These are based on BattleTech 1.5x -- more work will be done after BattleTech 1.6 is out.
- AI doesn't seem to consider evasion from movement almost at all
- Evasion pips are vital to light/medium mech survival
- Maybe add an influence map factor similar to that for guarded
- AI is very disconnected between Movement and Attack
- Can decide to move to locations that allow for limited/no attacks
- Perhaps change the logic in tree to decide if will attack, and maybe if will attack, before doing movement
- Sensor Locking when it doens't strip any evasion and has LOS
- Logic for sensor lock seems very complicated and not effective
- To me, sensor lock decision is..
- Gain los if hiding or cannot gain LOS this turn
- Strip 2x evasion pips if 1x strip + the damage from attacks is outweighed, or if that mech is hiding or cannot engage this turn
- Lance level decisions are effectively nil, this is likely intentional
- Target coordination would go a long way -- this is all implicit right now
- Even just changing the order that mechs go in would be a large benefit
- "Aggressive" moves are straight toward the player's unit
- Only "defensive" moves use the influence map
- Does not consider anything other than a straight move
- Should consider a couple different locations using influence map
- AI will never wait in positions of advantage
- Unsure if this should be included, the purpose of the AI is to provide fun
- Handing of heat is very strange, with "acceptable heat"
- Simplification of this behavior, maybe acceptable damage/heat for different levels?
- Coolent Vent logic is only before an attack that would go above "acceptable heat"
- Most players will use coolent vent on cooldown when the extra heat capacity wouldn't be wasted
- Any other active abilities are not possible within the current framework of the game
- BraceNode
- MechStartUpNode
- StandNode
- SensorLockRecordedSensorLockTargetNode
- MeleeWithHighestPriorityEnemyNode
- ExecuteStationaryAttackNode
- ShootAtHighestPriorityEnemyNode
- MoveAlongRouteNode
- MoveTowardHighestPriorityMoveCandidateNode
- MoveInsideEncounterBoundsNode
- MoveToDestinationNode
- MoveToStayInsideRegionNode
- MoveTowardsHighestPriorityEnemyLastSeenLocationNode
- MoveTowardsHighestPriorityEnemyNode
- MoveTowardsHighestPriorityMoveCandidateNode
- ClaimInspirationNode
- ShootTrainingWeaponsAtTargetNode