Analyze RNA folding with randomization
Clone the repository and create the appropriate conda environment using the provided conda_env_from_history.yml
git clone [email protected]:moxgreen/rnaFoldRand.git rnaFoldRand;
cd rnaFoldRand;
conda env create -f conda_env_from_history.yml;
Activate the newely created environment:
conda activate rnaFoldRand_v0.1
Usage: N < STDIN.fasta.oneline
The nucleotides of each seqeunce in input is suffeld N times
The free energy of randomizzation is caclulated whit Vienna RNA fold.
Then is compared to the free energy of the true sequence.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-@ N, --num_threads=N
number of threads to use [default: 5]
-s S, --min_stdev=S if the stdev is 0.0, use S to compute z score
[default: 0.0001]
-p, --partfunc0 same as RNAfold -p0 [default: False]