- Provision an Elastic Container Repository (ECR) via the AWS CLI command
- Create docker container images and push them to Elastic Container Repository
- Create file to provision ECS task definitions for Fargate
- Provision Fargate services for individual apps via AWS CLI command
- Provision Security Groups, Target Groups & Application Load Balancer via the AWS CLI
- Connect to provisioned Fargate cluster via Sessions Manager
- Created repositories for main app and both frontend & backend apps by setting the
env vars
and using the AWS CLI
aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com"
- Create docker images for each app and deployed them to corresponding ECRs. E.g. Backend-flask ECR with its latest image
- Cruddur-Python image
- In order for task definitions to be created, task roles had to be created with Trusted entities
Task Definitions
- Tasks (Running)
- Created Security Groups for the ECS Service
- Created Security Group for Load Balancer
- Using the Sessions Manager plugin in the AWS CLI, connection to each of the instances provisioned from the tasks was possible