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194 lines (175 loc) · 6.58 KB

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194 lines (175 loc) · 6.58 KB


In General

  • Be clear, engaging, pragmatic, and consistent


  • Chapters and Sections
    • Provide an overview at the beginning of each chapter
    • Be consistent in the structure of each section
      • Summary
      • Exercises
      • Scan the QR Code to Access Discussions
      • References (if any)
  • Environments
    • Use double quotes
  • Quotes
    • Use double quotes
  • Symbol Descriptions
    • timestep t(not t timestep)
  • Tools, Class, and Functions
    • Gluon, MXNet, NumPy, spaCy, NDArray, Symbol, Block, HybridBlock, ResNet-18, Fashion-MNIST, matplotlib
      • Consider these as words without accents (``)
    • Sequential class/instance, HybridSequential class/instance
      • Without accents (``)
    • backwardfunction
      • not backward() function
    • for loop
  • Terminologies
    • Consistently use
      • function (not method)
      • instance (not object)
      • weight, bias, label
      • model training, model prediction (model inference)
      • training/testing/validation dataset
      • data point/data instance/training example/testing example/example of the dataset
    • Distinguish:
      • hyperparameter vs parameter
      • minibatch stochastic gradient descent vs stochastic gradient descent
    • List
  • Writing numbers: text or numerals?
    • Use numerals when they are explaining or part of code or math. Otherwise refer to OWL
  • Acceptable abbreviations
    • MLP, CNN, RNN, GRU, LSTM, model names (e.g., ELMo, GPT, BERT)
    • We spell out full names in most cases to be clear (e.g., NLP -> natural language processing)


  • Be consistent in math format
  • Reference
    • the equation above/below (Equation numbering is to be consolidated by the Press)
    • the N equations above/below
  • Place punctuations within equations if necessary
    • e.g., comma and period
  • Assignment symbol
    • \leftarrow
  • Distiguish text numerals and mathematical numerals:
    • According to Donald E. Knuth:
      • Text numerals are numbers that are essentially part of the English language: "1776", "Chapter 5", "2 ways"
      • Mathematical numerals are numbers that are part of the mathematics: "$x$ is either $1$ or $-1$", "the greatest common divisor of $12$ and $18$ is $6$".


  • Software
    • Use OmniGraffle to make figures.
      • Export pdf (infinite canvas) in 100%, then use pdf2svg to convert to svg
        • ls *.pdf | while read f; do pdf2svg $f ${f%.pdf}.svg; done
      • Do not export svg directly from Omnigraffle (font size may slightly change)
  • Style
    • Size:
      • Horizontal:<= 400 pixels (limited by page width)
      • Vertical:<= 200 pixels (exceptions may be made)
    • Thickness:
      • StickArrow
      • 1pt
      • arrow head size: 50%
    • Font:
      • Arial (for text), STIXGeneral (for math), 9pt(subscripts/superscripts:6pt)
      • Do not italicize numbers or parentheses in subscripts or superscripts
    • Color:
      • Blue as background (text is black)
        • (Try to avoid) Extra Dark:3FA3FD
        • Dark:66BFFF
        • Light:B2D9FF
        • (Try to avoid) Extra Light: CFF4FF
  • Be careful about copyright
  • Reference
    • e.g., Figure 7.1 (manually)
  • matplotlib


  • Each line must have <=78 characters (limited by page width)
  • Use to encapsulate classes/functions that are repetitively used
    • Give full implementation when it is used for the first time
  • Python
  • To save space, put several assignments on the same line
    • e.g, num_epochs, lr = 5, 0.1
  • Be consistent in variable names
    • num_epochs
      • number of epochs
    • num_hiddens
      • number of hidden units
    • num_inputs
      • number of inputs
    • num_outputs
      • number of outputs
    • net
      • model
    • lr
      • learning rate
    • acc
      • accuracy
    • During iterations
      • features:X
      • labels:y, y_hat or Y, Y_hat
      • for X, y in data_iter
    • Data sets:
      • features:features or images
      • labels:labels
      • DataLoader instance:train_iter, test_iter, data_iter
  • Comments
    • Add period at the end of comments.
    • For clarity, surround variable names with accents, e.g., # shape of X
  • imports
    • import alphabetically
    • from mxnet.gluon import data as gdata, loss as gloss, nn, utils as gutils
  • Print outputs
    • epoch, lr, loss, train acc, time
    • Around 5 lines
  • Print variables
    • if possible use x, y instead of print('x:', x, 'y:', y) at the end of the code block
  • String
    • Use single quotes
  • Other items
    • nd.f(x)x.nd
    • random_normalrandom.normal
    • multiple imports
    • .11.0
      1. 1.0
    • remove namescope


  • Refer to d2lbookhow to add references for figure, table and equations.

QR Code


  1. Run pip install git+
  2. Use bibtool to generate consistent keys for bibtex entries. Install it by brew install bib-tool
  3. Add an bibtex entry to d2l.bib on the root directory. Say the original entry is
  title={The sequence memoizer},
  author={Wood, Frank and Gasthaus, Jan and Archambeau, C{\'e}dric and James, Lancelot and Teh, Yee Whye},
  journal={Communications of the ACM},
  1. Run bibtool -s -f "%3n(author).%d(year)" d2l.bib -o d2l.bib. Now the added entry will have consistent keys. And as a side-effect, it'll appear in alphabetically sorted order relative to all other papers in the file:
@Article{	  Wood.Gasthaus.Archambeau.ea.2011,
  title		= {The sequence memoizer},
  author	= {Wood, Frank and Gasthaus, Jan and Archambeau, C{\'e}dric
		  and James, Lancelot and Teh, Yee Whye},
  journal	= {Communications of the ACM},
  volume	= {54},
  number	= {2},
  pages		= {91--98},
  year		= {2011},
  publisher	= {ACM}
  1. In the text, use the following to cite the added paper: