Embera provides a simple caching interface in order to reduce server load requesting information to the providers. The engine is a simple file cache, so you need to add a writable folder.
To enable it use the following code as an example:
use Embera\Cache\Filesystem;
use Embera\Http\HttpClient;
use Embera\Http\HttpClientCache;
use Embera\Embera;
$writablePath = sys_get_temp_dir(); // Your writable Path
$duration = 60; // Duration of the cache in seconds
$httpCache = new HttpClientCache(new HttpClient());
$httpCache->setCachingEngine(new Filesystem($writablePath, $duration));
// Instantiate Embera
$embera = new Embera([], null, $httpCache);
// Do Your thing
use Embera\Cache\Filesystem;
use Embera\Http\HttpClient;
use Embera\Http\HttpClientCache;
use Embera\Embera;
$writablePath = sys_get_temp_dir(); // Your writable Path
$duration = 60; // Duration of the cache in seconds
$cache = new Filesystem($writablePath, $duration);