enough window size
- Tested compatibility with BlackArch 2016.12.29
- WPS default timeouts changed
- WPS parameterizable timeouts, users can decide how many seconds for each WPS attack
- More traps handled. Auto restore managed mode on interface after SIGINT/SIGHUP
- Fixed bug for wash scanning on reaver 1.5.3. Now new method works for all versions because the version doesn't care anymore
- Custom PIN, bruteforce and Pixie Dust WPS attacks integrated in new parser system
- Fixed bug for wash scanning on custom reaver 1.5.4 for Wifislax
- Some code improvements
- Integrated online PIN database for "known WPS PINs attack" (reaver and bully)
- Zhao Chunsheng WPS PIN generation algorithm integrated (ComputePIN)
- Stefan Viehböck WPS PIN generation algorithm integrated (EasyBox)
- Some language strings changed
- Fixed bug showing selected charset for hashcat v3.0 on bruteforce offline decrypt attack
- WPS bruteforce PIN attacks (reaver and bully)
- New system for arm architecture detection
- Compatibility extended to Parrot arm version on Raspberry Pi
- Some WPS attacks improvements
- Compatibility extended for hashcat v3.0 or higher
- WPS attacks menu added
- WPS scanning based on wash tool. Self-parametrization to avoid "Bad FCS" problem
- WPS Custom PIN association
- WPS Pixie Dust attacks integrated with reaver and bully
- Some code improvements
- Some code improvements and refactors. Warnings removed based on shellcheck tool
- README.md small modifications
- Fix on language menu selecting greek language
- Fixed problem on renew_ifaces_and_macs_list function when there are interfaces without MAC (like some tunnel interfaces)
- Now optionally on Evil Twin captive portal attack you can choose between to have internet access or to use a "dns trick"
- Fixed bug writing handshake files on some paths
- Added possibility to get back to Evil Twin main menu from the internet interface selection menu
- Evil Twin attack added: captive portal
- Some language strings changed
- Now initial forwarding state is restored on exit
- Fix for Linux which change interface name to a very different name while getting back to managed from monitor mode
- Portuguese translation updated (Thank you to "Luan")
- Paypal donate button added on README.md
- Bitcoin hash changed and bitcoin donate button added on README.md
- Tested compatibility with Kali Linux 2016.2
- Greek language translation added (Thank you to "xtonousou")
- Evil Twin attack added: with integrated sniffing using sslstrip
- Evil Twin control window beautified and optimized for small windows
- Russian language translation added (Thank you to "MiAl")
- Evil Twin attack added: with integrated sniffing
- Log parsing for Evil Twin attack with sniffing
- Some compatibility improvements for Raspberry Pi Raspbian Linux
- Additional check for systems which use airmon-zc, now checks for lspci to avoid errors
- Compatibility extended to OpenMandriva Linux
- Compatibility extended to Kali arm version on Raspberry Pi
- New windows sizes calculation method for better viewing even in small resolutions. Dynamic system
- Fixed bug restarting Network Manager on Arch Linux
- Fixed bug restarting Network Manager using debug mode on some distros
- Suggestion added about possible packet names after failing a dependency check
- Fixed bug cleaning temp files for Evil Twin attack
- Evil Twin attack added: Only AP to sniff with external sniffer
- Created under construction message for non finished menu options
- README.md beautified
- Screen resolution correction feature added for some distros
- Some minor improvements and bugfixes
- Screen resolution detection for optimal windows viewing
- Some language strings changed
- Deleted ods translations file. It was impractical
- Function created to generate dynamic separators on menus
- Some language strings changed
- Compatibility extended to Arch Linux
- Compatibility extended to Raspbian Linux for Raspberry Pi
- Additional check for systems which use airmon-zc, now checks for ethtool to avoid errors
- Portuguese language translation added
- Auto-update can be disabled using a var (useful for repositories versions)
- Auto change language feature can be disabled using a var
- Show network cards chipset while selecting interface
- Some language strings changed
- License updated to GPL3+
- Added Open Document SpreadSheet for easy translation to be used by collaborating translators
- System of prefixes and colors for hints and strings pending of translation [PoT]
- Improved regexp to get new interface names after a change
- Fixed bug managing paths containing blank spaces
- New feature, drag and drop files on console window to entering file paths
- New offline decrypting attacks based on cpu hashcat (dictionary, bruteforce and rule based)
- Debug mode for faster development skipping intro and initial checks
- Bash version check improved for future versions
- Exit script code changes to differentiate when script was interrupted
- Ascii art intro added on script startup (animated flying saucer!!)
- Bug fixed after putting card in monitor mode and the card name changed on some distros
- Compatibility extended to Gentoo, Fedora and Red Hat Linux
- Bug fixed relaunching script after donwload a new version
- Credits beautified
- Known compatible distros unified in one array
- "No check kill needed" feature method changed. Now based on Network Manager version
- Changes on rfkill method
- Bash version check simplified
- Bug with long interface names fixed
- Changed trap management, now with buffered messages
- Curl removed from essential tools. Now the script performs a separated check for update tools only used for auto-update
- Compatibility extended to CentOS Linux
- Check for root permissions after failed essential tools check
- Improved missing optional tools detection method and integration with menus
- Menu separator lines extracted to functions
- SIGTSTP trap now handled
- Minimum bash version check (v4)
- Some language strings changed
- Non Linux OS check added (Solaris, FreeBSD, OSX)
- Compatibility extended to OpenSUSE Linux
- README.md updated about Mac OSX incompatibility
- Improved OS language detection method
- Fixed bug in auto-update
- Compatibility extended to Cyborg Hawk Linux
- Needed tools divided, essential and optional. Script can run now with essential tools even without some of the optional tools
- Changed "No check kill needed" feature method. Now improved for Kali and Wifislax future versions
- Bug fixed while checking for updates on slow connections
- README.md beautified
- Cleaning handshake files now perform some checks to avoid corruption file problem
- Capture files are checked before cracking looking for Handshakes and easy targeting
- Fixed bug checking existence of files
- Auto-update feature. Script checks for newer version
- Some language strings changed
- New offline password decrypt menu
- Aircrack option to perform dictionary/bruteforce attacks against capture files
- Removed autoclean after capturing a Handshake file
- Changed version var to airgeddon_version for future version check (auto-update feature)
- Optional autoclean captured Handshake file feature
- Some language strings changed
- Restoring initial state of cards on exit feature
- "No check kill needed" feature added while putting card in monitor mode for some distros
- Fixed bug checking tools
- Cleaning tasks on exit
- Minor code refactor
- Some language strings changed
- Hint method improved
- Handshake tools menu added
- Handshake capture feature
- Handshake cleaning/optimizing feature
- Random helping hints added (regarding the script zone)
- New menus, new structure
- New Handshake features preparation (not working yet in this revision)
- Code normalization
- Catalan language translation added (Thank you to "El Padrino")
- Autodetect OS language feature added
- Some language strings changed
- French language translation added (Thank you to "kcdtv")
- Only one network autoselect bug fixed
- Compatibility extended to Parrot, Blackarch and Backbox Linux
- Essential tools check improved
- Distro compatibility check improved
- Iwconfig use fix based on version
- Pink color added
- Read "pause" functions now integrated with language strings
- Title generator extracted to function
- Improvements on colors
- Changelog order changed. New changes now upper
- Minor print fail in ascii art at credits fixed
- Disclaimer and requirements updated
- Some typo errors fixed
- Changes on compatibility check structure
- Ubuntu and Debian Linux compatibility check added
- Wifislax 64bits compatibility bug fixed
- Removed version from README.md file
- Changes to manage Wifislax airmon command in a better way
- More color features
- Compatibility check minor bug fixed
- Compatibility check at beginning to support more distros
- Changelog file added to project
- Interface detection method changed
- Fixed bug for Kali 2016.1
- Menu titles improvement
- Converted to UTF-8 enconding. Special spanish chars bug fixed
- Some minor code improvements
- Multilanguage support feature included
- English and Spanish languages added
- Code restructuration
- WIDS confusion attack added
- Old attacks menu included
- Traps managing feature
- Secondary xterm windows added
- Explore for targets feature included
- Code improvements
- Improved echo messages and colors
- Aireplay deauth attack included
- Monitor and managed options added
- Detect distro functionality included
- Kali and Wifislax Linux compatibility
- Rfkill added
- Initial commit