- local mac OS install, R 4.0.0
- ubuntu 16.04 (on github actions), R-devel, R 4.0.0, R 3.6.3, 3.5.3, R 3.4.4, R 3.3.3
- mac OS 10.15.4 (on github actions) R-devel, R 3.6.0
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 10.0.17763 (on github actions) R 4.0.0
- win-builder (devel)
0 errors v | 0 warnings v | 0 notes v
R CMD check succeeded
We checked 2397 reverse dependencies (2104 from CRAN + 293 from BioConductor), comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
- We saw 54 new problems
- We failed to check 92 packages
Newly failing R packages are listed below. We have been working on this release for nearly two months now, and every maintainer has been notified at least 3 times, the last several times with an explicit offer of help if needed. Unfortunately I don't think there's anything more we can do from our end, but we're happy to keep working with the maintainers on fixes.
- amt
- cattonum
- CollapseLevels
- cvms
- ddpcr
- disk.frame
- DLMtool
- docxtools
- driftR
- easyr
- eda4treeR
- egor
- episheet
- expstudies
- fabletools
- fingertipscharts
- foieGras
- geometr
- geomnet
- getTBinR
- ggedit
- gratia
- HaDeX
- healthcareai
- idmodelr
- lans2r
- LexisNexisTools
- mmetrics
- neuropsychology
- opentripplanner
- pammtools
- photosynthesis
- pmdplyr
- rabhit
- ratPASTA
- rsample
- saotd
- sergeant
- simglm
- skynet
- strapgod
- StratigrapheR
- tidyjson
- tidyRSS
- tidystats
- tidystopwords
- tree.bins
- treeplyr
- vcfR
- vpc
- yamlet
- ACDm (NA)
- ADMMsigma (NA)
- airGR (NA)
- arrow (NA)
- BAS (NA)
- bayesammi (NA)
- BayesPostEst (NA)
- bigsnpr (NA)
- BivRec (NA)
- bkmr (NA)
- BradleyTerryScalable (NA)
- brunnermunzel (NA)
- bsam (NA)
- carat (NA)
- CaseBasedReasoning (NA)
- CB2 (NA)
- circumplex (NA)
- clustermq (NA)
- colorednoise (NA)
- concurve (NA)
- corrcoverage (NA)
- Countr (NA)
- cpr (NA)
- crawl (NA)
- dann (NA)
- DataVisualizations (NA)
- DepthProc (NA)
- dexter (NA)
- dodgr (NA)
- downscaledl (NA)
- dscore (NA)
- dtwclust (NA)
- dynfrail (NA)
- exuber (NA)
- fable (NA)
- fastLink (NA)
- fourierin (NA)
- gap (NA)
- gastempt (NA)
- GenomicMating (NA)
- geodiv (NA)
- goldi (NA)
- graphicalVAR (NA)
- heatwaveR (NA)
- idefix (NA)
- iRF (NA)
- joineRML (NA)
- lpirfs (NA)
- mfbvar (NA)
- miceFast (NA)
- MixMatrix (NA)
- momentuHMM (NA)
- MonetDBLite (NA)
- morse (NA)
- mrgsolve (NA)
- NobBS (NA)
- openair (NA)
- partition (NA)
- pccc (NA)
- phase1PRMD (NA)
- phenofit (NA)
- phyr (NA)
- PLNmodels (NA)
- pomp (NA)
- PPforest (NA)
- psychmeta (NA)
- psychonetrics (NA)
- qgraph (NA)
- quanteda (NA)
- quokar (NA)
- qwraps2 (NA)
- rbridge (NA)
- registr (NA)
- resautonet (NA)
- RxODE (NA)
- sarima (NA)
- scanstatistics (NA)
- SimBIID (NA)
- simts (NA)
- SpaCCr (NA)
- stcos (NA)
- telefit (NA)
- TestDimorph (NA)
- ToxicoGx (NA)
- VarSelLCM (NA)
- vlad (NA)
- walker (NA)
- weibulltools (NA)