FormKit.m is a library that helps building forms with a table view.
It also handles synchronization of data between your model and the view (cells) when the user makes edits.
This library is extracted from BaseKit.
Copy FormKit dir into your project.
Or with Cocoapods
pod 'FormKit.m', :git => "", :tag => "0.2.0"
self.formModel = [FKFormModel formTableModelForTableView:self.tableView navigationController:self.navigationController];
[FKFormMapping mappingForClass:[Movie class] block:^(FKFormMapping *mapping) {
[mapping sectiontWithTitle:@"Information section" identifier:@"info"];
[mapping mapAttribute:@"title" title:@"Title" type:FKFormAttributeMappingTypeText];
[mapping mapAttribute:@"releaseDate" title:@"ReleaseDate" FKFormAttributeMappingTypeDate];
[mapping mapAttribute:@"suitAllAges" title:@"All ages" type:FKFormAttributeMappingTypeBoolean];
// Read-only field
[mapping mapAttribute:@"shortName" title:@"ShortName" type:FKFormAttributeMappingTypeLabel];
[mapping mapAttribute:@"numberOfActor" title:@"Number of actor" type:FKFormAttributeMappingTypeInteger];
[mapping mapAttribute:@"content" title:@"Content" type:FKFormAttributeMappingTypeBigText];
// Select fields using a picker or pushing a selection view controller
[formMapping mapAttribute:@"choice"
selectValuesBlock:^NSArray *(id value, id object, NSInteger *selectedValueIndex){
*selectedValueIndex = 1;
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"choice1", @"choice2", nil];
} valueFromSelectBlock:^id(id value, id object, NSInteger selectedValueIndex) {
return value;
} labelValueBlock:^id(id value, id object) {
return value;
[mapping buttonSave:@"Save" handler:^{
[self.formModel registerMapping:mapping];
[self.formModel loadFieldsWithObject:movie];
[formMapping validationForAttribute:@"title" validBlock:^BOOL(NSString *value, id object) {
return value.length < 10;
} errorMessageBlock:^NSString *(id value, id object) {
return @"Text is too long.";
The biggest change is that classes are now prefixed with FK
instead of BK
FormKit is ARC only and requires iOS 5.
- Master branch
Bruno Wernimont
- Twitter - @brunowernimont
- Reiner Pittinger - @rpitting