Releases: mylinuxforwork/dotfiles
Releases · mylinuxforwork/dotfiles
- Add full waypaper features with waypaper 2.3. Brings back swww support including animations.
- App Menu icon can be hidden from the ML4W Settings App
- Setup script optimize the keybindings if french keyboard layout (fr) is selected
- ML4W apps will be now installed into the linux file system
- AGS calendar widget moved from sidebar into own widget. Opens with click on clock module in waybar
- settings.json removed and moved all settings into dedicated files in ~/.config/ml4w/settings/
- New standard animation configuration
- Quicklinks Module can be hidden from the ML4W Settings App
- ML4W Dotfiles now available as AUR: ml4w-hyprland (latest release) and ml4w-hyprland-git (rolling release with latest commits)
- ~/dotfiles-versions folder renamed to ~/.ml4w-hyprland
- Switch between bash and zsh from the ML4W Welcome App (Settings -> System -> Change shell)
- New modular and extendable bashrc structure in ~/.config/bashrc
- .bashrc_custom moved into folder ~/.config/bashrc/bashrc_custom
- New modular and extendable zshrc structure in ~/.config/zshrc
- Gnome Calculator (SUPER+CTRL+C) and Emoji Picker Smile (SUPER+CTRL+C) added (Can be changed in the ML4W Dotfiles Settings App)
- Add Swapsplit keybinding: SUPER + K
- Folder and filename format for screenshots can be defined in and in ~/.config/ml4w/settings/
- The installer detects the AUR Helper in use. You can use paru instead of yay by installing paru and add paru to ~/.config/ml4w/settings/
- The folder name and location of the dotfiles folder can be now individual defined during the update and installation.
- You can copy the dotfiles folder to another location and rename it. The folder can the be activated with the ML4W Welcome App.
- The installation and update steps can be fully automated with the new script.
- Backlight module to waybar for laptop users added.
- Post Installation Script added. Will be executed once after the first installation to install needed packages like xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
- New wallpaper effects added. Right click on waybar wallpaper icon
- EWW replaced with AGS. New ML4W Sidebar based on AGS
- New and installation scripts.
- Flatpak installation option to the installation script #43
- Position of dunst can be changed in the ML4W Dotfiles App
- Screenshot script based on grimblast.
- New screenshot editor pinta added to package list. Editor can be changed in teh ML4W Dotfiles app and in dotfiles/.settings/
- ML4W .bashrc can be extended by adding a file .bashrc_custom in your home directory to create custom aliases and more
- Adding Missioncontrol as new systeminfo app
- New animation variation animations-dynamic.conf. Requires some resources and is therefore not recommended for installations on virtual machines or slower systems. Can be selected in the ML4W Dotfiles Settings app.
- New repository folder structure. All configuration dotfiles are now separated from the installer in the folder dotfiles